Mono Blue Artifact Commander

Commander / EDH* Leonidas8763


Lonelymonster says... #1

I can see why the Colossus is your main win-con, but maybe add the original one? Darksteel Colossus, from the original Mirrodin block, because you can do the Modular thing to pump it up to insane levels. Also, this deck is hurting for a Venser's Journal, which would make all of your card draw permanent and advantageous. Between Arcum and Muzzio, I would probably take Muzzio because I adore his tutor. I would probably cut a few of the nonartifact creatures just to make the most of Steel Overseer and Modular (and also because you need to cut at least 30 cards). I love this deck, it looks like a load of fun to play!

August 4, 2015 11:31 a.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions I like them all. I will keep cutting and adding for a while and see if I can shrink the deck

August 4, 2015 4:31 p.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #3

Arcbound Ravager and Jace are both so good But they are both $40 dollars plus so I dont think I can keep both with my current setup. I might be able to trade after drafting over the next few weeks for him as I have an extra Hangarback walker and Nissa from last week's draft that I don't need. But if I can't get Jace which one do you guys think more cruical? I am slightly leaning towards Ravager.

August 4, 2015 4:59 p.m.

SirFowler says... #4

First off, you don't need to add your commander into your deck because when you have it as your commander, it counts the card already.

Second, it feels as though you are trying to mix play styles which never works out as well as you think it would. I would take out cards like Disciple of the Ring, Soulblade Djinn, and Sphinx's Tutelage. They are more for a noncreature style deck when you have a ton of creatures in here.

Third, 26 lands is way to low for EDH decks. You usually want to anywhere from 34-38 lands. Trust me, I've played with decks with less than 30 lands before and it never works out because I always get mana screwed when I need to cast stuff.

And lastly, only a few Modular creatures are actually worth playing. To included every modular creature leaves you a very limited form of play because they don't enter with more than 1 or 2 counters. They can easily be destroyed before they get to a point where they become useful. By then you can play multiple good cards that are stronger and faster.

I'm not trying to be harsh, but I've been in your position before and it doesn't always end well. There are more specific things I can help with, but for now it might be best to take my advice before going any further.

August 4, 2015 6:25 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #5

What I'd suggest to take out: any card not on my staples lists (on my profile) or any card not on the decklist below.

What I'd suggest to play: some of the cards on my staples lists and most of the cards here: MagicalHacker - Muzzio, Visionary Architect.

Should be simple and effectively directive. :)

August 4, 2015 7:14 p.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #6

Thanks for all the help. I will make some more changes tonight as I am busy currently. I don't know if I will take out decouple of the ring because with over 30 instants and sorrceries I think it is a nice finisher when combined with whirler rogue and makes use of all the cards. Thanks once again

August 4, 2015 9:09 p.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #7

Some people have told me to cut Whirler Rogue and I will explain my reasoning for it(not to be harsh to those who don't want it). First, its a major combo piece and a win-con as I can make at least three guys unblockable, which is enough to win games with three normal guys but with someone like Blightsteel Colossus it's GG.

Just wanted to let viewers know.

August 4, 2015 10:43 p.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #8

Right now I have 36 Lands and 8 forms of ramp between creatures and artifacts, as well as a few ways to make things cheaper. Let me know if that is about right.Thanks

August 4, 2015 10:54 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #9

You get my thumbs up! I think you can take out two of those at that point :) But it's not like absolutely necessary

August 4, 2015 11:07 p.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #10

Thanks it means a lot.

August 4, 2015 11:15 p.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #11

I'd like to suggest a few tougher cuts. These are debatable; I'm suggesting a few staples be cut. :) My reasoning here is trying to pare down to avoid "goodstuff" and stick to the deck's objective. A lot of newer players fall into a trap where the one time the card did what it was envisioned to be able to (against all odds) causes them to fall in love with it, though.

-Arcbound Lancer -> he's just an expensive modular guy.
-Arcbound Overseer -> slow, only works with a subset of the other creatures.
-Hangarback Walker -> I love this guy, but he doesn't work with your commander - she sees him as costing zero and he'd come into play as a 0/0 if she picked him. He's also expensive moneywise (about tied with Wurmcoil for #3 most expensive I think).
-Manor Gargoyle -> He's sort of boring.
-Mulldrifter -> I don't think you'll get the maximum use out of this and don't have anything that particularly benefits from running it (cloning engines, flicker).
-Mirror Mockery -> This is really funny but I think in practice it'll get removed unceremoniously and hasn't got any support in your deck, as well as only a handful of things really making great use of it like the Battlesphere.
-Talent of the Telepath -> Fun spell but very possible to whiff; it relies on the kinds of decks your opponents are playing. Against Genesis Wave deck #234 or other decks that tend towards high permanent counts (Slivers, etc) it'll most likely do nothing or just cast Cultivate on turn 11 or something.
-Cloud Key -> This is kind of limited; you have a lot of artifacts, yes, but fully 31 instants and sorceries (currently).
-Planar Portal -> I think a lot of players include this because it gets listed on a lot of staples lists, but it's less useful in a deck like this where you have a lot of better tutors. It's better suited to decks that tend to burn out or lack a lot of budget tutor options.
-Pristine Talisman -> This mana rock doesn't do much spectacular. The lifegain isn't in sufficient quantity to matter, and the deck isn't designed to benefit from using it to trigger things (its main use). A lot of newer players include "a little lifegain just in case" but these kinds of things rarely actually make a difference without hooking into the rest of the deck or scaling up strongly. Venser's Journal is similar but can scale up somewhat better (depending on how strong your draws are) and feeds your commander's ability better so I'm not suggesting it cut yet.

I'd think about another dual-use sac outlet or two, like Phyrexia's Core. Not a dedicated outlet but something with that as an option. Having one or two seems to help artifact decks out sometimes.

EDIT: Corrected a card name. Phyrexia's Core not Mirrodin's Core. Cores!

August 4, 2015 11:19 p.m. Edited.

SirFowler says... #12

Some things I would take out:

  • Aether Gale: You need six targets. If the opponent removes one of the targets (which is very likely in edh), the spell will fizzle and be useless.

  • Any counter spell: I just despise counter spells in edh. It slows down the game which usually takes a couple of hours just to play, making the game longer than it needs to be. Just my opinion.

  • Tempt with Reflections: More often than not, the opponent will be able to make it more powerful for them rather than you. Either that or they won't choose to copy and it would basically just be a Clone.

  • Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip: He's good, but not the best in this deck. He's just a bit slow and only really affects instants/sorceries.

  • Arcbound Lancer: It's high cost and low payoff just really isn't worth it imo.

  • Spin into Myth: Since the new legend rule says that you can't really get rid of them, it just seems like cards like this just are a bit lackluster. It's not a bad card by any means, but I just feel like it doesn't live up to it's full potential.

I don't know. These are just suggestions. I know it can be difficult to remove cards because you built the deck and use those cards for a reason. Every time I have to switch stuff out, it takes me a few hours and even then I can't make a decision sometimes.

What I do is build a 100 card edh deck and replace cards. I never go over 100 when I first start because it just makes it that much more difficult. If you just play test, you can tell what works and what doesn't. Just hang in there, you'll get it down to 100 before too long.

August 4, 2015 11:21 p.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #13


Actually Aether Gale only fails if all targets become invalid. This is how spells like this normally behave (Hex, etc). It even has this Oracle ruling: "You must choose six different legal targets in order to cast ther Gale. If some, but not all, of those targets become illegal before ther Gale resolves, the remaining legal targets will be put into their owners hands."

It's not really my cup of tea but I know people that love it so I didn't suggest it cut at this stage.

August 4, 2015 11:25 p.m.

SirFowler says... #14

Oh. Still, you need six separate targets in order to cast. I just feel like there is better stuff out there.

There are things you might want to consider though:

You might not want to add more cards because you still need to remove cards at this moment.

August 4, 2015 11:39 p.m. Edited.

Leonidas8763 says... #15

Thanks for the all of thoughts and ideas. Hangarback Walker is expensive and can fizzle, I actually have two copies of him from my prerelease and a draft I did a few weeks ago so do not really need to cut him as when he hits the board he can take over a game. Displacement Wave will go in over the gale as the gale is more wistful thinking while the wave can totally wreck someone after a one sided board wipe or to keep people in check. Talent can go. Phyrexia's Core sounds good as well as Mishra's Factory. Tempt with Reflections: Now that I read the card over, I highly doubt most people will want a token at that cost, I think when I watched the star city games commander versus series version of the Muzzio deck I got a little exited hoping that I could copy Blightsteel Colossus. Chief Engineer is a possibility as it makes cards like Darksteel Forge, Venser's Journal and Spellbook become all the more useful as they are idle the entire game. Also, thought's on Day's Undoing? Maybe as a way to stop yard based strategies or to screw up mill/discard decks, although you don't usually see a lot of those.

August 5, 2015 2:10 a.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #16

Also, thoughts on Phyrexian Metamorph? Making cuts is not easy and he may have to go if he is not that additive.

My mana seems a little much with all the ramp and now 38 lands so I will most likely take out a few guys.

August 5, 2015 2:36 a.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #17


The thing with Jace is he is a better version of Sigiled Starfish, and even a card like that is good. I just don't know of any cards that give me free filtering the entire time he is out on the board. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Also wanted to take the time to thank everyone on the forums and in the chat for helping me out, as my deck would be exponentially worse without all the help.

August 5, 2015 2:43 a.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #18

Phyrexian Metamorph is generally a strong card, I'd keep it for now. It's extremely flexible in an artifact-focused deck.

Generally mill decks are more of a perceived threat than a real one. The ones actually capable of killing players tend to operate by infinite combo, which Day's Undoing is slow to stop. The rest (if they actually work) just use the milling to achieve some objective like filling the graveyard for their Animate Deads and the like. They usually durdle around long enough you can win by just being better at what you do than they are. I wouldn't bother with countermeasures unless it turns out to actually be a problem.

Spellbook isn't good enough. You have two other cards that remove your hand size limit, but both of them provide some other function (mana or lifegain/commander fuel), which makes them more useful when you aren't awash in cards. If you're worried you won't find it when you need it, you're better off with something more flexible like Expedition Map (to find Reliquary Tower when you need it, or something else when you don't). As it is, you have several tutors that can find Venser's Journal if you need it that badly.

I'd begin cutting cheap draw spells that don't have a scry effect (scry is good for prepping your commander). That'd be things like Thirst for Knowledge.

August 5, 2015 6:20 a.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #19


I have made a few cuts already bu the others I am considering are Blue Sun's Zenith, Impulse, Thoughtcast, and possibly Disciple of the Ring because with less than 20 instants and sorrceries I don't think it's that consistent anymore.Let me know what you think.

August 5, 2015 10:59 a.m.

Leonidas8763 says... #20


Cut Fact or Fiction along with other's mentioned above. Thought that without the scry affect they don't help as my only way to get something from the graveyard back is with Myr retriever.

August 6, 2015 1:26 p.m.

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