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Mono White Lockdown/Stax (Help needed!)

Modern* Mono-White Stax




I'm really into tempo decks, but slow tempos, I do enjoy those matches when you take full control of the board while watching your opponent lose the temper, the hope and finally the game, slowly.

This is (another) Mono White Lockdown/Stax/Control deck I'm working on. Ethersworn Canonist and Rule of Law are the "tempo factor" while avoiding counterspells and such with Grand Abolisher.

Ensnaring Bridge+Bottled Cloister set the stall along with Silent Arbiter, Crawlspace and Ghostly Prison, and in case that doesn't work, you can set an almost impenetrable defense with Cho-Manno, Revolutionary+ Pariah or even better, Stuffy Doll+ Pariah .

Also I've included Crucible of Worlds to destroy your opponents lands with Ghost Quarter and/or Tectonic Edge or just to draw a card if you've got anything better to do with Horizon Canopy

Oh, and I think Leyline of Sanctity is a really cool card to frustrate those red burn players/blue mill who are always in a hurry,..

The win conditions are Stuffy Doll and Blinkmoth Nexus .

On the sideboard there's some mass removal Wrath of God as well as some disruptors Pithing Needle and Chalice of the Void as well as "generic" removal Oblivion Ring and some kind of a jack-of-all-trades Trading Post

And finally on the maybeboard I've included Elspeth, Knight-Errant as it may be another win-con as well as a creature-source/pumper,

Nevermore to disrupt combo decks and stuff.

Trinisphere to make things go even slower.

Aven Mindcensor which has a really good sinergy with the Crucible of Worlds+Ghost Quarter thing.

Mana Tithe Pretty much self explanatory.

Inkmoth Nexus Sorta another win-con which can be brought back with crucible of worlds

Angelic Arbiter Another

The Orb of Dreams + Amulet of Vigor combination seems interesting too..

Platinum Angel A card that I really like to include in every deck I design for some reason. Well, I guess not being able to lose is pretty much a good reason...

Grafdigger's Cage and Rest in Peace as sideboard to counter Living End/Pod/Tron

This decks needs tons of help!!, any suggestion is welcome!! I'm not a pro, and I'm possibly not gonna buy all of the cards in a near future (I actually own some), but if i do. I'd like to make sure It's a cool deck to play at least on my local store, on FNM or sth.

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Update 21/07/2014Just removed 2x Crawlspace due to being modern illegal, and added 2x Trinisphere Thanks SpiritOfTheNight!!!Oh, and I'm just trying on -2 Ethersworn Canonist and +3Mind Stone

Update 22/07/2014Changed 3xBlinkmoth Nexus for Inkmoth Nexus I guess because infect damage it's kinda faster, and the damage done to creatures is in form of counters.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 3 Mythic Rares

23 - 8 Rares

15 - 4 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.14
Tokens Goat 0/1 W
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