Sorcery (4)

Unknown (3)

  • 3x Mogis's Marauders




Bloodsoaked Champion - One drop 2/1 is a MUST HAVE in aggro, early damage, and this keep coming back if it dies.

Tormented Hero - Bloodsoaked Champion's hard punching partner in crime, can deal 8 damage on turn two with Molting Snakeskin and/or Boon of Erebos

Master of the Feast - Turn 3 5/5 flyer, can't complain about a massive tempo swing in an otherwise slow format.

Spiteful Returned - basically a two drop 3/1 that guarantees two damage, very powerful to bestow on any creature on your side of the field.

Squelching Leeches - only two of these bad boys, if the game goes long these suckers (pun intended) come in and finish the game.

Mogis's Marauders - Whats a better win con then attacking with all your creatures when none can be blocked? Not to mention a natural Hasty 2/2


Bile Blight - Cheap removal, good against Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Empty the Pits .

Murderous Cut - Usually cheap removal, and now my creatures do not go to waste.

Boon of Erebos - Combat tricks up the arse, Save from a kill spell, save from being block by Courser of Krupix (Not to mention it allows you to kill it) and again turn 2 8 damage.


Sign in Blood - Can be used to cycle through your deck or two kill your foes, pick your poison (this is good poison.)


Molting Snakeskin - Buffs and saves your creatures (and again, potential 8 damage on turn two)



Mogis's Marauders - If your up against aggro throw these in to get past their blockers.

Spiteful Returned - More bestow in case of lots of removal or board wipes, you at least keep something.

Indulgent Tormentor - Not really sure why, but i like them, i will remove if people think i should.

Mardu Strike Leader - Replaces Master of the Feast agains pesky control decks.

Mardu Shadowspear - extra early firepower if you find you need it, or if you find that a 1 or 2 damage ping would be helpful.

Merciless Executioner - Basic removal if you use it to sac itself.


Bile Blight - if you do end up facing the originally mention threats, this will come in handy.

So it is pretty clear what i'm doing here, play creatures buff them up and attack and win. But i would like help on a better sideboard that answers more questions. Please let me know what you think. Upvote and comment! Have a goodie!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 3 Rares

13 - 11 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.94
Tokens Warrior 2/1 B
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