Finished the tournament in 5th place, topping the swiss round (4-1) losing out in the quarter finals of the top 8.
Game 1: Mono Green Stompy.
Won 2-0 though the games were tough. My opponent played 4x mainboard mistcutter hydras which I saw both games, he also played a set of dungrove elders, also seen both games; these cards were very difficult to deal with and add to my justification of 2x MB Oblivion Stone and 2x Fabricates to find them.
Game 2: Mono Black Control/Devotion
An interesting one which I won 2-0. I have hardly tested against this kind of deck and as a result was somewhat unprepared. The deck had nothing in the early turns but after turn 3 a combination of all the best black cards attempted to hit the deck: obliterators, lilianas, arenas, grave titans, all the black removal, even wurmcoil engines were attempted.Counter magic, a turn 3 wurmcoil and effective bounce spells got the through the games.
Game 3: Splinter Twin
In testing I have hardly lost against this deck however this day I lost against it 0-2. A long game which saw great amounts of counter magic on both halves. I approached the game wrong and looked to drop early fabricates and treasure mages rather than holding up counter magic and bounce spells. His 4 mainboard dispels and sideboard bloodmoons along with spell pierces saw him through.
Game 4: RWB Burn
I anticipated this game to be a hard one, especially after I had seen the abundance of burn decks being played at the pro tour. I won the game 2-0, mainboard spell burst really shone during this game, the card was almost always a 2 mana hard counter. The other allstar was platinum emperiom, I managed to drop the emperion turn 6, by this point my opponent did not have enough burn spells to get 8 damage at the emporium. The other game I dropped a late titan destroying all my opponents 3 lands, gg. After the game I asked my opponent if he had the power to get past an angel, he revealed he had 2 searing blazes in hand.
Game 5: RW Burn
Yet again, another hard burn matchupm but also another 2-0 against burn. I offered to ID the game as we would both make the top 8 at this point but my opponent wanted to play. This game was much harder than the previous and luck on the drw got me through it; game 1 top decking the last tron piece to drop an emperion before I died. Game 2 getting the emperion down turn 3 was somewhat miraculous. With emperion down the burn deck couldnt do anything.
Quarter Finals: Gift Scapeshift
Playing and losing against one of the team was hard but there was nothing to it, game one against scapeshift I really struggle. Yes, I can delay them but inevitably unless I have 2 counter spells when they cast scapeshift I have no chance, condescend is poor, spell burst is poor and remand only delays. Game 2 I stuck on a 1 land hand with 2 expedition maps, dimir signet and counters, I failed to find another land until the 4th turn.