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Mono Red Budget Burn (Updated)

Modern Budget Burn Mono-Red




Instant (2)

Sorcery (1)

Creature (1)

Artifact (1)

This is my updated budget burn deck. I originally had a $50 budget, then I pulled 2 Brotherhood's End from a pre-release pack and decided to add a little bit more here and there.

The idea here is to use non-combat damage to help play Chandra's Incinerator.

Ex. Primary Strategy with preferred hand:

T1: Suspend Rift Bolt / Cast Seal of Fire

T2: Resolve Rift Bolt / Sacrifice Seal of Fire and cast Lightning Bolt / Lava Spike / Skewer the Critics (If resolving Rift Bolt, can also play/sacrifice Seal of Fire), Play Chandra's Incinerator

T3+: Burn and Smash Face

Otherwise, I'm just burning stuff like the caveman magic player I am.

My sideboard currently consists of stuff I threw together after hearing of a couple archetype matchups to be on the lookout for.

Feel free to leave comments and suggestions. I'm relatively new to magic and curious if there are more reliable strategies to find/get out Chandra's Incinerator or similar cards to Chandra's Incinerator to include in my deck. Thanks in advance for suggestions, and I hope you have a pleasant rest of your day.


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I was finally able to play my deck at an FNM event. These were the results:

2W* 1L VS. Affinity

2W 0L VS. Burn

2W 1L VS. Domain Zoo

Each round I lost the die roll, so I had to win at least one game on the play each round.

Some comments/thoughts on the games:

Affinity: Game 1 I was able to out race the affinity player. I couldn't for the life of me get delirium for Dragon's Rage Channeler but she kept me from flooding as I surveilled at least two lands to the graveyard. Sawblade Scamp did work as it got out Chandra's Incinerator for one less mana so I could then Skewer the Critics and remove a creature. They didn't have removal or counter for Chandra's Incinerator and I won the next turn.

Game 2: I may have side-boarded poorly, as I brought in Searing Blood against the many two toughness creatures, but they used Welding Jar to regenerate, negating the destroy effect and damage. They were then able to deploy and quickly win the game. I'm not sure if bringing in Searing Blood along with Smash to Smithereens is the correct play or if I should bring in less to keep my ratio of 1 mana value spells high.

*Game 3: This one there was a misplay. I kept a slower hand and let the affinity player deploy their hand including 2 Frogmite. I then cast Brotherhood's End and selected/read aloud the mode "destroy all artifacts with mana value 3 or less." The player mentioned that was very good, and I said yeah, but his two Frogmite were safe (he also had a Shadowspear, Haywire Mite, Springleaf Drum, and Welding Jar in play. He used the Welding Jar to regenerate the Shadowspear). I put my sorcery in the graveyard, and after two rounds or so of play realized he placed his two Frogmite in his graveyard. I showed him the card again and he put them back on the battlefield. I had the removal for them and eventually won. It's difficult to say if the end outcome would've been different had we avoided the misplay, but considering I had the removal in hand and wasn't tapping out each round, I'm inclined to say I still would've been favored. I'll just need to be less nervous and pay better attention to the board state during any future events.

Burn: I think this deck is well positioned against your typical boros burn deck. Game 1 He had the jump on me with three Goblin Guide. I removed one to give me time to cast Chandra's Incinerator turn 3, and from there the game switched. Every time I cast Lightning Bolt or Skewer the Critics to his face, I could remove a Goblin Guide or any other threat he deployed. I think it important to note he took damage off fetch lands and I won the game at 1 life.

Game 2: I got my T2 Chandra's Incinerator and stomped. Not much more to say other than I could hold my Lightning Bolt or sacrifice Seal of Fire to maximize value by burning him and also removing any creatures he played

Domain Zoo: I'm calling the deck domain zoo because it ran five colors along with Territorial Kavu but they also played Shardless Agent. Regardless I felt favored as his land base probably dealt at least five damage to him each game.

Game 1: I didn't have Chandra's Incinerator, but I had enough burn spells to burn the old fashioned way. Sawblade Scamp again doing work as I could use it to turn on spectacle for Skewer the Critics and Light Up the Stage.

Game 2: On the draw my first hand had only one Forgotten Cave for lands. I mulliganed to six with the same result and decided not to go further. I then preceded to not draw another land. Sufficed to say I lost that game.

Game 3: I had sided in Roiling Vortex after game 1 and drew it with my opening hand. Turn 2 Roiling Vortex followed by Turn 3 Chandra's Incinerator gave me a very strong position against my opponent's Scion of Draco. My opponent told me later he had two Shardless Agent in his hand he couldn't play and didn't find the interaction he needed.

Overall I'm very happy with the deck. Sawblade Scamp outperformed my expectations, typically dealing 3+ damage a game and allowing me to pay spectacle costs when I otherwise couldn't. I didn't see much of Vexing Devil or Dragon's Rage Channeler so it's hard for me to say how they perform in the deck. While I'm sure some of the wins could be attributed to just good draws or matchups, the fact this deck could stand up to more popular brews was encouraging. And my opponents weren't playing budget decks either. Affinity played Urza's Saga and Shadowspear, burn played Sunbaked Canyon and Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, and the five color deck had all the fetches, triomes, and shocklands needed to support the deck (which probably worked out in my favor). If I'm able to play at another FNM event I'll try and post those results as well (and hopefully take better notes). I had a good time, and I hope I'll be able to bring this deck to another event in the future.



92% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors WUBG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 7 Rares

11 - 3 Uncommons

20 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Tokens On an Adventure
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