Mono-black zombies in Pioneer

Pioneer BioProfDude


Cytex says... #1

Death Baron is great I hadnt realized that was a thing. Open the graves is great if you find you are losing too many creatures. [Graf Harvest] is a good Enchantment and Liliana can increase the amount of zombies you have. :) But i like what you did here.

December 27, 2019 12:14 p.m.

BioProfDude says... #2

Cytex, thanks for the suggestions! I think at for Open the Graves , I'll stay at the exact same mana cost for Liliana's Mastery . Getting the +1/+1 anthem effect has proven to be exceptional, and what are effectively 2x 3/3 zombie tokens for 5 mana is pretty good. Graf Harvest is okay, but I can get the same effect from Lord of the Accursed . Sure, it's a bit more expensive, but I get multiple functions from the single card (anthem effect and the menace bit), and I don't have to remove any of the current cards to try to find room for Graf Harvest . Many of the Liliana planeswalkers would work well in the deck. I think Liliana, the Last Hope is often used, and I know many recent builds have Liliana, Untouched By Death . I think Liliana, Untouched By Death might be okay as 2x in the sideboard, but I prefer to just slam some creatures.

Thank you for the suggestions!

December 28, 2019 3:20 p.m.

magwaaf says... #3

cut the lil's mastery and add 2 more fatal push. no need for the slowness when you should remove early threats to get damage in quickly

cut the cryptbreaker for thoughtseize. it's a good card but your deck looks to be about beats and not keeping your dudes all untapped lose 1 life and draw a card

cut down to 2 dark salvation and add in 2 grasp of darkness you don't wanna draw too many of them too early... also i really love the idea behind dark salvation lol

cut westvale abbey and a swamp for 2 mutavault... its tribal and you have creatures that pump... 5/5 mutavaults are fun

February 27, 2020 5:08 p.m.

BioProfDude says... #4

magwaaf, I could possibly cut the 2x Liliana's Mastery for more Fatal Push, but I haven't yet found the need. Dark Salvation works significantly better in most cases. On that note, Dark Salvation is superior to Fatal Push in a deck like this. There are exceptions, but few of them. Dark Salvation doesn't have the CMC limitations of Fatal Push and it can hit indestructible creatures-- and it can often be cast for a single mana. It's just better in a zombie deck.

Cutting Cryptbreaker would not be a good move! That's the card draw engine that makes this deck work! Were it not for Cryptbreaker, this deck wouldn't be any good, to be honest. It needs that card draw engine to keep looking for cards, and it greatly benefits from the ability to generate zombies if we're flooding out with lands. When we can be aggressive we're usually winning anyway and we don't use Cryptbreaker's abilities. When there's board stall or it is unwise to attack, Cryptbreaker is the card that generates advantage.

Dark Salvation vs Grasp of Darkness-- you do realize that Dark Salvation may be cast for only a single if I have zombies on board, right? Grasp of Darkness is a great card, but it is generally inferior (in this zombie tribal deck) to Dark Salvation.

I don't own any Thoughtseize and I am too cheap to buy them. Hence not having any in the deck, and having Agonizing Remorse instead.

Mutavault would be nice, but I don't own any of those. Westvale Abbey  Flip is great when it works, and only mediocre otherwise. You are correct that Mutavault would be better, but, alas, I don't own any and I'm too cheap to buy them.

Thank you for the suggestions!

March 2, 2020 3:08 p.m.

Darkewarrior says... #5

Rotting Regisaur & Blood Scrivener would be pretty great in this deck, and Graf Harvest would be an amazing early game enchantment, I feel like between Lord of the Accursed and Death Baron you’re giving more than enough buffs to your Zombies and Liliana's Mastery just feels like a hat on a hat and pretty unnecessary (especially sense you can do much better things turn 5+), but turn 2 menace seems like something this deck likes; you can argue that “Lord of the Accursed does the same thing” but the earliest you could use his ability is turn 4... that feels bad when you could have menace much sooner, when you actually could use it to get in for damage, for half the cost...

March 3, 2020 12:26 a.m.

BioProfDude says... #6

Darkewarrior, thank you for the suggestions! I did not know about Blood Scrivener, and that seems like a good addition. I have thought about Rotting Regisaur, and I think I may add a "one of" as I think it could be interesting. Graf Harvest is fine if it shows up early game, not as much later. I'd rather keep the spot open for removal.

Liliana's Mastery-- a hat on a hat. Yes, that is exactly correct. That card is a house and having that much pumping makes the deck very, very dangerous. It is what I would call the "flex" spot in the deck-- where I could cut if I need, but I definitely like having a couple of copies in the deck. That card has won me a lot of games, to be honest. Two 3/3 zombies for 5 mana is definitely good. There's not much more I want to do on turn 5 or later, to be honest-- slam big zombies, make my existing zombies bigger. Sounds very aggro to me!

Thank you again for the suggestions!

March 4, 2020 12:42 p.m.

magwaaf says... #7

oh trust me... i get it on the cost... it's one of the reasons i run mono green lol.

i also didn't see thoughtseize going up to 40 bucks tho so fast

March 5, 2020 5:14 p.m.

magwaaf says... #8

so i misread the card and it is better than i thought but my issue with dark salvation is its too slow and i would never want to see it in my opening hand because its 3 mana before it does anything whereas fatal push kills every 1 drop and in this format every aggro deck deck gets slowed way down when you fatal push their turn 1 play.

if you don't have thoughtseize run duress/despise because they are still great... and 39 bucks cheaper!

i just think cryptbreaker sucks in an aggro deck, if this were a slow long term win monoblack then it'd be fantastic.

March 5, 2020 5:28 p.m.

magwaaf says... #9

instead i'd cut the matsery for regisaur and then find 2 more cuts for regisaur

if you wanna play a 5 drop then why not run Sidisi?

why not cards like graaveyard marshal, phylactery lich, liliana's reaver, mogis marauder (i know but it can win), even vizier of the scorpion changes combat

wait... why aren't you running gary?

March 5, 2020 5:47 p.m.

BioProfDude says... #10

magwaaf, but Dark Salvation isn't 3 mana before it does anything-- you do not have to pay the XX unless you have no zombies on board. If I have 2 zombies already on board, then I pay a single and target creature gets -2/-2. The XX is optional!

I also think you underestimate how often a deck like this goes for the longer game. When this was popular in Amonkhet, it wasn't at all unusual to wait several turns and build board state. Yes, it's also capable of aggro, but this deck easily battles midrange on its own turf. It just requires patience. I have found the current Pioneer meta to also be grindy.

Again, I think you're vastly underestimating Liliana's Mastery. I get a +1/+1 anthem effect and effectively two 3/3 zombies for 5 mana. That's excellent value at the 5 mana mark. I'd argue because of that synergy it's better than any of the cards you suggested.

Grey Merchant of Asphodel is a great card. I've tried it in the deck and I just didn't find it as good as Liliana's Mastery because I get TWO zombies with more power. Yep, I get the devotion thing, and I get the Gary is powerful, but it's just not in my style for this deck and, in my playtesting with Gary, it just wasn't as good. You'll notice that there are 2x Grey Merchant of Asphodel in the sideboard. There are certainly matchups where he works well (those slower grindier matchups).

Cryptbreaker-- Flooded? Make zombies. Mana screwed, draw cards. It's an exceptional card. I don't often use it for attacking or defending. Indeed, I try to protect it! It's just a very, very good card.

Sorry for the slow response! I appreciate your comments and thoughts! Thanks!

April 16, 2020 9:59 a.m.

Balaam__ says... #11

Great build. I love a good zombie deck.

July 1, 2020 4:13 p.m.

magwaaf says... #12

why the one agonizing remorse?

July 3, 2020 1:24 a.m.

magwaaf says... #13

like why leave one and not just make it fatal push 3?

July 3, 2020 1:31 a.m.

BioProfDude says... #14

magwaaf, I like having just a copy floating around. I have 4x Dark Salvation + 2x Fatal Push, and that seems to be enough removal before sideboard. It's personal choice-- feel free to swap in your choice in its place. There are good arguments to include a third copy of Fatal Push for those who want to. In short, 1x Agonizing Remorse is a personal choice and not much more.

Thanks for the comment!

July 3, 2020 3:40 p.m.

BioProfDude says... #15

Balaam__-- thanks!

July 3, 2020 3:40 p.m.

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