This is a gimmicky deck, and it may never work (still to be tested, only just ordered for play with my casual group), but it seems different enough to be worth a shot.
Okay, so there are 3 combo pieces to this deck. The first of which is new Born of the Gods card
Acolyte's Reward
. This is the card that actually sets you up to burn your enemies to death - in mono white.
In order for it to work you will need a Lightmine Field on the table. The field burns enemy creatures attacking you, but it also burns your own creatures attacking your enemies. This is good!
The final piece of the combo is
Precursor Golem
If you have 5 golems out, one of which is Precursor Golem and between 4 and 5 white devotion on the table (not too difficult), you can attack into the lightmine field and hit one of the golems with Acolyte's Reward. This will not only save your golems but will also burn your opponent for 20-25 points of sizzling hot white burn to the face!
Other pieces in this deck either put out more golems or are there to protect you while you mount your kill stroke.
Privileged Position is particularly useful as it protects your Golems from going out en-masse to a single Doomblade.
Precursor Golem
is not only additional burn, but also potentially tremendous card draw.
Hope you all enjoy!