
Hi everybody.

I'm trying to go at least 3 wins in an FNM.

Explanation of Card Choices:


  • Lightning Bolt: The best damage spell in red for one mana, as far as I know. It's an unconditional 3 damage for 1 mana. There are other cards that deal damage for 3 at the cost of one mana, but Shard Volley requires a land to be sacrificed and Rift Bolt is a sorcery.
  • Lava Dart: Makes you sacrifice a Mountain but it triggers prowess 2 times in a row in addition to removing things! It can be used as a sneaky trick if lava dart is buried underneath other cards in your graveyard.


  • Dreadhorde Arcanist: This is to get more value from the cards we use. Generally instants and sorceries are only one time use spells, but Arcanist can play any 1 mana spell by itself more than once, of which we play 12 one mana spells.
  • Electrostatic Infantry: Has innate trample unlike Kiln Fiend and the buffs are permanent albeit slower than Kiln Fiend.
  • Monastery Swiftspear: This card has haste. It's the only creature with haste, but that makes it even more special.

Sideboard Explanation:

  • Electrickery is for go wide decks.
  • Rending Volley is very situational and/or meta dependent, but I still feel like it has its merits.
  • Tears of Valakut is important against flying decks because none of my creatures interact with fliers at all. They don't have reach or flying, so I have to damage fliers through my instants.

I'm looking for answers to the following questions:

  • Which nonbasic lands should I run, if at all?
  • Should I run card draw in an aggro deck? I know that aggro decks try to win fast, and that card draw is good in general. However, isn't this cardboard crack comic why I wouldn't need to run card draw cards?
  • What is the general game plan for this deck? Should I try to kill the opponent through damage over time, or save all the instants for when I can deliver a death blow?

P.S. Notably missing is Gut Shot. I believe that the -1 health difference it gives you is not worth the prowess triggers unless you have multiple creatures out. But I'm up for discussion about this.


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98% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Rares

24 - 7 Uncommons

8 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.50
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