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Nylea's Fury Unleashed

Standard RG (Gruul)




will my mono green hydra devotion deck hold up at friday night magic? Im lookin for feedback and advise on how to improve and fine tune this deck. I feel like my sideboard probly needs the most help, but the mainboard im sure could be improved.

advise on the mana base would be another thing i have concerns on, as well as the curve. any general advise on fine tuning it or making it play better would be great, some of the cards in the sideboard i think i may switch to the mainboard at somepoint but we shall see.

The goal of the deck is to survive and mess with them until you can release the fury when garruk or nylea and her bow come out. when topdecking a mistcutter hydra with nylea and bow out its basically game over. games start out a little slow or with me drawing my elvish mystics. if the game is a little slower then im mainly just hanging out and getting blocks in while waiting to get more mana out to put out a polukranos. the mana ramp works really well for mistcutter and polukranos, giving me either a win condition, an evolve condition with early aggression via hydra, or using polukranos monstrosity for some mass creature wipe.

weaknesses of my deck seem to be board clear, control, and mean things like brimaz haha. will continously be updating deck as time goes on my passion is in mono green and i really want to make this work to be competetive. I have money to spend on cards but I cant just go out and mass buy things so updates will be slow coming considering how much money i have spent on magic so far haha(started in jan 2014). things i am currently looking into are domri and shock lands. this will possibly not happen because its an expensive investment just to get domri out.


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deck has been slightly edited and some thought has been put into possibilities looking for feedback relating to those and especially in cards you would consider cutting from the deck. as soon as a second courser is acquired its deffinitely going in but what to cut... is gyre sage a weak card? it has amazing flexibility with my mana pool but i can see why it could need to be cut. voyaging satyr? the 3rd polukranos? just putting thoughts there.

vastwood hydra is also a card i would like to acquire and curious what your thoughts are on how it would fit in with the deck?


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 5 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts
Folders Standard
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