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Mono White Human Soldiers (Gideons Army)

Legacy Aggro Control Mono-White Weenie




In our gaming group, we enjoy engaging in 1V1 and FFA matches with legacy decks. I build decks consisting of 80 cards, this deck size helps me prevent milling, self-decking, and encountering additional copies of legendary cards while also providing more options. Lastly, when I build a deck, I do it with flavor, I do not deviate from that flavor even if there are better cards in other colors or if there are less flavorful cards in the same color that function better.

Deck Strategy:

The strategy of this deck is to aggressively control the opponents board with small creatures while dealing incremental damage quickly.

Hand Management:

Recruitment Officer - A late game mana sink that provides extra damage early on. Guardian of New Benalia - A excellent option to create the perfect hand at any point in the game. Gavony Dawnguard - While better for group games, this card can help with even one flip pull the right piece of removal. Mentor of the Meek - The best draw card in the deck, getting an exra card is sometimes better than playing a creature as it helps outpace removal and field wipes.


Gideon, Battle-Forged   - Excellent planeswalker/creature for forcing creatures into Loyal Sentry or preventing massive issues from troublesome creatures. Loyal Sentry - Great defensive removal, too low in value to remove, too valuable to let live. Cathar Commando - Artifact and enchantment removal at its finest or early heavy damage. Brutal Cathar   - One of the best pieces of removal in the deck often removing multiple times if played right. Gideon Blackblade - While Giedon is a creature in every zone on your turn, making him an incredible indestructible ally, his ult is easy to get to and use. Savior of Ollenbock - Another incredible removal creature that when paird with Champion of the Parish is almost impossible to stop. Karakas - Save gideon on your turn or bounce an importnant creature on an opponents turn. Maze of Ith - Give your creatures vigilance or remove a powerful creature from combat. Ghost Quarter - Goodbye evil lands. Selfless Squire - Prevent all damage dealt to you.

Field Wipe Adaptation

Guardian of New Benalia - Make your creature indestructible. Siege Veteran - Replace all your creatures with new creatures. Gideon, Battle-Forged   - Indestructible creature that can make other creatures indestructible. Gideon Blackblade - Indestructible creature that can make other creatures indestructible. Emeria, the Sky Ruin - When the game runs late, the dead will rise. Savior of Ollenbock - Exile your own graveyard so when Savior leaves, you get them all back.

Life Gain:

Gideon Blackblade - Gideon is great a providing lifelink.

Increasing Damage:

Champion of the Parish - Turn 1 Champion is almost a guaranteed win. Thalia's Lieutenant - A super Champion of the Parish hat gives all humans you control a free counter when entering the battlefield, great for late game. Savior of Ollenbock - Savior is a great late game or mid game card that grows almost every time it attacks. Siege Veteran - Siege is a great early game card that brings only great things. Selfless Squire - A huge bomb that can thwart a masssive attack and repay you 10 fold. Works great with Gideon Blackblade's lifelink. Idyllic Grange - A small pump land.

Utility Lands:

Emeria, the Sky Ruin - Rarely needed, but helps in long games or group games. Ghost Quarter - Rarely needed but might help. Idyllic Grange - Not needed at all but does help in some games and hurts in others. Karakas - Very helpful in playing Gideon Blackblade twice in one turn, making multiple creatures indestructible. Maze of Ith - Very helpful in creating blockers or pulling big creatures out of combat.

Sideboard Options:

Cavern of Souls - Helps with counter spell decks. Coppercoat Vanguard - Helps with spot removal decks. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - Helps with creatureless or field wipe decks. Thalia, Heretic Cathar - Helps with ramp decks or aggro decks. Tithe Taker - Helps with counterspell decks.

Maybeboard Options:


Very fast paced deck that wins a lot, has great board synergy, and is far more controlling than expected.


The land base could be altered but otherwise no other concerns.


Lethality refers to a deck's remarkable efficacy in eliminating all players seated at the table. Lethal wins epitomize instances where a player successfully eliminates their opponents, while lethal losses denote missed opportunities to secure those kills. A player becomes a missed kill when either another player eliminates them or when the deck fails to eliminate the remaining player in time. Points are awarded in blocks of 10 for wins and losses, with smaller blocks granted if a player neither finishes first nor last. The ranking system ranges from A to E, with A representing an impeccably crafted deck and E indicating the need for further refinement.

  • 1V1 WINS
  • 1V1 LOSSES
  • 1V1 WIN RATE %
  • 1V1 RANK

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96% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 6 Rares

10 - 7 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Tokens Day, Goblin 1/1 R, Night, Skeleton 1/1 B, The Atropal
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