Based on Saffron Olive's Post Rotation Mono Blue Eldrazi
A version without Elder Deep Fiend got me 2nd place at Eldritch Moon Gameday. I've been playing MTG since origins and have been tinkering with this deck for about 6 months.
Plan A: Beat Down with turn 3 TKS and turn 4 Smasher. If they survive that you can usually close out the game with a turn 8 Elder Deep-Fiend
Plan B: Fill the board with thopter tokens and pump them with a top deck ruination guide
Good Hand Show
Anything with 3 lands is a keep - anything less is a mull
(will add more)
5 Lands is the limit - anything more is a mull
(will add more)
T1 - Pass, T2 - Hedron Crawler, T3- Thought-Knot, T4-Reality Smasher
T1 - Pass, T2 - Hedron Crawler, T3- Hangarback with 2 counters, T4- Infiltrator with 3 mana open
T1 - Pass, T2 - Hangarback, T3 - Pass, Flash Infiltrator, pump Hangarback, T4 - Thought-Knot
If you have Unsubstantiate or Void Shatter in hand it's best to prioritise sweeper spells like Languish/Tragic Arrogance (basically anything that kills more than 1 creature) but if they start putting down things that are bigger than smasher it's best to bounce/counter them to be able to swing in for damage.
Save your foundry of consuls until you have lethal on your next turn or if you're dead without blockers.
Playing a turn 4 smasher is great but it's best to hold it in your hand when you have the board advantage. Make your opponents use their removal spells on the Thopters and Infiltrators so that when Smasher hits the battlefield your opponent will be forced to top deck for answers. People who play white usually side in Linvala, but you'll usually draw into Void Shatter to answer it.
BW Control Our best matchup. We can kill them before they can do anything.
Side in : 2x Moon for Kalitas or anything big. 2x Negate for planeswalkers
Take out: 2x Stitcher's Graft 1x Ruination Guide 1x Skyspwaner
Bant Company Just leave that negate mana for Coco
side in: 2x Negate 3x Spatial Contortion for Queller
side out: 2x Stitcher's Graft 3x Hangarback
Temur Emerge. Just kill their early creatures so they can't emerge.
Side in : 3x Summary Dismissal for Emrakul. 3x Spatial Contortion.
Take out: 2x Stitcher's Graft 2x Skyspawner 1x Void Shatter
RW Humans This is where stitcher's graft is really useful and the reason why it's in the main board. We just get wrecked by this deck. we can try to race but I found that having a 3/4 hedron crawler or a 5/4 Infiltrator on turn 3 really helps. Since they'll usually be going after our hangarbacks.
Side in: 3x Spatial Contortion 2x Hydrolash 1x Stitcher's Graft
Side out: 3x Void Shatter 3x Unsubstantiate
UB ZombiesThis deck is a nightmare. The Haunted dead combo is just so hard to deal with since we can't play any sweeper spells. While we do have 4 sources of red mana for kozilek's return, getting mana screwed is a very real risk. So far the only way I have managed to get a win from this deck is when the opponent misplays.
Side in: 2x Hydrolash 3x Spatial Contortion 1x Stitcher's Graft
Side out: 3x Void Shatter 3x Unsubstantiate
Final Notes:Don't be afraid to mull to five to get at least three lands. You can keep a 2 land hand with 5 cards usually you can find a third land with the scry.
Always save your counterspells for sweepers!