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Mono-White Warriors/Tokens (Budget)

Standard Budget Competitive Mono-White Tokens



Are you ready to win your next FNM with a 50 $ budget ??Hi Everyone ! My name is -Sylex- and I'm looking to create the next deck that'll break the meta. The real question is : Is it possible to win a FNM against all thoses serious Abzan/Mardu/Sultai or whatever control/midrange/Whip of Erebos decks that cost all at least over 400$ with a deck that runs a ton of common/uncommon cards and 1-3 $ rares ? YES ! NOW IT IS !

The deck's strategy :

Forget all these complicated 3-colored Temple/Fetchlands/Painlands mana bases and let's get back to the simple combination of aggressively costed creatures, value/card advantage, token generators, Anthems and Disruption, all in the purest and simplest White tradition.Why am I running a Monowhite deck ? I often fell into the trap of thinking that having 2 or three colors in my deck was better then just running one. It seems logical after all, the additional colors are there to compensate the weaknesses of the main color . However, adding extra colors also means adding mana and synergy issues, which are very problematic when you want to brew and build a multicolored budget deck. Running only one colors means you won't have any of these problems, since you don't sacrifice synergy for consistency, or vice versa.This means you'll be able to cast your spells at their maximum efficiency, and that you can add 4x Radiant Fountain to your mana base. It's a simple, efficient, unexpensive to build and most importantly, Fun to play deck !

Card Choices :

Creatures/Tokens generators :Theses spells are the bread and butter of the deck. You want to drop them on the battlefield as fast as possible and beat down the opponent with them. Each creatures brings a bit of value in addition to its efficient body : Mardu Woe-Reaper hinders graveyard shenanigans, Seeker of the Way hits hard and gives you life back, spells like Raise the Alarm and Mardu Hordechief bring 2 bodies in play, etc. Unless your opponent has a sweeper like Drown in Sorrow or Crux of Fate, he'll have a hard time killing all your tokens and creatures.Anthems :Spear of Heliod, Hall of Triumph , Dictate of Heliod : Sticking one of theses into play when you have a couple of creatures is a real nightmare for an unprepared opponent : It turns Raise the Alarm into 2 2/2 bodies for 2 mana at instant speed and it turns Triplicate Spirits and Secure the Wastes into game-winning effects. Your anthems are hard to remove in most game 1, as current meta decks dont often run artifact/enchantment hate in their mainboard.Removal: Devouring Light and Valorous Stance : I dont run a ton of removal in the mainboard but I do run theses 2 solid spells : Devouring Light is basically a Path to Exile in this deck, considering how many tokens I have, and It exiles instead of killing, which is nice against Whip of Erebos decks.Valorous Stance is so powerful and versatile : It kills Courser of Kruphix, Siege Rhino, Butcher of the Horde and many more, while also occasionally protecting a creature from Hero's Downfall.


Ajani's Presence : It's a excellent card against Control or any deck running 4x Lightning Strike. I usually want to wait a turn until I'm able to cast a 1 or 2 mana threat then keep a white up to save it from a removal spell. It's never a dead draw, even late game since you can protect multiple creatures when you have enough mana to do so Banishing Light : It's a very efficient removal spell ; It's slow, but it can take out almost anything. Side it in against slower matchups or artifacts/enchantments shenanigans. Devouring Light : just another copy of Devouring Light Bring it in against Jeskai or Temur, as it can take out any of their non-Stormbreath Dragon threats. Erase : This card is pretty self-explanatory : You don't like enchantments ? Bring it in. End Hostilities : This deck is pretty good at getting a advantageous board position, but it's not always possible to overpower certain Green or Red decks. What should you do if you cant win in the conventionnal way ? Just destroy all of their creatures at once ! Getting the advantage back shouldnt be a problem since the deck runs a lot of tokens and can dump unused mana into Mastery of the Unseen or Myth Realized Surge of Righteousness : This card is very good at what it does versus the right deck : It kills their best attacker for a very reasonable mana cost and it gives you life back ! Bring thoses in vs RDW to take down thoses annoyings Monastery Swiftspear . Valorous Stance : Stance is the best spell against Mono-green devotion and Abzan, which are amongst the most popular decks of the format. In thoses matchups, bring the extra Valorous Stance in.

Conclusion :

Thanks for viewing my deck ! If you have any comments/tips/card suggestions, please leave them in the comment section below !Also, be sure to check out my other decks :-)The Swarm's Fury ( B/R Aggro-Midrange ), ''Speak Little, Do Much '' ( 120$ Tokens ) and Jeskai Bounce


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What's up everybody ! It's finally time to clear the comment sections. I had a ton of fun interacting with you guys and I consider this deck a great accomplishment cause of that.

Special thanks to theeagleofrome, DecistroYer, meemoe8, ntrippe, JamestheJoo and FAMOUSWATERMELON !

For thoses of you who are interested, I built a non-budget version of this deck. The deck's called ''Speak Little, Do Much '' ( 120$ Tokens ) and it's very fun to play.

It's my most recent project right now, be sure to check it, I'd really like to hear what you guys think of it !

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Revision 7 See all

(9 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 2 Rares

8 - 8 Uncommons

16 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.49
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders Interesting decks, Build, decks, Ideas, Cheap Casual, MAgic Decks, Dylan's deck, *likes*, budget, modern deck ideas
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