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Mono-Black something or other




So, here I am with yet, another brew for OGW Standard. This deck isn't truly Mono-Black when you take into account that your land base specifically needs to have Colorless mana sources. Going the route of pain lands we open up a more versatile sideboard utilizing white or green depending on preference. I chose white for the lifelink, Hallowed Moonlight which can buy time against the CoCo rally decks that made up 20% of Day 2 at SCG ATL, and Silkwarp. I thought, based off my limited playtesting, that Hallowed Moonlight was a greater game changer against CoCo Rally than it appeared to be at ATL; but I'm sticking with it currently.

This deck is first and foremost meant to be a control deck with a good beatdown presence when needed, and numerous ways of generating 2 for 1's from our creatures and some spells. Our mana can give us more board control or more card advantage if the games go excessively long.(Remember you can put Sea Gate Wreckage on the stack and utilize all the mana in play to draw of each wreckage in play) The first turns should be spent setting up mana and disrupting your opponent with Duress and Transgress the Mind. Bearer of Silence can be a two drop if you want to try and get a removal spell from them, but is most often saved as an edict on T4. The main game plan of the deck is to run them out of threats and answers so that Reality Smasher can attack unabated and unable to be killed.

The one of Remorseless Punishment is in there as another source of card advantage. They may get taster's choice, but if your controlling the board it should come down to cards or life; either of which is acceptable. Your job with this deck is to keep them limited in options and under pressure. Eventually, our card advantage and brute strength will ensure they can't escape the Void.


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This one will be short and sweet as I'm typing from iPad.

Round 1: MB vs Mardu Dragons (2-1)
This one was fairly close as their threats were air based and could close quickly if left unchecked. Hand disruption takes away Thunderbreak Regent so that removal doesn't hurt.

Round 2: MB vs All in goblins (2-1)
Game 1 I definitely tasted the power of the goblins but post board he couldn't close the games before the wipes hit. After that the sheer power of the cards is too much for him.

Round 3: MB vs Mardu Green (2-0)
This match doesn't reflect the actual game play as he flooded both games after a very strong start. Before the floods began the match felt even and not sure how the late gAme would have played out.

Round 4 MB vs Mirror??? (2-0)
I was very surprised to see a mirror per se. His end game is different as mine tops at reality smasher his gives up Bearer of Silence and Reality Smasher for Oblivion Sower and Ulamog. Sideboards were almost identical and how we side boarded was too. We can establish Sea Gate Wreckage is definitely the go to tech in the mirror. Game two ultimate Ob nix and Mass card dry with no damage coming from creatures.

Taking this to GP Houston this week will be dedicated to the top 8 Mocs gauntlet. Give me some ideas to test out. I am now officially removing the remorseless punishment. Thanks for any assistance!


Revision 11 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Languish side
+2 Virulent Plague side
Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

26 - 7 Rares

11 - 6 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Zombie 2/2 B
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