Basically, a deck that focuses on being just really hard to deal with. It's meant mostly as a fun idea that I don't expect to win nay pro-tours, but I've seen it do well against several modern decks.
It does well against aggro, because I can sit behind my wall of blockers that don't die as they gradually get bigger.
It does decent against control decks because it's fast enough that I can get threats on the board early and once they're there, it's really hard to get rid of them.
Card discussions:
Beast Within: I love this card so much. It destroys any problems I might have, dismantles combos easily, and all at instant speed. Or, target any of my undyers or
Predator Ooze
, and it's an instant speed 3/3 + a pump spell. I do think 4 might be a bit excessive and I might cut back to 3, but certainly no less.
Dungrove Elder: Not as good since I swapped out Elvish Pioneer for Utopia Sprawl, since I now tend to have less land, but still a solid card. Almost always a 3/3 for 3 hexproof, and gets bigger as the game goes on, meaning top-decking lands isn't that bad.
Experiment One: Arguably one of the weaker cards in this deck, it does grow quickly but frequently looses that growth to regenerate abilities. Still, it can often get up to a 3/3, especially with the undyers, which makes it enough of a threat that opponents have to work around it.
Forest: I only included 18 lands because this is a very low-curve deck. It really only needs 3 mana to run and a fourth for the long game. If I get even one, a Utopia Sprawl will work just as well as another Forest.
I don't splash any other colors because with such a low curve, getting color-locked is easy and I'd rather not risk it. Especially with my
Predator Ooze
and Nylea, God of the Hunt.
Aspect of Hydra: This card can often mean just extra damage to a player and/or pump a critter in a fight. A wonderful play that I've seen several times is turn 4, Aspect of Hydra a
Predator Ooze
, Prey Upon their best guy, and swing for 6 + all my other dudes.
Nylea, God of the Hunt: Will almost always be a 6/6 for 4 that gives the team trample. Just plain good. If I'm stuck top-decking (which happens a lot if I don't win quickly), I can use her ability as an instant-speed pump.
Overwhelming Stampede: Just something to break the stalemates. If I play this, I usually will win that turn. I only have one copy in here though because 5 mana is uncommon for this deck.
Predator Ooze
: Against aggro decks, this thing blocks all day and just keeps getting bigger. Against control decks, it's the threat that's just difficult to kill. It's a bit slow, but I've never been dissatisfied drawing it.
Prey Upon: Almost always a kill spell, if I don't also get a +1/+1 on my undying creatures as well. Gets rid of most of what I need dealt with, and for everything else, there's Beast Within.
Rancor: Works wonderfully when I have an opening hand with 2 one-drops. Turn 1, Young Wolf; turn 2, Rancor it and play Experiment One. If they kill it, odds are I killed something of theirs, got some trample damage, evolved my Experiment One and lost no card advantage. Often gets that last bit of damage I need to finish off my opponent or just makes a must-deal-with threat.
Strangleroot Geist: Often evolves my Experiment One, allowing me to attack for 4 on turn two. It's just obnoxiously aggressive and only gets worse if you block it. Also works well with Prey Upon, killing their dude, getting a +1/+1 counter, and swinging for 3.
Thrun, the Last Troll: Just a big body that doesn't die to pretty much anything. My only regret with this card is I can never cast him with an extra 2 left for his regenerate, but even then again, I never need it.
Utopia Sprawl: Best ramp in the game. Lets me skip over turn two, right to the big stuff like
Predator Ooze
, or start playing synergies like Strangleroot Geist + Prey Upon. Doesn't help Dungrove Elder, but that's the price you pay.
Viridian Emissary: Nice because they can frequently get in 4 or 6 damage before they die, or be a really nice blocker against more aggressive decks. Once it does die, ramps me up and thins out my deck a bit. Also nice for those evolve triggers and creates a massive dilemma for opponents when paired with Rancor.
Young Wolf: Probably the weakest card here, but it's nice for early damage and works well with any buffs.