I used this deck last night at FNM and got first, yay.
Sideboard needs work.
Swan Song was meh in the deck. Saves my creatures from a Doom Blade, but they get a creature. Very mana efficient in some matches so probably going to put in the sideboard.
Want to explain some of my choices so you get a feel for why they are in the deck.
AEtherize = Combos great with Bident of Thassa by activating its ability and forcing them to attack so I can return them to the hand. In most games I did this they had to discard down because of the lack of mana to recast them all. Even without the Bident of Thassa it helped deal with enough threats to get in for the kill.
Bident of Thassa = Very underrated card. Card advantage when you can deal damage, and combos well with AEtherize as a kind of Cyclonic Rift overload but for creatures for less mana.
Cloudfin Raptor = A 1 mana evolver who can get some decent damage in if not removed. Evolve triggers when Master of Waves creates tokens.
Rapid Hybridization = With Fleecemane Lion and other creatures, this deals with them and in most cases gives them something useless. Against a non red or green deck I can use Tidebinder Mage to tap out the token making it a very useful way to remove big threats. Instant speed makes it that much better.
Nightveil Specter = Great 3 drop flyer with an insane ability. Make it unblockable and swing in and play the spells you exile is great. Used opponents lands a few times and even used some of the spells against them like Thoughtseize.
Any advice is appreciated. Now that this deck won people are either going to build against it, or build the same one. Please upvote if you like it, I really appreciate it. The best part of this deck is you can splash another color with dual lands, This could easily splash black for removal or red for burn.
Just so there is no confusion. I built this deck after seeing this article.
I did not build this deck in response to the pro tour decks that were played. My original build of this deck was good but didn't do so well at Theros release. So I added and took away from the original build to come to this here. When I saw that article I decided to build a deck based around it.