Mono Red Burn (Top 8 Magic Origins Game Day)
AngelOfDivinity says... #3
Actually, I take that back.
9/20/2014 When either ability resolves, it creates a copy of the instant or sorcery spell. You control each copy. Each copy is created on the stack, so its not cast. Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell wont trigger. The copy or copies will then resolve like normal spells, after players get a chance to cast spells and activate abilities.
You don't pay the mana cost.
August 25, 2015 10:26 p.m.
Duskmantle says... #4
I dont think I said anything about Abzan not being BS, however your defensive redirection of my the statement as well as aggression towards my opinion is very telling to your maturity and your play style. Sorry you had to play games against Abzan, must be terrible for you. Maybe you should try something less linear you would probably do better, amusing you have taken the time to learn to out play your opponents. Losing to budget decks is never a problem. Losing before getting to play the game, that's a problem. As for hating burn in modern I dislike modern as a whole due to all of the linear strategies in the format but yes burn is one of my least favorite, you rattled off 7ish burn spells without flooding, damn what a master >_>
August 25, 2015 11:24 p.m.
Oshi_with_an_O says... #5
Playing against a standard burn deck isn't that difficult, it takes a while to burn someone out with this few of options. I never had a match where someone didn't have a chance to "Play the game."
I'm very sorry you see this as an aggressive attack towards you and your opinion. But if fast aggro decks is such a bother for you, don't play jeskai then.
I'm glad you can control yourself, and managed to restrain from posting about how my deck isn't "Skill Testing" like the mature adult you are :)
Luckily I can still have fun playing magic even with people like you complaining about my deck.
August 25, 2015 11:47 p.m.
Duskmantle says... #6
You misunderstand me, I dont dislike aggro deck, they are very important to any metagame to keep control in line, I dislike linear decks with little to no play to them, the current red deck has more play to it than the "sligh" decks of the past 2 seasons. I dont like 4 damage burn spells they give to much reach, and cards like Eidolon of the Great Revel are not well designed, they punish people for trying to play the game, that seems like a major mistake. I do like the direction red "card draw" has gone with outpost siege and Abbot, but from a game design perceptive it feels like red needs a lot of work. When a color or card causes more players to tilt off than creates games people enjoy something is wrong. This is all opinions I have observed from many players over many magic tournaments.
August 26, 2015 12:34 a.m.
AngelOfDivinity says... #7
Well I like cats! I like linear cats as well as cats that love to curl up in balls and even cats that stretch out on their backs so they they can trap people into rubbing their bellies and then attack their hands mercilessly like a mockingbird!
August 26, 2015 12:43 a.m.
Oshi_with_an_O says... #8
I agree with your the way you described Eidolon of the Great Revel, I have found it unfair to play against, and I'm glad my deck has moved in a direction where I can remove those.
Regarding the 4 damage spells, it is a bit annoying, but at least we've got a decent abzan matchup now.
My favorite cards in the deck are also Abbot of Keral Keep and Outpost Siege
Sorry for any misunderstandings.
August 26, 2015 11:55 a.m.
Duskmantle says... #10
@Jdvanliew dont let me post when I am on pain medication, sorry for being a bit of a ass, was tamer than I could have been but much worse than I usually am :/ Would have made very similar points just without the personal jabs, sorry about that.
SpringingTiger says... #1
With Howl of the Horde, you still need to pay the mana cost of the card that you're going to copy. For example, if you plan on copying Lightning Strike, you'll still need to pay five mana total (3 for Howl and 2 for Strike). For this reason, I wouldn't play any.
August 25, 2015 10:23 p.m.