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Mono White Humans




LOL no fancy name here. So this is basically the shell of most if not any Human Deck archetype in Scars-Innistrad Standard.

OK, so the Mainboard is pretty straightforward so allow me to talk about the sideboard:

3x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

- When this card was spoiled on DailyMTG, it recieved the attention it deserved going to almost $10 a piece on SCG the starting day of this card's sale. What it does for the deck is make Control and Mono Red Archetypes one turn slower. this card also beats in for two without hesitation, not to mention it is hated by Delver players because a Mana Leak that costs three is huge and when this player has to cast the counter spell, it stops EOT Restoration Angel almost 8/10 - 9/10 Games before Vapor Snag becomes relevant in said game. I wanted to run only three because Aggro decks being spewed out of Dark Ascension (mostly R/G decks) and into Return to Ravnica this coming October. I'm not going to say that control is dead however, the aggro archetypes are making Mana Leak, and Dissipate significantly LESS relevant.

2x Gideon Jura

- Unfortunately Gideon has only 3 months left until it's rotation but it doesn't mean that it is becoming bad. Gideon Jura took on a huge role on the side of his banned buddy 
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
 in Caw-Blade; arguably one of the best standard decks of all time. Gideon's ultimate is no laughing matter "Attack for 6 and your damage is irrelevant" for "0" Loyalty is a nuisance. Gideon plays a good role in Humans not only pre-leading the Human flavor, but 
 and his first ability allow 10/10 Champions (overstatement) to beat in with ease. It's used in this deck against heavy aggro decks that pile-drive power every turn, mostly.

4x Mirran Crusader

- only one real thing I need to say about this: Protection from Green and dead color. and that a high percentage of aggro strategies use green.

1x Oblivion Ring, and 1x Surgical Extraction

- O-Ring should be straightforward, however "Surgical Extraction". In my strongest opinion, this card gets more value in standard then Delver. Not only does it defeat priority cards in major archetypes but it defeats its corresponding decks relevance to even try; at ONE Mana, and at instant speed. it is commonly boarded in against Delver or decks like Re-animator to get rid of the "Re-animator" cards.

2x Angelic Overseer

- I know what you guys are thinking about this sideboard option, you guys may say that this is $1.50, so? at 5/3 Flying without a Human in play makes this card crap, yes but how many Human Creatures are in the mainboard? 1... 2... 26 to be exact (assuming 
Gather the Townsfolk
 is not a Human creature but spawns them anyway). Hexproof and Indestructible makes a better combo than First Strike and Deathtouch (Glissa, the Traitor). 
Angelic Overseer
 is mostly boarded in for decks who depend on fliers to achieve victory.

2x Sword of War and Peace

- Mostly used against Mono Red and the average Human build.

Like and Comment and make suggestions and I will take them into account. (reasonable suggestions)


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 6 Mythic Rares

12 - 8 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.13
Tokens Human 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W
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