I'm not going to lie, my deck decided that it wanted to open near perfectly all night. Here is the break down:
Round 1: G/W Heroic 2-0
Game 1 - He took a while to get a creature out and by the time he did it was too late.
Game 2 - He managed to get a number of creatures out this time but nothing to back them up so Polukranos, World Eater ate his board.
Round 2: America Control 2-1
Game 1 - I spent the first three turns silenced but managed to drop a big board turn four and didn't see a Verdict.
Game 2 - Controlled to death with a mixture of burn and Elspeth.
Game 3 - Big turn two and three thanks to 3x Burning-Tree and some big Mistcutters.
Round 3: Five Colour Wonder 2-1
Game 1 - Mull to 5. I saw one land all game.
Game 2 - Very close but I managed to run over his super Chromanticore of doom.
Game 3 - He Mulled to 5. He only saw two lands all game.
I was very disappointed with this round as we only got to play one game basically and the deck looked very fun to play and was definitely fun to play against.
Round 4: Mono-Black Devotion 2-0
Game 1 - The ideal scenario that I posted in the description? That happened.
Game 2 - I saw one land but nearly all my mana dorks and he did not have enough removal to deal with them all before a pair of Arbor Colossi out and end to him trying to go over my head and then Nylea came out and gave them trample.