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Mono U Standard Tempo Mill

Standard Budget Competitive Mill Mono-Blue




Got some ideas from other people-- this version that I came up with tends to work out the most consistently. I can say that I have played this in competitive constructed in MTG: Arena beta (best of 3 with sideboard) and it's quite fun and VERY good (it helps that most people play control decks in that, too).

This deck is pretty strong vs huge creature decks. It's really weak to cheap creature aggro decks, unless you get a good draw and can return their creatures to their hand quickly. Monogreen aggro with Steel Leaf Champion and Vine Mare is by far the most difficult to deal with (any sideboard recommendations for this?). This deck turns out to be insanely strong vs other control decks, especially those with creature removal. Even against the WU control you just counter their Teferi, Hero of Dominaria or their Cast Out on your Fraying Sanity. Against other counter spell decks, try to play instants at the end of their turn and save your enchantment combos for when they are tapped out. When this deck works, it's very LUL-inducing, so use this deck especially against people you want to troll. I don't have much experience playing this in tournament format yet, but as long as you aren't playing against a sideboard with shuffle cards from graveyard into library cards then you should be okay (I did add some Scavenger Grounds in the sideboard to try and combat this). I can also see this deck being weak to lots of enchantment removal or nonland permanent removal-- hopefully Negate in the sideboard can help with this.

If you are looking for a budget deck, you can take out the super expensive cards Search for Azcanta   and Baral, Chief of Compliance and Disallow and be fine. You still need 4 Champion of Wits though, that card is essential. Search for Azcanta   helps the deck be more consistent but it isn't essential.

(Note on MTG: Arena-- if autotap is on, it taps your Ipnu Rivulet last so make SURE you tap it for colorless if you are casting something, otherwise you might have to lose 1 life when you tap it for blue... I lost a couple of games from losing that extra 1 life.)


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 9 Rares

20 - 2 Uncommons

16 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Champion of Wits 4/4 B, City's Blessing
Folders mill, interessanti, How to Inflict Pain in MTG Arena
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