Mono Black Eldrazi-(3-0 FNM Seven Times) BFZ
SCORE: 139 | 176 COMMENTS | 41888 VIEWS | IN 133 FOLDERS
poshakitoo says... #2
For the Life loss, i think Kalitas is more than enough. I think the problem is the speed only, i would like to put some Live Fast since that card give me cards, and some energys for Aether Hub. If life is the problem Essence Extraction could easily replace Disregardsm but you will lose some sinergy. Really, i felt i lost with this deck only because i suck :D, but a nice improvement would be nice!
October 25, 2016 4:46 p.m.
ChuzoWerewolf316 says... #4
Hey dude, great deck, I liked so much, I made my own version with a little modifications, work really great in the kaladesh game day give me the 2nd place and victory vs Grixis control, delirium and r/w veicles, but I come for an opinion by the expert and searching for help for side deck.
I try to use only colorless cards or devoid cards cause in my test, many times I have only one basic swamp, and the double black symbol in cards like Grasp of darkness or Ruinous Path represent a really problem :(
I put a Grip of desolation in the side but I think the side could be better, I thinking too in a Void Winnower or something like Dread Defiler, visions of brutality or gruesome slaughter but I dont really know what the deck needs...
If you can give some idea or opinion will be really apreciated :3
October 29, 2016 2:12 a.m.
So jamesfiek going forward I might be doing this decklist instead, as aggro decks can be a problem I get to use Authority of the Consulate and have access to more exile such as Declaration in Stone, and other cards like Kambal, Consul of Allocation in the sideboard for control decks and Eldrazi Displacer to make better use of the etb effects.I have also added a Liliana, the Last Hope as a 1x of in the deck just since I now own one, then Warping Wail to the sideboard but I'm still a little unsure if it will be useful enough.
Anyways do you you have any suggestions for helping me get this deck down to 60 cards, with a 15 card sideboard? Any and all help is appreciated!
W/B Eldrazi Control
November 17, 2016 11:54 a.m.
I got first place for Fnm with your deck jamesfiek, although I somehow forgot to re add my Aether Hubs though that were previously in another deck, so I threw in some other cards.
I faced this Izzet control deck game 1, then a Jeskai control deck game 2, and Grixis control game 3.
My third match wow that was intense, I was facing a Grixis control deck by the player who won the last Kaladesh game day. Those matches were all very, very long. I won the first after overpowering him with several Thought-Knot Seers, Reality Smasher's etc. He could remove all of them fast enough.
Second match I was forced to mulligan down to a hand of 4, because none of the other were usable. I lost after having to skip 7 consecutive turns where I did nothing besides playing 1 swamp turn 1. While my opponent had to actually start discarding cards because all he had was instants to target anything I tried to do. He won with a Torrential Gearhulk eventually.
Game 3 was by far the longest, and I had witnessed a rediculously high amount of counterspells, I had 4 of my Eldrazi countered in a row... So by that point I figured lets just keep skipping, and he did the same back and forth and eventually I had access to 13 mana because of this. It was quite annoying to see my Void Winnower get countered by a Ceremonious Rejection on one of these turns. I managed to win eventually by exiling all 4 of his Gearhulks, one from a Thought-Knot Seer, one from a Gonti, Lord of Luxury, which is my own personal addition to the sideboard to combat the over abundance of control decks, and by amazing luck I drew a card from Sea Gate Wreckage on my opponents end step and it was an Oblivion Sower, then on my turn I drew a second. I cast both and ended up exiling his 2 remaining gearhulks and not long after winning.
November 25, 2016 8:56 p.m.
Congrats! That's great to hear. Gonti is a pretty sweet card.
November 26, 2016 11:40 p.m.
I also went to standard showdown, I didn't at all do as well because I went Loss, Loss, Win.
My first opponent had a G/R Aetherworks deck which he has nearly entirely foiled out!
This type of deck I found is a really bad matchup, although it didn't help I had a really slow start game 1. I managed to exile an Emrakul, the Promised End from his hand turn 4 with a Thought-Knot Seer, only to have it get killed by a Chandra, Torch of Defiance. Next turn he played an Aetherworks and at first he didn't find an Eldrazi, but the second time 3 turns later he got an Emrakul, the Promised End out. I cannot believe I had 3 Blighted Fens and 3 Shrine of the Forsaken Gods out when he resolved the emrakul and yet I had not even 1 swamp!! This time I even had the Aether Hubs back but I never drew any of them either, while I had 2x Bearer of Silence, a Gonti, Lord of Luxury, a Liliana, the Last Hope which is just another personal little addition until I can finish my G/B delirium deck, and 2x Transgress the Minds in hand.
Game 2 I just couldn't kill him fast enough, Woodweaver's Puzzleknot gave him some extra life, and he played an Ishkanah, Grafwidow with all of its little spiders. It makes Bearer of Silence and Blighted Fen quite hard to hit an Eldrazi Titan with. I couldn't in time stop an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger from being played to finish me off.
Game 2 I kept a hand that had 3 swamps, and 2 Shrine of the Forsaken Gods plus a Complete Disregard, I took it because I was worried about after getting no black mana previously and I knew who I was facing was playing a U/B zombie deck, and so I thought well zombies are a Little slow at times so just maybe I can hold out until I draw some Eldrazi. But he played a turn 1 Cryptbreaker, followed by a turn 2 Smuggler's Copter, followed by a turn 3 Voldaren Pariah Flip after attacking with his Smuggler's Copter. Then I exiled the Voldaren Pariah Flip, played a Thought-Knot Seer, and he had nothing I could exile, then on his turn he killed it with a Grasp of Darkness and after attacking it has his copter played another Voldaren Pariah Flip. I couldn't deal with these fliers and lost.
Game 2 I could do nothing against a Liliana, the Last Hope which he went about using her ultimate right away, I tried to kill it with a Reality Smasher just to have that returned to my hand by a Just the Wind of all cards and I couldn't stop it. I used one of my Kalitas, Traitor of Ghets, followed by a Flaying Tendrils next turn, but after that he killed Kalitas and not surprisingly overwhelmed me with the zombies..
Game 3 was another G/R Aetherworks deck although I managed to win this time around although the first match took us like 30 or more minutes and he almost milled himself by this point. Again lots of extra life from puzzleknots, and Ishkanah, Grafwidows with delirium, but I killed these all with my Reality Smashers and over time started to exile all of his win conditions. Game 2 I could have lost, after he resolved an Emrakul, but I had 3x Bearer of Silences ready in hand. He cast all of these normally, but couldn't do anything about my Blighted Fen that was already in play and not long after I won.
My showdown packs were lame though, I got an Impetuous Devils, a foil Kaladesh common, and another shadows over Innistrad bulk rare, then my other showdown pack was just a Fleetwheel Cruiser and another bulk foil. The best things anyone got was an Ob Nixilis Reignited and then an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger from someone else.
It looks like I'm going to have to splash white for Anguished Unmaking and Stasis Snare after all.
November 27, 2016 12:39 p.m.
dougieefrescoo says... #9
I feel like Bane of Bala Ged would be great in the main deck, not sure where you would add it though.
November 29, 2016 10:17 a.m.
Yeah that card is a tough call, Oblivion Sower is good for me at least because it's harder to kill by all of the removal I face in my local meta and it is very useful when it exiles something important to all of the G/R Aetherworks decks I face. Torrential Gearhulk can be annoyance, and I still remember the time I drew one on my opponents end step from Sea Gate Wreckage and drew yet another Oblivion Sower on my turn, I then cast both to exile my opponents last 2/4 Torrential Gearhulks. I find these control decks an annoyance as they all use Ceremonious Rejection, etc.
Even though this is not my deck dougieefrescoo, I have built a very close copy to it with just some tiny changes to make it better for my local gamestore, and I might however just consider that card in the near future, although I'm not sure what could be taken out.
November 29, 2016 11:47 a.m.
happygilmore511 says... #11
My LGS is almost entirely bg delirium. How's that matchup?
November 30, 2016 5:21 p.m.
Sunrunner663 says... #12
Just won the Standard Showdown 2-0, 2-0, 2-1 today. Last match was incredible, my opponent had the Chandra Emblem in play and I was down to 1 HP. Anyways, he was depending on his Top-Deck as I demolished his hand before, and he missed the spell to finish, so I could come back and win. And the deck is not even 100 % complete yet, still missing some sideboard cards, 2 Transgress and 1 Oblivion Sower. Can't wait for the next FNM!
happygilmore511 I personally had the feeling that it's a good matchup, as long as Delirium is not having it's ideal aggro start (Grim Flayer --> Liliana --> Mindwrack Demon) with Delirium Turn 3. As soon as you get to the mid/late game, Eldrazi will win.
December 3, 2016 7:44 p.m.
Hey Sunrunner663, guess what happened at my standard showdown event.
It was such a disappointment... For standard showdown I won the raffle for one of the 3 remaining showdown packs along with 2 others. I went 1-2 because I had to mulligan down to 3 because of literally next to no lands, with this exact same deck here against G/R Aetherworks and so all I will say is it didn't end well, then a similar thing game 3 against an aggro deck.
These were the remaining packs left as everyone else got theirs. I was about to go with the first pack that was being hold out towards me, but I at the last moment decided to go with the second, middle one. The first pack was a Watery Grave expedition while mine was a foil Reckless Bushwhacker...
December 3, 2016 8:42 p.m.
Gilgamesh150 says... #14
Have you thought about running Hedron crawlers for ramp?
December 6, 2016 8:36 p.m.
Yeah, but they do nothing late game and they don't do quite enough early game.
December 7, 2016 9:03 a.m.
Sunrunner663 says... #16
Delta-117 Well that sounds annoying. That's why I don't like boosters that much as prices, even the worst player can get a far better reward than the best one.
Lost one match at my last Showdown-Event against R/B Aggro, probably just because I sideboarded bad. Should have used even more removal than I did.
December 13, 2016 2:28 p.m.
The last Standard Showdown pack I pulled an Expedition Wasteland.
December 13, 2016 2:30 p.m.
Now unfortunately since my lgs was doing a new time for the event we even didn't get enough people as some were still working, to even start the third standard showdown sadly.
However those go towards next weeks prizes.
December 13, 2016 9:31 p.m.
Hamster2558 says... #19
I would suggest replacing one Aether Hub with a Swamp.
December 15, 2016 9:03 a.m.
BlackishLotus says... #20
How does this deck not get crushed by aggro decks such as R/B aggro/zombies or any vehicle variants? It seems like you have very little early game interaction and would just have titans stuck in your hand. As well how have you been supporting 5-10 drops on 24 lands? Seems like it should be about 26 to get that consistently.
December 15, 2016 6:40 p.m.
You have to remember this deck was first made 10 months ago by jamesfiek. Vehicles and what not were not around, the sideboard gives you more options to deal with aggro. Also important to note is the fact Shrine of the Forsaken Gods is in this deck as a 4 of, and the use of Oblivion Sower.
December 15, 2016 7:06 p.m.
Yeah, I don't really play this deck anymore, but when I did it crushed bant company half of the time and just couldn't get going the other half. I played a little bit against the vehicle aggro and it preforms fine if played correctly. It also consistently hits 5-8 lands typically each game. The Kozilek and Void Winnower mainly there for Titan's Presence, but they have proved useful in long game matchups.
December 16, 2016 9:05 a.m.
Sunrunner663 says... #23
Solution against Vehicle aggro? Removal, removal and more removal. Also Kalitas is really helpful. Still, this is not an ideal matchup of course. But I managed to find a way to handle most aggro decks in our LGS.
December 26, 2016 7:54 a.m.
BlackishLotus says... #24
Seems like this deck has and had trouble with every top tier deck during its standard existence. Can't beat CoCo, vehicles, flash or Aetherworks. Some changes might be needed.
December 26, 2016 7:14 p.m.
poshakitoo says... #25
Like every other brewed deck, obviously you have to make some adjustments for your local meta.
Jimbotten says... #1
May add a 2nd Maw mainboard in place of 1 sower, keeping the 3rd in the sideboard. I've had success with this below average card. It works like Siege Rhino minus the trample.
October 25, 2016 3:12 p.m.