Deck based off Wheels47's Mono-White Timebelcher list
Please reference their write up, as its thorough and discusses many of the choices/decisions behind this “shell”
How this deck wins:
Plan A: resolve Karn - tutor/resolve Timesifter. This sets up an infinite turns soft lock.
Plan B: Creature beats. The deck has 12 creatures with flying (another 4 that create 2 flyers each) + 8 cast able rally effects.
Plan C: Palantir of Orthanc damage. With an average cmc of 5.42 Palantir deals 5-7 dmg per counter (in practice). This means the second turn Palantir is down it could deal 21 dmg to the opponent (less often in practice). This pressure becomes greater when combined with Squad Hawk beats + opponent fetch/shock damage.
How does this deck get to the late game? With 26 removal spells (8 board wipes, 4 swords to plowshares, 4 disenchants, 3 journey to nowhere, 4 o-rings, and 3 “bury” effects)
0 mana: Pitch-casting 4 Sunscour and 4 Solitudes. The pitch cards are fueled by a deck containing 49 white cards for pitch purposes. Squadron Hawk fuels these effects w/ a single card
1 mana: There is 7 miracles in the deck 4 Terminus and 3 Banishing Stroke. These 1 mana plays are during your turn.
2 mana: The same 7 miracles (enabled by 8 cycling cards). Channeling Touch the Spirit Realm (either blinking an opponents token creature or “scamming” solitude)
3 mana: 3 Touch the Spirit Realm as Journey to Nowhere
4 mana: 4 Cast Out + 4 Witch Enchanter
5 mana: 4 Solitude
6 mana: The 7 Miracle cards can be “hard cast” for 6 mana (4 Terminus/3 Banishing Stroke)
7 mana: 4 Sunscour