In this Deck I wanted to use the combo of Ninth Bridge Patrol and 2 Wispweaver Angels flickering/blinking each other to create a Dwarf with unlimited power and toughness.The rest are just here to assist with the flicker/blink effects and to flicker/blink fabricate things for Servos.
Why These Cards?
Acrobatic Maneuver: Whether you are using this card to flicker/blink a fabricate creature, flicker/blink something that has been targeted by a removal spell or just to draw a card to filter through your library, this is the card to do that.
Animation Module: With this I can make existing creatures bigger and to create many servos.
Aviary Mechanic: An early form of "bouncing" a creature, this high flying artificer benefits you and your Ninth Bridge Patrols.
Fairgrounds Warden: Single point removal. This dwarf has the ability to lock down the opponents early game only to be flicked/blinked to change the target of the exile to a bigger threat.
Glint-Sleeve Artisan: Probably the first creature with fabricate that you will have on the battlefield. Almost every time you will be creating a servo unless you have a Fabrication Module out and one extra mana open.
Impeccable Timing: Eh, is okay during combat. Running this for removal on a budget.
Master Trinketeer: To make the army of servos 2/2 or even 3/3 when all of them are out.
Ninth Bridge Patrol: Combo piece 1. Can also just get bigger from Acrobatic Maneuvre targeting something else or Aviary Mechanic returning something to your hand.
Propeller Pioneer: A creature with flying and fabricate. What more could you want. It can also trades with Smugglers Copter if it has a counter on it.
Skywhaler's Shot: To kill anything with 3 or more power. Gets rid of Copter, Colossus and Emrakul.
Visionary Augmenter: One of the creatures that I am most likely to flicker/blink as it can give me 2 servos instead of 1.
Wispweaver Angle: Combo Piece 2. Cleanest way to flicker/blink something as you don't have to re-play it. You also get a 4/4 flying body. And takes down Copter.
Some Constiderations:
Aether Hub & Second Harvest: I don't want to run any forests or dual lands (budget remember) but 2 Aether Hubs can get me to 2 green mana for Second harvest to double my army of servos.
Panhamonicon: An all star of the format, Panhamonicon allows each creature with fabricate to trigger an additional time. I would only run 2 of them however as I still want room for the key cards of this deck.
Removal Package:
4x Declaration in Stone: To deal with any creature. ANY CREATURE!! Great against token strategies.
2x Fragmentize: To get rid of the main artifacts of many powerful decks such as Panhamonicon and Aetherworks Marvel.
2x Fumigate: For creature based strategies or to just stabilise the game if you're on the back foot. Can be counter-intuitive most of the time though.
This is if you want the deck to be able to counter some other decks in the format at the moment. I consider removing the 4x Impeccable Timing and replacing them with the 4x Declaration in Stone. The rest is up to you.