I had a dragon deck that just loves all these new dragon cards, so looking to work on it
The breakdown: (OUTDATED)
Utvara Hellkite: The big scary monster of the deck, if this hits, the opponent is in trouble, even attacking with a feeble
Dragon Hatchling
gets a free 5/5 flyer, major win con.
Scourge of Valkas: The star of the deck, huge synergy with dragon tribal theme. Any time a dragon enters the battlefield, do direct damage. Basically functions as at least a lightning bolt every time a creature is played.
Slumbering Dragon: tricky one drop, usually never gets a chance to wake up. Discourages aggressive decks from attacking. Main use is to pump up Scourge of Valkas's effect for only one mana!
Dragon Hatchling
: The star of the early game, a 0/1 seems innocuous, but often can fly over early defenses and firebreath quick direct damage.
Dragon Egg
: Discourages attacking, decent enough wall, helps agaisnt board wipes.
Ryusei, the Falling Star
: Since all this decks creatures have flying, his death effectively will wipe most of the opponents board.
Spawn of Thraxes
: Great late game bomb, with all mountains, it hits for significant damage every time.
Purphoros, God of the Forge: Ends up being a creature very quickly due to most of the larger dragons giving 2 or 3 devotion to it. Also its passive ability is nothing to sneeze at with all the baby dragons.
Koth of the Hammer: Mana ramp is it's main purpose. But those 4/4 haste creatures can sneak in some quick damage. Also a late game emblem can win the game in one shot.
Crucible of Fire: Star of the deck, suddenly those cute 0/1s that were not seen as a threat are 3/4?!? and then the bigger ones are 8/8s and 9/9s? and god help the opponent if two of these drop.
Door of Destinies: Basically a slower crucible of fire, with the upside being it gets huge in a few turns!
Gauntlet of Power: buff all creatures AND double mana? Yes please!
Springleaf Drum
: Mana ramp, I wasn't tapping those Slumbering Dragons anyway...
Quicksilver Amulet: With the right draw this could mean a turn 4 Utvara Hellkite. Dropping those bombs for 4 mana is a HUGE advantage.
Dragon Roost: A bit pricey, but being able to pump out dragons without needed cards in hand is worth it.
Sideboard (work in progress):
Hellkite Tyrant: Totally wrecks havock with affinity or any artifact based deck. Offers alternate win condition.
Coat of Arms: Alternative to Hall of Heroes, offers opponent bonus too, so only sided in against decks that don't have a lot of creatures or ones that share types. The upside is gigantic!
Fireball: Direct damage for if the dragons can't get through.
Lightning Bolt: see fireball
Grafdigger's Cage: because I absolutely HATE playing agaisnt dredge.
Stormbreath Dragon: agaisnt white
Shattering Blow
: Artifact heavy decks
M15:Siege Dragon is looking promising