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Mono Blue Modern Affinity




A budget modern affinity deck.

The general strategy is to get out cheap, evasive artifacts like Ornithopter, Signal Pest, and Vault Skirge and get through with a lot of damage with the help of Cranial Plating and Ensoul Artifact. Etched Champion, while fairly expensive, is perfect for the deck, as it can get in for a lot of damage in most match ups, and is therefore a fantastic target for Cranial Plating to finish a game on turn 4.

Frogmite and Memnite are less vital to the deck than other creatures, but are good value, and help the deck stay aggressive.

If I can't find Cranial Plating, Ensoul Artifact, or Master of Etherium, then Battle Cry on Signal Pest should be enough to get a win depending on the game. Welding Jar provides some fuel for affinity/metalcraft and Springleaf Drum helps me cast my 3 drops if I don't draw a lot of land.

Fabricate lets me tutor for an artifact, preferably Cranial Plating or Master of the Etherium at the point in the game that I can cast it, and Thoughtcast is very easy to cast for card advantage.

I've included a single Vapor Snag in the main board to deal with any problems on the battlefield before I make a (hopefully) lethal attack. If this ends up being more relevant, I can board in more Vapor Snags, some Stoic Rebuttals, or a Remand as appropriate.

The sideboard is pretty flexible, and I'll adjust that as I become familiar with my local meta.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Rares

30 - 6 Uncommons

13 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.93
Folders Want, Currently Active, Modern
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