This deck is a seemingly far-fetched update to Tolarian Community College's budget mono-black Aggro deck. The deck is now semi-budget... (IMHO, I wouldn't want to dump $130 into a standard deck in general). Also the current mana curve is slightly messy, any recommendations to fix that are super helpful. Also, TappedOut why you do the non-legality of new sets thing, PLEASE STOP.
Eight one drop Aggro creatures are essential i.e.
Mardu Shadowspear
, and Bloodsoaked Champion. the deck relies on early game tempo to power through the late game with the help of removal.
Blood-Chin Rager
gives your tiny warriors menace, great evasion for early game. Despoiler of Souls is a powerful two drop who plays the role as a threatening early game body. Drana, Liberator of Malakir is a ridiculously powerful BFZ legendary. Evasion and first strike is fantastic. remember that swinging through and punching your enemy before your other creatures deal damage gives them the counters from Drana and increases how much they deal. It also makes them very hard to block without repercussion, especially with multiple Drana attacks, if you're opponent isn't dead by that point,
Mardu Strike Leader
starts as a large creature and pumps out pressure.
Erebos's Titan
is one of the deck's most important creatures. It defeats Siege Rhino and is bonkers at four mana.
Ob Nixilis Reignited
gives you some life gain and extra removal which often helps. Worst case scenario he's a five mana kill spell who lingers for other effects.
Other Spells and Sideboard:
Foul-Tongue Shriek is great, falling behind on life? No problem. Need to get in that last bit of damage you need to win the game? No problem. Try saving multiple shrieks against decks with more blockers. Attacking with a few Shadowspears and double shrieking is ten or so damage directly to their face. Duress is good cheap hand control, and Transgress the Mind can replace duress against midrange.
Aligned Hedron Network
works well against slower decks too. Damn, removal just doesn't hit siege rhino does it? Oh yeah, one card does. Murderous Cut, the classic. We have two on mainboard for stuff like Rhino and anything else that needs to die.
Ultimate Price
is standard in standard right now, and a single mainboarded Virulent Plague will surprise Jeskai and Thopters in your first match. Two more are sideboarded for consistency on games two and three. Self-Inflicted Wound is on sideboard for the Abzan/Morphs matchup, and finally,
Ruinous Path
, sorcery Hero's Downfall.