Yeah I've gone right ahead and removed Caress of Phyrexia for card:Tezzeret's Gambit and I will play around with the Contagion clasps in place of some instant removal, see how that turns out.
Definitely going to try and get Inkmoth Nexus in here but that'll have to be a gradual thing to see if I can trade for them since I don't have the money to buy them straight away. Thanks for the advice!
December 30, 2011 11:14 a.m.
I don't know what your area FNM has been playing, but Virulent Wound is awesome against illusions, other infect decks/Inkmoth Nexus , and the several one toughness creatures/tokens.
Also, I used despise to get rid of Gideon Jura and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite . They did the trick and more. I decided to keep it main deck because it stops any creature or planeswalker for one mana, which was really good against titans. This allows the Doom Blade /Go for the Throat to be held when needed most.
December 30, 2011 11:24 a.m.
Yeah I'm running Virulent Wound in the sideboard for that very reason, I just think that the direct kill spells are more versatile to use in mainboard.
I don't really know the meta I'll be playing in yet to be perfectly honest; hopefully going to my first FNM in a few weeks once I have the cards for this! :D I'll bear Despise in mind as well, although that will probably depend on what the meta turns out like.
Thanks for all the advice, keep it coming!
December 30, 2011 3:51 p.m.
I just saw your post about needing help with beating RDW. Is there a specific build of RDW that you're having problems with in your metagame? Goblins (weenies), Stromkirk Noble (another weenie before he starts dealing damage), Stormblood Berserker (only good if they damage you first), Shrine of Burning Rage (a major problem), and card:Chandra's Phoenix (can be a nuisance, but not a major problem like the shrine) are all cards that are popular in RDW currently.
You are running a very heavy aggro deck, but against RDW, it isn't going to get the job done unless you get a Phyrexian Crusader out, and even then, their shrine can kill it. The Spellskite is nice, but you're still taking 2 damage to retarget a burn spell towards spellkite, so that's no big deal for RDW. I'd suggest going a little more control so that you can get rid of the cards that are going to cause you problems. Check out my mono-black infect control deck for more ideas, deck:the-infecticons. I use my removal package and Distress to get rid of any threats on the board or in my opponent's hand, and I sideboard Memoricide to exile their major threats in games 2 and 3 if I feel that I cannot deal with them using my current mainboard.
January 2, 2012 7:22 p.m.
I just read your last post where you stated you don't know what's going on in your current meta. Sorry about asking that. But the cards I talked about are popular in RDW. Essentially, mainboarding Virulent Wound is great against goblins, vampires, white weenies, werewolves, and every 1 toughness creature in general (and there are A LOT of 1 toughness creatures out there right now). You should consider putting some in the main deck and not only in just the sideboard.
January 2, 2012 7:31 p.m.
In play testing it's not been the goblin builds but the builds running Stromkirk Noble , Stormblood Berserker , card:Chandra's Phoenix and Shrine of Burning Rage that have been causing me difficulties.
I've mainboarded in some Virulent Wound as per your suggestion and will probably find space for another in main, thanks for all the advice!
January 3, 2012 7:47 a.m.
I think you could reduce the amount of creatures and go with more instants.
January 4, 2012 9:56 a.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #9
I think you should -1 skithiryx and + 1 Hand of the Praetors . If 3 works for you then I wouldn't change it. I just think that dropping a hand of praetors on turn 4 consistantly would be helpful
January 4, 2012 10:06 a.m.
braccobaldi says... #10
Mmm, i suggest to concentrate much more on giving poison counter, instead of using discard cards, but i think it's useful after the way, i like it +1
if you want, comment my deck here
troufas says... #1
Haven't playtested it but it seems good!
My suggestions:1) remove 1xDoom Blade and 1xGo for the Throat in place of 2x Contagion Clasp . Proliferate is good even if you have 1 poison counter on the opponent plus you get removal too.
2) Maybe consider 1-2x card:Tezzeret's Gambit over 1-2x Caress of Phyrexia . You can both get a card advantage and increase poison count (plus contagion Clasp count) for 2 less mana
3) if you aren't going for budget, then 4xInkmoth Nexus is a must.
December 30, 2011 11:02 a.m.