I set out to find a white aggro deck that could make strong use of Archangel of Thune, but could hopefully stand strong with her rendered useless.
The obvious plan is to get field control early as possible by getting creatures out the turn you get them into hand. Turn 1 & 2 have the potential to offer solid development that can either contribute to later game shenanigans with the Archangel or just serve as fodder for blockers, early damage or by gaining life to slow down more aggressive aggros.
An ideal hand has a soul mender or Soldier of the Pantheon for T1, but usually consists of at least one of those and/or a Precinct Captain or an Imposing Sovereign, followed by either a Boros Reckoner, Fiendslayer Paladin, or a Banisher Priest.
Most of the deck lacks staying power with a few exceptions, but using Brave the Elements defensively helps to keep them alive vs non-sacrificial removal and wrath removal. (I can side for Rootborn Defenses does double duty to counter the wraths like Supreme Verdict or any Anger of the Gods like spells, thus allowing me to use the Brave the Elements more offensively should I desire to do so.
As far as keeping field advantage on my side of the table I run Elspeth, Sun's Champion for the big boys, as well as Angelic Edict to deal with any enchantment or indestructible threats. I primarily have the Edict for the intent of purpose of dealing with Erebos, God of the Dead because his/her/it's "Opponents can not gain life" shuts down Thune, much to my chagrin. So hopefully it can serve to surprise them Game 2 if he is an issue game 1 or if they happen to be running a deck where I think his G2 presence is likely.
This decks weakness aside from obvious Erebos problem is its inability to gain card advantage. So my solution, and best hope in this scenario is to sideboard for Frontline Medic to mitigate potential damage/benefit by/for my opponent by lessening or negating the impact of Rakdos's Return or Sphinx's Revelation respectively.
The metagame locally has been more Midrange focused in terms of successful decks, and so I only run Banisher Priestx2 in the main, and if G2 calls for it I'll side them in replacing the Soulmender.
Initially I was running a more Devotion based theme, but thanks to MTGNoobs for his comment on a similar deck deck-large:theros mono-white-aggroAny thoughts, suggestions, questions or helpful advice would be much appreciated, but I think most of the card choices are self-explanatory.