Modern Mono Monster Mash

Modern kchedges


HoldZEECheese says... #1

I think a good addition to your deck might be [Primacrux] and [Khalni Hydra]

September 19, 2014 9:20 p.m.

BarryS says... #2

+1 because vorapede. In my opinion you may want better ways to interact with combo, such as more beast within, and perhaps some other disruptions ala

Leyline of Lifeforce , more Creeping Corrosion , Choke .

Also i like Kitchen Finks and maybe Strangleroot Geist vs aggro/burn

September 20, 2014 12:31 a.m.

kchedges says... #3

HoldZEECheese - I love Primalcrux and Khalni Hydra , but the problem is trying to fit them in. If I were to put either of them in I would most likely replace my 5-drops, however, Vorapede outplays both of them, so that just leaves Wolfir Silverheart . All three of these cards are best played when I have other creatures on the battlefield. If not, Khalni Hydra becomes very difficult to cast, Wolfir Silverheart becomes a 4/4 for 5, and Primalcrux becomes a 6/6 trample for 6. In this case Primalcrux is a safe bet for power in the least desirable of circumstances. When there are other creatures on my side of the battlefield however, both Primalcrux and Wolfir Silverheart are going to get a pump. The dividing line for me is that Wolfir Silverheart also provides a pump to those other creatures and adds extra damage on the turn he is played. Even if all I have on the battlefield is an Arbor Elf he can become a 5/5 and be swinging for a quarter of the opponents life. Primalcrux may have an advantage of his own power and toughness, but personally I would take Wolfir Silverheart every time for the sake of speed. If you don't agree though and you want to run this deck, that is the switch I would make if you want to add in Primalcrux . Khalni Hydra is just too risky of a card, even with ramp 8 mana can be hard to get if you don't have manpower on the battlefield.

BarryS - Thanks for the vote man and I appreciate the advice. Strangleroot Geist is actually something I've been considering for awhile over Kalonian Tusker . I think I'll try and give him a shot, because no matter what you're playing, undying is pretty excellent. Kitchen Finks on the other hand, has no place in mono green aggro. That's just my personal opinion. I would either be taking out Leatherback Baloth or Dungrove Elder and he doesn't keep up with either of those two. If I were to have a sideboard against aggro or burn and I wanted lifegain though, I would definitely use Nylea's Disciple , as she is going to gain me at least 2 life, if not significantly more. Leyline of Lifeforce is a definite yes though, I just need to figure out what to take out of the sideboard to replace it with. I think it probably tops Asceticism , but do you have any ideas?

September 20, 2014 1:52 a.m.

DH_Cell says... #4

Cool deck, +1!

September 20, 2014 10:56 a.m.

DH_Cell says... #5

Maybe on SB 2x Fade into Antiquity because it exiles and 2x Summoning Trap for blue control

September 20, 2014 10:58 a.m.

kchedges says... #6

DH_Cell - Thanks for the advice I think Beast Within is probably still my pick over Fade into Antiquity just because it's more versatile. But I did just find this card - Eyes of the Wisent which I think would be an amazing card for matchups against blue control.

September 21, 2014 2:18 a.m.

DH_Cell says... #7

Yes, that is a good one! But I still insist for at least 2x Fade into Antiquity , there are a lot of things that are indestrutible now a days and can cause u a lot of headache and somo combos like Academy Ruins + Nevinyrral's Disk :(

September 21, 2014 10:04 a.m.

DH_Cell says... #8

Take a look on my deck Deathrender for the win. I think urs is much better than mine, but actually I had this idea and I built it (actually Im still waiting for the cards to arrive). Its a little bit simillar, soh I think u can give me some wise feedback ;)

September 21, 2014 10:10 a.m.

rivers1019 says... #9

I like this deck a lot. What are your tournament results with it?

September 21, 2014 7:36 p.m.

kchedges says... #10

DH_Cell - After quite a bit of consideration, I think you're right. Definitely a good choice for dealing with Gods or otherwise. +2 Fade into Antiquity / -1 Beast Within / -1 Creeping Corrosion . Thanks for the help, I'll definitely do some research on what will help your deck out.

rivers1019 - I haven't taken it to any tournaments yet because I just haven't had the time. Took a similar version to FNM once though and got 4th (got flooded both games in my last match). But this one stomps my friends frequently and they play pretty competitive. I've never had a problem playing aggro because my creatures are always bigger, and typically do well against control due to haste/undying and the Garruks. Yeva, Nature's Herald is key player in control matchups as well.

September 22, 2014 1:59 a.m.

bsian says... #11

Hornet Nest is something I run in my Mono-green, works well against other aggro decks, and if you have a Yeva out, you can play it with flash, which can be crippling.

October 2, 2014 5:12 p.m.

Methvelin says... #12

kchedgesThis looks like a lot of fun. Can you do me a favor? Can you breakdown the sideboard and tell me what use each card has? And is there any room in the mainboard for a Thrun, the Last Troll

July 30, 2015 5:31 p.m.

kchedges says... #13

Methvelin- No problem man thanks for the interest. Thrun, the Last Troll is an awesome card and he definitely could fit in here nicely. He's pretty great at sticking to the field and not coming off. What you take out is up to you though. There is no perfect combination for any deck, so to each their own. Maybe replace Yeva, Nature's Herald, Wolfir Silverheart, or Nylea, God of the Hunt.

Sideboarding is kind of the same principle. Everyone has their own cards they like to sideboard and their own metas to take into consideration. I actually just had thrown a bunch of commonly played green sideboard cards in without thinking so thank you for making me take the time to reconsider. I revamped the sideboard to display what I would bring if playing in a large tournament against the best and most prevalent decks out there. What I came up with was this:

2xScavenging Ooze - This gives me a total of 3 possible in the deck and can really help in many scenarios. He helps with lifegain if I need it, but also provides major graveyard hate and slows down grixis control.

3xDefense Grid - This is my main sideboard strategy against any control. Get them out of my turn so my creatures can get to the battlefield. Simple and very effective for 2 mana. Be sure you sideboard out Yeva, Nature's Herald.

3xCreeping Corrosion - Affinity hate. Gotta have it. This is the best card for it.

1xBack to Nature - Enchantment hate. Just in case you see aura hexproof or other craziness. If you would rather get extra hate you can run 2xFracturing Gust and 2xCreeping Corrosion. May be a better alternative.

3xDismember - Combo hate. Mostly for twin. Good for a lot of things though. Beast Within covers more ground but is more expensive. So your pick.

3xFeed the Clan - For burn and aggro. Lots of people like Obstinate Baloth because he covers discard as well, which might be a good alternative.

Ultimately though, it's all up to you. You never know who you're going to play or if you're even going to get your sideboarded cards. Hopefully you can win before you even know what your opponent is playing anyway. Most importantly though, +1 if you like the deck.

July 31, 2015 2:49 p.m. Edited.

Methvelin says... #14

kchedges Thanks for the follow up. I actually might just buy this deck. I want a good budget modern deck and this just looks like too much fun. I also have an unhealthy obsession with the card Leatherback Baloth everything about it is just awesome from the stats and the flavor text. Lol

July 31, 2015 4 p.m.

kchedges says... #15

Methvelin- That's awesome man I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's a really fun deck to play with. Be sure to come back and give me feedback on how you like to play it and what works for you.

ps. Leatherback Baloth is the shit!

July 31, 2015 6:57 p.m.

xzypher says... #16

This looks like a great shell for a Collected Company face smash deck. However, there are some not so great cards watering your list down. Namely Vorapede, Vengevine, and Evolutionary Leap. This card just isn't modern playable; too solow and not enough immediate impact. Your Arbor Elf Utopia Sprawl combo is cute... Good even but just not consistent enough to win you games. Now! Let's talk Collected Company! This card is good. Honestly it's bonkers. It's so good that any deck that can play it will. Even decks like mono blue merfolk "fish" decks and honestly you can use it better! Imagine hitting 2 Leatherback Baloths off of it. Oops! Now they're Tarmogoyfs that count towards your devotion. Good, right? The thing about company is that it can only hit CMC three or less meaning some of the four drops in this deck will just whiff on your companies and they go to the bottom. Generally speaking when running company you want about 27-30 targets. this does leave you room for some other spells that you have in your deck already. Rancor and vines are both excellent but I would go with four copies of one or the other. See which ones fit your playstyle best. Some cards that I would recommend:-Kalonian Tusker. A staple of mono green stompy. He fills the same niche as good ol' leatherback. Definite 4 of!

-Dryad Militant. Another staple of stompy. He's just great! Great hate against the current delve filled meta and storm combo. Another 4 of.

-Kitchen Finks. A great value card. Forces a 2 for one like strangleroot geist. The life gain is also fantastic to help you stablished.

-Avatar of the Resolute. At its worst it is another copy of kalonian tusker. At its best it's a tarmogoyf with better devotion. Great synergies with Geist, Ooze, and rancor.-Scavenging Ooze. You play them. Play more.

-Birds of Paradise. The flying is surprisingly relevant. it chumps Pestermite and Vendilion Clique, two staples of UR twin, the most dominant deck in the meta.

The rest is really up to you!!! You have a great deck and there is always room for "improvement." Feel free to disregard all that I said but we are on the forefront of a mets to be filled with Collected Company. Use its power wisely.

August 2, 2015 2:37 p.m.

Methvelin says... #17

xzypher Some interesting input there. Really good read. I'm actually in the process of obtaining all of kchedges cards in his deck. Fished up quite a few today. I'm actually going to put inThrun, the Last Troll and may take a good look at some of the stuff you linked. Especially the Kalonian Tusker.

August 2, 2015 3:18 p.m.

xzypher says... #18

I'm glad you'll consider some of this stuff! Honestly if nothing else put Collected Company in this deck. It gets played in fish, elves, collected melira, and now; stompy. The price is only gonna go up if that's what your worried about. I play collected melira (birthing pod 2.0) and I can tell you that this card is spectacular. PLEASE play it!

August 2, 2015 3:29 p.m.

Methvelin says... #19

xzypher I play it in my standard deck actually. So I'll have to rotate it between my standard and modern since I have a playset of it. What do you reccomend taking out for CoCo?

August 2, 2015 3:33 p.m.

xzypher says... #20

Pretty much all the stuff that I mentioned was weak before. Vorapede, vengevine, evolutionary leap, arbor elf (for birds of paradise, up to you really though), utopia sprawl, hunters insight (CoCo gives you all the gass you need). Rancor vs. vines is a hard call. Rancor has lasting presence. You can put it on your dryad militant to just beat face or block with it and then re enchant your fatty for the late game. Vines is a great utility spell. Prot ct your fatty, Make a lethal push, kill a blocker out of nowhere. What it comes down to is preference. Most decks play rancor because of its inevitability. Some games rancor will deal 10+ damage a game. Personally I would play vines because interaction is something this deck lacks. Again the call is yours. One thing that I forgot to mention in my previous manifesto was the card Eternal Witness. This card is what makes collected company the new Birthing Pod. You cast CoCo, hit witness, get back CoCo, cast it again next turn, win. If your playing CoCo you have to play witness. Hope that helps clarify:)

August 2, 2015 3:49 p.m.

kchedges says... #21

xzypher - Hey I really appreciate the interest and advice. I wish you could see all the versions and evolutions this deck has been through but I understand most of the points you made. For the most part though I hope that you can see and value that this is not every other stompy deck, and if it was I wouldn't have to make a decklist. But here's what I think.

Collected Company - Absolutely amazing. You are totally right. By far outplays Hunter's Insight. I will definitely consider adding a second in too, but not a playset. I don't plan to stop including higher than 3CMC creatures, so I'm not going to gamble too much.

Evolutionary Leap - I'm totally offended you think this isn't playable actually. Not that you don't have the right to say that, because no one does play it. But it is absolutely unstoppable. Your reasoning is rubbish. So far anytime I have one in my hand at the start of a game, I can't lose. It absolutely has an immediate impact. It throws all removal out the door. Plus it provides a replacement for anything I don't want, like a turn 4 Arbor Elf or Experiment One. I'd play more than one of these if I wasn't worried about having a dead card in my hand. This is obviously my personal preference, but you should ask the people I play against if it is playable or not.

Birds of Paradise - Good card, but not for stompy. You made me totally question your ability to give advice just by suggesting it as a chump blocker. This is stompy. Blocking is not my prerogative, especially against UR Twin. If I play twin anything, my goal is to have the game finished by turn 4, so any damage counts. Even 1 from a measly Arbor Elf. My ramp is absolutely what I need. Enough consistency to land T2 Leatherback Baloth or Boggart Ram-Gang frequently. But if I'm lucky, I have a T2 Vengevine and 6 mana to play with on T3. Without the ramp, it would also be silly to run 3 Mistcutter Hydras. Obviously this is my own choice, but again that's what makes it a separate entity from every other stompy deck.

Rancor vs Vines of Vastwood - I totally get why you would say one or the other. There are a lot of stompy decks that run a playset of both even. I've tried to add more but I'm just looking at too many non-creature spells. I don't want to cut out either though, although Vines of Vastwood has a good pull for the better card in the deck. Rancor to me though is a necessity, even if it came down to just running one in the deck. If you want to play it though you could go either way and you wouldn't be wrong.

Kalonian Tusker - Love the card and I used to play him in this deck. Strangleroot Geist stole his slot though. I'd put it back in put it's not worth losing a 3-drop for. Avatar of the Resolute trumps him anyway though. Either way, I still wouldn't take any of them over the geist. He has too much staying power and haste wins games in modern. Scavenging Ooze is more resourceful also, if anything i'd rather have more of him than these two.

Dryad Militant - Used to run a playset of these also. Good card, but his ability is only useful like 1 in every 4th game or so and a 2/1 is pretty unremarkable otherwise. Plus you're shooting yourself in the foot if you try him and your Eternal Witness combo.

Kitchen Finks - Really good in pod - not very useful in stompy. To be honest lifegain really doesn't mean too much in this deck. Perhaps for the sideboard, but why not Feed the Clan or Obstinate Baloth? He's just not comparable to other 3-drops.

Vorapede - I expect no one else to be compelled to include this in their version of my deck. It's all personal touch. He gets out on the field occasionally and usually only gets a single attack anyway. I may not keep it in the deck but it will always be one of my favorite cards.

Vengevine - There is a reason this is a 20 dollar card. I understand you are a huge fan of Collected Company and all, but I am a huge fan of cards with haste, and he's one of the best. Even if he is a 4-drop, and even if you think 4-drops shouldn't be played in modern. He is pretty unstoppable, even if you counter him. And then even if you counter two creatures on my next turn, I'll still be swinging for 4 more damage. That's just the way I like to play.

Eternal Witness - Great combo with Collected Company. Not reliable though unless I've got a playset of both, but then that would clog up all the stomping, and this is stompy after all.

Really really really appreciate your willingness to give such extensive feedback though. I will totally take any and all further ideas if you have any. I'm going to add some CoCo and sugar and you can re-evaluate if you like. May not be run of the mill but out of the box wins games often when they can't anticipate my plays.

August 2, 2015 9:48 p.m.

LordDeathseed says... #24

I love the deck! Have you thought about Gigantosaurus or Runic Armasaur?

August 20, 2018 10:34 p.m.

kchedges says... #25

LordDeathseed I am definitely trying to find a place for Runic Armasaur, but that might be in the sideboard. Definitely going to try and add Ghalta, Primal Hunger, and probably over Gigantosaurus, because it’s bigger and usually costs less.

September 2, 2018 2:44 p.m.

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