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Mono-Green Devotion (3-1 @ 1st FNM)

Standard* Devotion FNM Mono-Green Ramp



My take on a Mono-Green Devotion archetype. This deck relies on devotion generators like Kalonian Tusker, Courser of Kruphix, and Arbor Colossus to turn Nykthos into huge amounts of mana for Polukranos' and Broodmaster's monstrosity costs. Otherwise, the deck just pumps out creatures quicker that the opponent (hopefully).


Mana Dorks

Elvish Mystic: Practically a necessity for any green deck.

Sylvan Caryatid: Also a practical necessity. Always helpful.

Voyaging Satyr: Great for resetting Nykthos. Otherwise just acts as another Mystic.

Courser of Kruphix: Hands down, one of the best cards in the Theros block. Generates card advantage, life gain, and is a good blocker. Its toughness puts it out of range of the majority of burn spells.

Other creatures:

Burning-Tree Emissary: Great value card. Can cast most of our mana dorks as a follow-up.

Kalonian Tusker: Great devotion enabler. Plus, its ahead of the curve.

Witchstalker : Useful in any matchup, but really shines against MBD. Generally, they don't have a way to get rid of him, so they tend to restrict their plays to their own turns. Plus devotion.

Polukranos, World Eater: All-around great card. With the amount of mana produced in this deck, he can act as a mini board wipe himself.

Nylea, God of the Hunt: Is almost always gonna be a creature with the devotion we have, but even turned off she provides both a useful passive and a mana sink in the late game.

Arbor Colossus : Desecration Demon/Stormbreath Dragon eat your hearts out. Plus, three devotion!

Hydra Broadcaster: Admittedly, not the most amazing card ever printed. However, he's utterly hilarious if he goes off. One good Nykthos activation can send this guy completely into orbit. I've hit 15/15's with him. (My opponent scooped). Still, a 7/7 with two devotion isn't terrible.


Nykthos, Shrine to Nix: A core piece to this deck. Lots of mana.

Garruk, Caller of Beasts: Keeps the deck going as the game progresses. I'm considering Eidolon of Blossoms as well in addition to Garruk.


Consign to Dust : With a large Nykthos activation, this can hit a fair number of key enchantments. Useful against most any deck.

Mistcutter Hydra : Because blue sucks. And swinging with a 13/13 haste uncounterable is just too fun.

Disciple of Nylea: Great life gain. If burn decks don't hit a Skulllcrack, your life total just hits the roof.

Scavenging Ooze: Anti-Graveyard. Also good for life gain.

Bow of Nylea: I've used all of it's modes at some point. The graveyard recursion one is helpful in long grindy games.

First FNM Record: 3-1

Round 1: U/W Fliers 2-1

After getting mana screwed in the first game, the deck really came together and finished off games 2 and 3

Round 2: MBD 2-1

This is the matchup I was most worried about, and it felt good to pull out the victory. Game 1 my opponent had a really slow start and almost killed himself with Thoughtseize and Underworld connections. Game 2 I got torn apart by the [[Pack Rats. Game 3 I just managed to outspend him and a huge Polukranos activation swept most of his rat tokens so I could swing for lethal.

Round 3: G/W Agro 0-2

Scary. This round was over in all of 10 minutes. Loxodon Smite + Unflinching Courage is a terrifying thing to behold, especially for a deck without much removal. (I didn't have Consign to Dust at the time, so I couldn't sideboard that in.)

Round 4: White Pillow Fort 1-0-1

Game 1, I rushed him down before he got set up. Game 2, not so lucky. Double Sphere of Safety and about a bazillion Heliod tokens kept me from doing anything. My Disciples kept my life total completely out of reach (this was where I hit the Broodmaster monstrous for 15). Neither of us wanted to draw, so it dragged on for a full 35 minutes.

Overall, I was really happy with how everything went for my first FNM. I did win a few packs, which was very exciting for me. I'm hoping to continue tweaking this deck, so any advice/commentary/criticism is greatly appreciated.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 2 Mythic Rares

22 - 7 Rares

0 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.69
Tokens Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch
Folders M15
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