Mono-Blue Control Freak

Standard* jasocks


demonicocoa127 says... #1

for the dimir mill just put more Elixir of Immortality in side board for if/when you face mill

June 26, 2013 11:23 p.m.

Floatwall says... #2

Against dimir mill I would recommend sideboard Psychic Spiral . Turn all their hard work against them!

July 5, 2013 2:33 p.m.

Lachrimae0220 says... #3

Just a comment, I think the Delver strategy would be best. Blue control with a delver as the win condition. Focus on protecting it with various counterspells and bounce spells. Then just eat away at the enemy. I think your other creatures, except Talrand, can be replaced with the delver and another set of counters. Just a suggestion

October 9, 2013 12:53 a.m.

the Reliquary Tower doesn't make sense in here because you don't have any drawing engines. and even with the unsummoning things going on, it wont be happening fast enough to warrant this card being in there. please explain?

January 21, 2014 4:16 p.m.

albert1212 says... #5

Since you aren't going to play Reliquary Tower without draw spells add a couple of Ancestral Recall . It might help

April 2, 2014 4:19 a.m.

albert1212 says... #6

i think Twincast is good

April 2, 2014 4:27 a.m.

jasocks says... #7

This deck is from last standard, but thank you guys. It had a good run and pissed off a lot of people, and that was the point.

May 31, 2014 7:22 p.m.

yaboiskie says... #8

awesome deck. I'm also trying to build a solid counter deck. Can you please take a look at mine? Feedbacks will be appreciated. Thanks Counter Feedback Needed

October 8, 2014 11:09 a.m.

Fullmetal078 says... #9

a couple Reminisce cards would be a good idea to put in sideboard. maybe even Tamiyo, the Moon Sage. if you can get her ultimate ability off it sends all instant and sorcery spells back to your hand instead of the graveyard as well as infinite hand size

June 21, 2015 6:08 a.m.

mrtcnkytrk says... #10

X4 willbreaker would be awsome for deck i personely added for my conrol freak

July 22, 2015 7:54 p.m.

Lnwz says... #11

Something I can't think of a way around is Dragonlord Dromoka. Yes, it takes awhile to send out, but there's no way around it, even flying.

January 24, 2016 4:30 a.m.

I based my tempo deck Izzet Really That Complicated? after this. +1 :D

March 3, 2016 10:17 a.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #13

I made a deck in Standard that is very similar. Take a look below.


Void Shatter instead of Cancel

Engulf the Shore? Scatter to the Winds for the awaken?

My win-cons are Rise from the Tides and Thing in the Ice  Flip. I find them less vulnerable then Talrand, Sky Summoner.

Tide Counters ($40)

Standard Snow_Lynx


May 26, 2016 4:16 p.m.

Tortuous_TG18 says... #14

I would add Meekstone so that when a creature with power 3 or greater attacks you, it won't untap during any of their untap steps

July 22, 2016 3:19 p.m.

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