Mono Green Stompy 2019 Primer

Modern jerleg


IntoTheStorm says... #1

Did U get it from me?? HUH??? I got almost that same exact deck on my page! BEASTMODE feels betrayed...

January 25, 2016 2:40 p.m.

jerleg says... #2

No, I followed a Primer I found online (not sure who it was but I could find if needed) regardless I have a few questions for ya if you're still playing your list in this new Eldrazi meta.

February 3, 2016 9:15 a.m.

IntoTheStorm says... #3

I don't see much in Dryad Militant as would be, Young Wolf, because now you could be locked on sacrificing your bigger dudes, like Baloth, and can put you in serious trouble, but I do like the addition of ghost quarter in the Side! Interesting Perspective, but the only problem I have for it, is that it doesn't produce green mana, In stompy, green mana is #1 priority early game, and we want not to have to draw into one of those for a crucial land drop, rather, just keep the solid green mana coming out very early game, so that we can at least put pressure on the field. It is a nice turn 4-5 draw, but in an Oppening hand, not so much, I like this sideboard of yours!

February 3, 2016 9:22 a.m.

jerleg says... #4

Personally I think the militant's immediate experiment one buff, and its built in gravehate are more important than the recursion. In fact if the sacing is relevant I'll just side in Kitchen Phinx's.

Although after looking at your list, and taking my current problems with the my meta...I can see the value of Dismember over Prey Upon.

February 3, 2016 2:57 p.m.

IntoTheStorm says... #5

Keep in mind that paying 4 life, and 1 generic at instant speed, is better because it is like (1 mana, 4 life, destroy target Tarmagoyf! Cool, and nice list!

February 3, 2016 7:14 p.m.

mahanhen says... #6


You got this off youtube, this was a deck made by TheManaSource

February 29, 2016 1:37 a.m.

jerleg says... #7

I actually didn't get it from TheManaSource, although I did watch their video on stompy for more I said I just found a primer online and went from there....the archetype is quite generic so you'll see similar lists everywhere, this is just what works for me

February 29, 2016 8:55 a.m.

Clones16 says... #8

good list so far i played stomping in paper for a long time but i alwys felt running 2 Scavenging Ooze main bored is to good not to good plus maybe Young Wolf mostly cuz of Avatar of the Resolute will make sure to come out with counters the Treetop Village i never ran but i felt as if it slowed me down to much tapped land that you have to use 2 mana (so 3 lands in all) to make a 3/3 trample ehhh in my list i took out Kalonian Tusker seemed not needed tbh no trample no abilities but i still like your list

March 3, 2016 11:04 a.m.

jerleg says... #9

I like Scavenging Ooze but the low devotion is why I run Kalonian Tusker instead (however if a better double green 2 drop is ever printed that's the first thing to go). Young Wolf is cute and does help Avatar of the Resolute but the graveyard hate and Evolve trigger from Dryad Militant I think is better. Finally all of the non-basics are simply backup plans. The deck has a hard time if the game drags past turn 6ish, so the Treetop Village and the Horizon Canopy are used to extend the reach of the deck. I'm not gona lie though, the enter tap clause is quite annoying but you learn to play around it AND that's also why I only run 2. Hope that explains my logic.

March 3, 2016 11:16 a.m.

eerie343 says... #10

Could you explain what cards to take out when sideboarding? Thanks!

June 2, 2019 5:48 p.m.

jerleg says... #11

Basic Sideboard Guide is all done!

June 3, 2019 2:24 p.m.

eerie343 says... #12

jerleg Wonderful! Thank you so much! I've been searching all over the internet for cards to put in and cards to take out for this deck. The basic sideboarding guide is really useful.

June 3, 2019 5:38 p.m.

jerleg says... #13

eerie343 Ya the deck isn't super popular even though in my opinion it's the best budget deck out there. I don't own super expensive decks but I run 8rack and Mardu Pyro, and I've been seeing more success with this deck over the past couple weeks than I have with either of the other over months!!

June 3, 2019 6:18 p.m.

pokejerk20 says... #14

I think Hexdrinker is better than Garruk's Companion

June 10, 2019 10 p.m.

jerleg says... #15

pokejerk20 May I ask why you think that?

Here is why I don't think that's the case. If your arguing for a higher one drop density I don't agree as a major strength of the deck is the ability of it's one drops to grow as the game goes on. If you replace Garruk's Companion then you greatly reduce the chance of your one drops becoming 3/3's at all, let alone on T3.

If you're arguing for the potential bonus in stats that Hexdrinker brings to the table I still don't like it. If you cast your Garruk's Companion T2 you can follow up the next turn with potentially 3 mana available to help in killing the opponent. Now with Hexdrinker you can cast it T1 or T2. Either way, best case is by T3 you have a 4/4, maybe 1 other creature in play, potentially one free mana. All this assuming your opponent doesn't kill the Hexdrinker on the 3rd activation.

And let's face it, if it reaches level 8 your dead anyway.

For these reasons I will be keeping my list as is.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'd love to hear your opinion.

June 10, 2019 10:36 p.m.

pokejerk20 says... #16

Those are good points, im thinking this card belongs more in rock and jund decks.

June 11, 2019 10:25 p.m.

ZorrosRage says... #17

When I used to play the build Dungrove Elder was pretty solid

Also horizen lands or Hashep Oasis has potential here

July 23, 2019 9:05 p.m.

jerleg says... #18

Hi ZorrosRage,

I totally agree with the horizon lands just waiting to afford them xP I'm also trying to mental math before buying to try and figure out exact numbers. I'm not convinced that I need a full play set, but I'm also not sure if I need more than one play set xP

As for Dungrove Elder it really comes to the 3 drop slot decenty. I think Steel Leaf Champion is too good to let go, and I don't want more than one 3 drop play set in the main.

Also with my desire to add horizon lands the basic forest count will be diluted, drastically redusing Dungrove Elder 's strength.

Hope that makes sense.


July 26, 2019 7:40 a.m.

Metropolis39 says... #19

Groundbreaker seems kinda bad. Try some cards that help with tron and/or combo hate like Dampening Sphere

September 26, 2019 10:04 p.m.

jonmaior says... #20

Groundbreaker , I main 4 Thrashing Brontodon because it fits in the 3 cmc spot pretty well and is very useful against ensnaring bridge (I really hate ensnaring bridge.) I also run x2 Birds of Paradise to get past ensnaring bridge with 2 in the side as well. how do you sideboard? I find that I almost never want to sideboard anything. I really only go out 2 Surrak, the Hunt Caller for 2 Collected Company against bridge/prison decks to find brontodon more. Im not even sure if lifegain is good against burn because we are just as fast and our base list pretty much always destroys burn. also my list is obviously different but yeah. I think less combat tricks is usually a good thing. My deck is actually fine with going into the late game sometimes because my creatures are so big and there is such a steady stream of them. I think Lead the Stampede also has a lot of potential although it is slow so idk in what matchups we would want it. it does seem super good overall though especially if you have a lot of 1 drops and your opponent doesn't have many wraths. Also I disagree, I think our combo matchup is very much in our favor. this deck will win on t4 very consistently, something that glass cannon type, all in combo decks can't really say. overall if we lose t2 we lose t2 but we make sure that our opponent can't mess up at all or we win. nice deck!

October 19, 2019 7:32 p.m.

jonmaior says... #21

also 4 once upon a time is def a mistake. maybe 2 - 3 i guess but you never really want to hard cast it.

October 19, 2019 7:34 p.m.

jerleg says... #22

jonmaior I will do my best to address all of your points, if I miss anything or want more clarification just ask.

First up Thrashing Brontodon might be a decent sideboard card (my sideboard is quite locked in so I dont think I'd use it) but I don't think it's great in the main. My biggest reason is we want our 3 drop to have triple green for devotions sake. I dislike playing anything more than a playset of a 3 drop as we want our curve to be as tight and low as possible.

Birds of Paradise is very cute tech against Ensnaring Bridge but I prefer my Deglamer as it's also useful against Wurmcoil Engine and other such artifacts you dont want to "destroy" but still need gone. Also the Deglamer can hit enchantments which doesn't come up often but can matter. As for running Birds itself, I would suggest changing over to Noble Hierarch (assuming budget isnt and issue) as you would get the same Bridge workaround with use in situations where their are no bridges.

Third: When it comes to 4 drops I try to avoid them. I used to play Surrak, the Hunt Caller but I found him to be dead in hand too often. Even when he did hit the board he was low impact and was chump blocked pretty easy.

Finally I'm not a huge fan of effects like Lead the Stampede as we are not looking for any creature in particular, just value in undercosted generic beaters. I'm not even a huge fan of Once Upon a Time for that same reason, but it allows us to trim on lands which is awesome so I'm tolerating it.

I do like your idea of trimming on a Once Upon a Time as I'm trying to find space to test out Syr Faren, the Hengehammer . So that might be one of my cuts.

So many new toys to play with!!

If I missed anything let me know!


P.S: my combo comment still stands. The reason we are any good is consistency so yes we can pressure stumbles from combo decks that do so. But combo decks are built to mitigate stumbling and if they go off we ain't stopping much.

October 21, 2019 8:54 a.m.

jonmaior says... #23

jerleg, Thanks! I like the deck. I have kind of come around on the once upon a time and am considering running 4 in my version. I think this card is essentially a 12 copy of Pelt Collector at least for me. In my experience, the best start we can have is t1 Pelt Collector t2 Strangleroot Geist . that isn't that much to ask for and it can just win the game by itself. If you have a 3 drop to follow up, and then another one, and another one, and another one etc... it is very hard for your opponent to win. they have to kill your big steel leafs and your Geist/pelt collector can ofter just stick around and end the game for you. My deck is definitely very different than yours in the regard that it is much higher on the curve running up to 12 3 drops and just 8 2 drops. I personally think that a top end like surrak is pretty good as just another thing to deal with that can also win the game if your opponent taps out and they won't be expecting it because they probably don't know it exists. I think Weather the Storm could possibly replace Life Goes On in the sideboard. it can be brought in usefully against burn and storm so you could still have a plan against storm at least. at least in my deck im not worried about burn because they pretty much have no chance against me because im as fast but with bigger creatures.

October 21, 2019 6:36 p.m.

jonmaior says... #24

also how do u feel about Choke ?

October 21, 2019 6:38 p.m.

jerleg says... #25

jonmaior You're right that our lists are somewhat different but the core strategy is the same so it's ok to discuss.

I agree that an early aggression start like Pelt Collector into Strangleroot Geist is good, but that's why we build our deck this way so that it doesn't matter what we curve into, so much as we curve out at all it should be good enough.

I've definitely considered Weather the Storm (I have a playset in my little extra Stompy cards binder) but the mana difference of 1 to 2 for the life gain effect seems SO high to me. In addition, the big hit for Weather the Storm is in fact Storm decks, but I feel confident against storm in the main off the back of Dryad Militant alone.

As for Choke I use to run it in older versions but it has sense lost its appeal to me. It's only really effective against U/W control and it's not stopping any of the current Stoneblade stuff. It's a lot of mana, for little devotion, that doesn't absolutely have an impact on the board in every game.

October 22, 2019 1:44 p.m.

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