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Mono-R Elemental Burn [lowryn/shadowmoor block]

Modern* Budget Burn Casual Combo Mono-Red Tribal



A budget deck that i'm working on. Base strategy is:

  • Harbinger to get cinder pyromancer

  • get the pyro on board, start doing damage, if you can, put out other pyros/ harbinger-> pyro while doing so

  • when you have at least 2 pyros, start comboing pyros with needle drop and Warlord's fury, as they get you to draw cards for giving you other stuff to play, as most of the deck is light on mana costs. Every card that you can play this way is 2+ damage (4+ if you can put Furnace of Rath on board). Use sooststoke kindler if needed to hasten your pyros and speed things up

  • keep using pyros to finish you opponent, while defending yourself with low cost creatures and removing what you can with your burns (arc trail, flame javelin) + needle drop if necessary

Alternate strategy:

  • Get yourself with harbinger or through draws: smokebraider, Soulbright, Searblades, a pyro and possibly warlord's Fury, Ashling is fine too

  • Consider the list of things in your deck that buffs your Searblades(more than half of the creatures) and think about the possibilities

  • Smokebraider (+1) into 3x Soulbright active (+3 and +8 -note: use it on searblades and other big creatures like ashling ) into pyro's (+1 for every pyro) into Warlord's fury (first Strike and another +1 for every pyro as they untap), then spend your remaining 7 from Soulbright how you want. You could buff Ashling twice (+2), you could play some cards and get +1 for every pyro AGAIN, you could use other Soulbright's effect to repeat all of this (a potential +3 and more)

  • attack with your Searblades that should be at least a 10/4 with trample and first strike. Of course every other Searblades that you happened to have on board will be the same


  • Ashling the pilgrim can be used as a mass clear if needed, just keep her around 4/5 power and when needed use her effect 3 times to deal 8 damage to all creatures and players

  • a nice way to get pyro's untapped many times in one turn is to go: , harbinger into harbinger, , needle drop / Warlord's fury to draw the harbinger, , harbinger into another harbinger / low cost elemental if you have ways to draw them instantly, otherwise get what you need in that moment

Try to play around removals, the deck sucks pretty bad against those, as pyros are just 0/1


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100% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors B

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
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