Mono Red Burn (Top 8 Magic Origins Game Day)
Also, with this style of mono-red deck, you aren't aiming to win as fast as possible. Against other aggro decks, this one is designed to grind out the game by removing all their creatures and slowly accumulating a board state. This deck isn't desiged to race.
Against midrange/control, this deck wants to kill quickly by beating down with creatures in the early game and then in the late game just reach out and burn their face. So even then you're just holding onto a hand of burn making the presence of an extra land or 2 less relevant. Especially since those extra lands allow you cast multiple high impact spells before the Abzan deck can take their turn or 2 to beat you down. Because sometimes all they need is up to 3 turns of beating.
The biggest advantage fetches have in this deck is that if there so happens to be a land clump at the top of the deck, you can either get rid of it, or move it deeper into the deck. But the shuffle can also create land clumps, though it's less likely to do that.
August 12, 2015 11:58 a.m.
Article on deck thinning:
August 12, 2015 12:01 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #6
You can't predict "land clumps". Shuffling could also be getting rid of a string of spells that you wanted.
Don't play fetchlands in this deck. As has been mentioned, the deck thinning afforded by using them is so minimal that the cost of 1 life actually matters more. Modern Burn plays fetchlands for fixing and to support Searing Blaze. This deck has absolutely no need for them.
Jdvanliew Note that a fetchland only takes 1 more land out of your deck, because a Mountain drawn is one land while a fetchland drawn is two. The percentages you gain are, again, too slim to bother.
Regardless, I'd cut the Temple. Taplands are unplayable here.
August 12, 2015 12:06 p.m.
you can never 100% predict what your next few spells are going to be. As you could be shuffling away that string of spells you could be shuffling away a string of crap. The point is that fetches don't change enough to warrant the life lost and money put into 8 fetch lands, which now costs over 100$.
And yea, forgot about the point of supporting Searing Blaze
August 12, 2015 12:12 p.m.
No, your point is that fetch lands statistically thing your deck enough to warrant the life loss of running them. My point is that no, it really doesn't. Also, as glisten agent pointed out and you said again, fetch lands only pull 1 land more out of your deck, not 2. I'm not sure if you read the article I posted, but the conclusion was that over the first 5 turns, if you fetch every turn, your odds of drawing land are only decreased by 5%, which does not benefit you considering the life lost.
As for the play style of the deck- this deck isn't meant to race. It grinds out an advantage against other aggro decks and beats down early on against other decks that are build to 1 for 1. Cards like Roast and Harness by Force in sideboards allow you to be able to beat those bigger decks because then game plan here is slower. Beat down early game, save your creatures as late game blockers and kill them with the reach that burn spells give you. They're what you use to close out the game.
My point in that the fetch lands could get rid of a land clump can just as easily be applied to them giving you a land clump. While you could be shuffling away a string of good spells, you can just as easily be shuffling away a bunch of bad ones, so really it makes no difference wether or not you have the ability to shuffle your library.
August 12, 2015 1:22 p.m.
Oshi_with_an_O says... #10
Thanks for all the support guys, regarding the fetches I do have a set of Wooded Foothills, sometimes it has saved my ass, but sometimes the life loss has cost me a game.
I agree the Temple of Abandon has to go. To be honest it was only in there because I was too lazy to find a basic mountain. It will surely be out for Friday.
There is still going to be changes to the list. There is a few weird numbers and I still need a 4th Exquisite Firecraft from a friend. Thanks again.
August 12, 2015 2:27 p.m.
I don't know if you do online trading, but I have 2 firecrafts for trade.
August 12, 2015 2:43 p.m.
Well, Oshi_with_an_O, it's up to you. Regardless of stats, if it works for you, go ahead. Personally, with a total lack of other cards the benefit from the fetches, I wouldn't run them, but it's your deck.
August 12, 2015 3:31 p.m.
Oshi_with_an_O says... #16
Thanks again guys, I will add the 4th Exquisite Firecraft for a Satyr Firedancer when I obtain it.
Regarding sideboard, I will be swapping 2 Arc Lightnings for 2 Anger of the Gods when I get them.
August 12, 2015 10:47 p.m.
AngelOfDivinity says... #17
Sphinx's Tutelage Deck:
"Man! RDW sure would hate Orbs of Warding!"
"Five mana? Wait, you mean they actually print cards with converted mana cost that high?"
August 18, 2015 8:44 p.m.
greg dot wagner dot middleton says... #19
On the contrary, the reason why fetches in mono red burn are so popular in modern lists is the same reason that they would vastly improve this decks play here. Deck thinning is huge, and after your first fetch (as early as T1) it improves your likelihood to draw a non-land in future turns because you have taken 2 lands out of the deck instead of one. Lets face it, you don't want to be drawing unnecessary lands in this list. Comment #3 is still how I would approach making this more competitive. As my solution would also take the list down to 19 lands every time you play a fetch you reduce your overall land count by over 10%, this will make you far more likely to quickly beat your opponents before him/her has time to react. If your first two lands are fetches the second will remove approximately 12% of the remaining lands in your hand+deck, and this number just keeps stacking! Also adding 2 creatures will make you more likely to draw a game finisher. Speed is your greatest asset in this deck, don't ignore its importance!
August 12, 2015 11:43 a.m.
You made me a believer!
August 19, 2015 5:16 p.m.
Duskmantle says... #20
I so look forward to R&D workinf with red in a way that doesn't involve b.s. miser decks like this. Games of magic should be fun interactive and skill testing. This is very rarely any of those.
August 25, 2015 4:09 p.m.
Oshi_with_an_O says... #21
The only "B.S" deck in Standard right now is Abzan. Despite what you and others may believe, Abzan is way easier to pilot than any other deck in standard, including burn. In fact it takes a lot of "Skill" to beat Abzan with red.
Don't whine about losing to a budget deck. I only played burn cause I could get it for cheap, after about 6 months I've been able to upgrade it to what it is now. Gosh we don't play burn cause we hate fun, we play burn because we want to have fun.
You're like the people who hate mono red burn in modern.
August 25, 2015 5:04 p.m.
AngelOfDivinity says... #23
Yeah. This is a great deck.
And, on another topic, Pyromancer's Goggles is amazing. Think three mana for Hordeling Outburst. I know, it's a silly high mana cost for this deck, but the sheer value you get out of it is worth it. Also combos hilariously with Howl of the Horde, which itself might not be a bad addition. But anyway, the goggles and the howl followed by a convoked Stoke the Flames or an Exquisite Firecraft is lethal.
In this deck, of course, 20 damage is way more than you'll ever need from a single spell. But getting nine damage off a normal, non-goggled, Howl of the Horde + Lightning Strike is value.
Oh, and Molten Vortex is a good SB option against control. Scab-Clan Berserker may even be worth mainboarding.
August 25, 2015 6:06 p.m.
Oshi_with_an_O says... #24
I'll consider Howl of the Horde, although I believe you have to pay full mana for the copies, Scab-Clan Berserker is pretty good, but I think it belongs in sideboard for red mirror, control or jeskai.
I was planning on adding Molten Vortex, but I just don't own any, so I never added it, if I get my hands on it I will test.
August 25, 2015 6:21 p.m.
AngelOfDivinity says... #25
No, with howl of the horde, you don't have to pay their mana cost. The reason it doesn't say "You may cast it without paying its mana cost" is that it non-optionally goes strait onto the stack- it isn't cast. It just becomes a thing under your control.
Nixin72 says... #2
The reason modern decks run fetch lands is because of their interaction with shock lands. Because a card like Wooded Foothills specifies forest or mountain, it allows you to fetch a Sacred Foundry or a Stomping Ground that both have the land type mountain.
Deck thinning statistically does almost nothing. Tapped out will actually show you statistics on your likely hood to draw cards. Mess with your land count by 1 or 2 lands and very little changes.
August 12, 2015 11:50 a.m.