These are in case you're interested in a deck that can properly compete in legacy.
first off, cut the Despise and Distress
The legacy playable discard spells are Hymn to Tourach, Inquisition of Kozilek, Thoughtseize, Cabal Therapy, and Duress.
Also, you should run 4 Bloodghast, and the fetch-lands to fuel it. you might also consider Gravecrawler and some other zombies to support it. Diregraf Ghoul and Carrion Feeder will do.
if you do that, you could benefit from some dredge cards like Darkblast, and if you really want to go the graveryard route, Stinkweed Imp works.
I'd cut Surgical Extraction from the main, since it's a dead card a lot of the time.
July 25, 2012 5:07 p.m.
Again, this is a for fun deck that probably won't do anything "properly". I want to stay in extended as much as possible in case I choose to play in that format in the future.
I use Surgical Extraction along with removal to take out important chunks of my playgroup's decks (mostly big creatures and combo pieces). IMO, Despise and Distress are better picks than the legacy discard you mentioned. Plus, I want plenty of discard to interact with Sangromancer . Not a fan of zombies in this deck either as I already have a standard zombie deck.
That being said, Stinkweed Imp and Bloodghast seem interesting. The latter especially with fetch lands.
July 25, 2012 5:16 p.m.
Extremekiwi says... #4
Try not to run Mutilate... you would not want all your vamps to die.
notinuse says... #1
Are there too many creatures in this deck to call it control? There is an aggro element with the zombies (and tokens). I have a feeling that I'm missing a really good creature. Also, I may need a board wipe or possibly more spot removal.
I really wanted Painful Quandary and Sangromancer to work, but it's just too slow. Turn 6 should set up the win condition and I didn't want to wait out a combo between 4 and 5. Thoughts?
July 24, 2012 9:41 p.m.