Mono Green, With a Splash of Blood and Semen
I like it a lot, I made a deck like yours, but I added Ranger's Guile so we can dodge some removals to our's biggest boys.I will take your Big Daddy and test it. I was a little scared about it mana cost.. but if the game turns long or we succesfuly do the -6 of Xenagos, its a win condition.
Overall I like it, +1 for you!
September 16, 2013 3:57 p.m.
Daxos6240 Good idea, I think I may have to at least find some sideboard room for him! I just played a match against U/W/R control, he got game 1 but after I boarded game 2 and 3 were much easier. His main win con was Assemble the Legion and the Destructive Revelry 's handled that quite well. Elspeth, Sun's Champion is a bit of an issue with her minus ability, but as mentioned up top, this deck shouldn't be going all in against them anyways! Thanks for the suggestion, I will probably build this for game day also!
September 16, 2013 3:57 p.m.
Hexilion Thanks bro, that is the main reason the Worldspine Wurm had to be included, aside from the fact that he can be hardcasted with some help (I've done multiple times already) both Xenagos and Garruk can cheat him out early! Ranger's Guile is another good idea, I also really wish there was something of the Rootborn Defenses variety. Is there anything I'm missing in these colors that can provide an effect of protection like that? I could splash white for Boros Charm I suppose, but then I'm adding more shocklands and diminishing my effectiveness of post board Burning Earth Hmmmm, things to think about lol.
September 16, 2013 4:02 p.m.
Wow a lot of fatties like the build very creative I like the Stormbreath Dragon as the replacement for Thundermaw Hellkite . I did not even know that Destructive Revelry existed I was going to use Naturalize for my sideboard long and behold a better solution, thanks for opening my eye's to that overall thumb's up on the build along with a +1 to you.
September 16, 2013 4:02 p.m.
can I get a +1 for my build is truly up to you thought maybe you forgot.
September 16, 2013 4:12 p.m.
flashter No problem and thanks also bro! I did forget and I've went back and hooked up the +1 like I meant to lol!
September 16, 2013 4:15 p.m.
Awesome thanks when I get off work tonight I will more than likely be making a few changes to my brew not so sure what to do yet but I'm sure it will come to me later in the moment. Peace
September 16, 2013 4:23 p.m.
Also, give it a try to Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx It can ramp like hell and you will have huge amounts of mana late game that you can sink with Mistcutter Hydra , Clan Defiance or Savageborn Hydra
September 16, 2013 5:33 p.m.
Pheonix11235 says... #10
You might think about adding in some Savage Summoning , but i think that you're kind of a hit or miss deck. If you can get the mana then you're golden, but if you see any mana dork hate or planeswalker hate, you're going to have a bad time. That being said, I do like the deck. I also agree with Hexilion, you need some mana dumps for if you hit late game. Having too much mana and not enough uses is also a pretty big problem.
September 17, 2013 6:41 p.m.
Pheonix11235, not too be rude, but did you even look at the deck? There is 3 Savage Summoning in the sideboard. And ANY mana dork hate or planeswalker hate? trust me I have more planeswalkers then some black player has Dreadbore or Hero's Downfall or a control player has Detention Sphere . If they're playing Anger of the Gods , I take out some mana dorks, and bring in Boros Charm and other cards. I've tested this deck in about 15 matches now and it's only lost 1. I wouldn't call that very hit or miss would you? Savageborn Hydra , Polukranos, World Eater , Stormbreath Dragon , hardcasting Worldspine Wurm Clan Defiance and Mistcutter Hydra are all there to be mana sinks!! Trust me this is not a "hit or a miss deck" I've beaten 2 and 3 color control decks, aggro, and midrange...This deck with even more tweaking is a force to be reckoned with, sorry if you don't see that. Try building it on Cockatrice and playing a few games with it and maybe that'll change your mind. Thanks for stopping by!
September 17, 2013 7:27 p.m.
I think you should take out temple gardens and sacred foundry and add in more stomping grounds. You are not splicing white so it is kinda pointless
September 17, 2013 8 p.m.
Smaug1007 You can only have 4 Stomping Ground which I have, and the Temple Garden and Sacred Foundry are for the sideboard Boros Charm against decks with Anger of the Gods and Supreme Verdict also allowing me now to contemplate other cards into a complete white splash. Obviously I wouldn't have shock lands of a splash color without a reason for them being there, they were originally forests and mountains, and now I'm trying this! Thanks for stopping by.
September 17, 2013 8:37 p.m.
Nice I like the idea of trying something such as this I like Boros Charm with Ratchet Bomb just an combo I thought of how do you like it maybe you should just go Naya and main Boros Charm and add Boros Reckoner and maybe Loxodon Smiter juat a thought, throwing it out there.
September 17, 2013 8:48 p.m.
flashter I have went Naya, and Boros Charm and Loxodon Smiter both made the cut along with Centaur Healer . While I am a big fan of Boros Reckoner I'm just iffy about consistently playing him turn 3 when I get him, which is why I went with the healer, and the 3 lifegain is quite relevant in a lot of matchups!
September 18, 2013 5:44 p.m.
infinitemana says... #16
How useful is Polis Crusher ? I don't think that much enchantment hat is necessary. You could consider Savageborn Hydra , it works well as a mana sink for Xenagos's +1
September 18, 2013 6:03 p.m.
infinitemana I actually did have Savageborn Hydra instead of him, haven't tested Polis Crusher yet, will be tonight. But the hydra was mediocre at best, I like the trample on the crusher so we'll see how testing plays out.
September 18, 2013 6:12 p.m.
infinitemana says... #18
Even if you don't like Savageborn Hydra , I still think Polis Crusher isn't very good. Youll have to wait until after you test, but i would still switch it out for Primeval Bounty or something
September 18, 2013 6:26 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #19
You need more removal, nothing hurts a midrange deck more than aggro, it's like playing chess against an opponent who takes more turns than you.
September 18, 2013 7:14 p.m.
PoopScoopMcQue says... #20
All I can say is Esper will stop this deck in its tracks every step of the way XD. Not a bad deck though
September 18, 2013 9:59 p.m.
Seems really good and fun until you realize how expensive of a deck this its gonna be to make.
September 18, 2013 10:09 p.m.
PoopScoopMcQue Please elaborate how you think Esper will stop this deck in it's tracks? Considering I've played Esper in 3 matches and won all 3, so I'm quite intrigued at how you think Esper is so good, without Snapcaster Mage , Augur of Bolas and Restoration Angel . Only way Esper wins is if they get a well timed verdict and I don't have a Boros Charm handy. Also there is much more control hate in game 2 and 3, so I'm really curious....
September 18, 2013 10:26 p.m.
Pheonix11235 says... #23
An interesting choice there. You moved to a earlier and more consistent creature drop. I still LOVE the deck, but I'm sad that Worldspine Wurm had to go. I do want to know, what happens to the deck if you don't get out Xenagos? It seems like he's the linchpin of the deck really going off. I also agree with PoopScoopMcQue, an Esper deck might give you trouble. Maybe a few Witchstalker just in case? I would also think that a Fleecemane Lion might be a good pick up. 2 cost so it doesn't really fit the deck's curve well, but it does force your opponents to drop their removal as soon as they see them. One last question also, what was the reason to not fit in the gods? Purphoros, God of the Forge specifically would be very good I think.
September 18, 2013 10:38 p.m.
Pheonix11235 The deck is still going through tons of testing, and decisions of if I want to build it once Theros is released! I am not even sure if I like the changes into Naya yet as I haven't even tested. The deck definitely does NOT rely on Xenagos, The Reveler at all. I run 24 land and 8 mana dorks so it's never a problem casting things. He was there to help get the Worldspine Wurm out as you know, but I dropped him and Big Garruk, at least for now. I do have a play set of Fleecemane Lion ordered already, so that could be an idea. Esper isn't really strong right now though, not sure what you guys are seeing there. Boros Charm trumps Supreme Verdict all day. No more Snapcaster Mage , Restoration Angel , Augur of Bolas , and Nephalia Drownyard really makes Esper quite weak to be honest. The Gods could definitely be an idea, for that I would probably have to change the mana a little bit, add Purphoros, God of the Forge and swap Loxodon Smiter for Boros Reckoner making it easy to get him online. I think I may try that out and see how it works.
September 18, 2013 10:47 p.m.
Pheonix11235 says... #25
The Esper comment is because of the cards coming in. Your deck does get started early, but the way Esper would play against you would be the following. If you have mana dorks out, they don't care. When you drop your big creatures they use kill spells on them. Yes Boros Charm would counter a board wipe, but you only have 2 in the main deck. The first game it would be fairly safe to say that you won't always have it in your hand. Even if you do though all they need is 1 mana for a Swan Song to counter the charm and give you a bird. But in the end the bird dies as well. Depending on how the meta goes, the decks may transition into beat down, or try and steal your big creatures, or even mill. Your deck would probably get on line around turn 4-5 I'm guessing? Around there they will have enough mana (and probably the mana fixing) to pull off a safe Supreme Verdict /Swan Song combo and force a board wipe. after that it's about them keeping control of the board which is very possible for Esper. Also with the new set rotating in I could definately see a Merciless Eviction or two in an Esper deck to deal with any hexproof or even Boros Charm s as they do not get destroyed, but rather exiled. That's how I would see it, but to be honest every deck has a match-up that is going to intrinsically have a leg up on it. Keep testing though! I wanna see where this deck goes! :D
Daxos6240 says... #1
great build it got me thinking of playing red green at game day! would you consider maybe Mistcutter Hydra ? it seems to be a wonderful tool against control and you get at least one swing in with it before a wrath effect is even possible!
September 16, 2013 3:50 p.m.