Mono-White Warriors/Tokens (Budget)
SCORE: 126 | 115 COMMENTS | 31725 VIEWS | IN 84 FOLDERS
Too many land! You're topping out at 3ish, Spirits isn't a 6 drop. I'd cut 3 or 4 Plains for well, Brimaz but he's expensive. But yeah too much land other than that I like it. +1
February 10, 2015 6 p.m.
To Jared90 25 lands isnt too many, here's the reason why : Dictate of Heliod, which is he best card in my deck costs 5 mana ! Since I run 4 of them, I want to hit 5 land drops by turn 5 with a perfect consistency, and after many testing, I've found that 25 lands is the right number of land. Plus, with cards like Valorous Stance, having 2 extra mana to protect a Seeker of the Way or a Hushwing Gryff or kill a Siege Rhino in the Abzan matchups is key. I might also change my sideboard soon and add some numbers of Ajani's Presence, which works really well with all that extra mana
February 10, 2015 7:35 p.m.
Mccriggles says... #4
Path to Exile instead of Devouring Light. its not for budget decks but its equally, if not more effective. but hey its your call.
February 11, 2015 8:35 p.m.
To Mccriggles : It's a Standard deck, Path to Exile is only legal in Modern and other formats !
February 11, 2015 11:01 p.m.
I see you have some lifegain in the deck. Ever considered adding Ajani's Pridemate to the deck?
February 12, 2015 9:51 p.m.
Sorry, I saw Dictate of Heliod but read Ordeal of Heliod... excuse my last commentary.
February 12, 2015 9:55 p.m.
To trbecker : Ajani's Pridemate would only be a 2/2 for 2 mana ( It's called a ''bear'') most of the time. That being said, having 2 power/toughness for a initial investement of 2 mana isnt bad at all. Ajani's Pridemate can even sometimes become huge if he's paired along Mardu Woe-Reaper or even Seeker of the Way, but he has a huge flaw : He's too conditionnal... In my opinion, Seeker of the Way is much better card in this deck. They have the same base stats but Seeker of the Way is a rock-steady beatdown and lifegain card. Seeker is much more worth it, more then Ajani's Pridemate and I don't have a ton of room in my deck for simple ''bears''
February 12, 2015 10:24 p.m.
Wandering Champion seems really good, even without the ability a 3/1 for 2 mana is solid.
February 16, 2015 5:43 p.m.
leraanvistaan says... #10
I run a mono-black called Thanks for the discard that runs 18 mana. That is more than enough for a 3 mana drop deck. My max drop is 5, but it is only 1 card. Your problem would be a 6-drop black: 2x Festergloom that would deal with you entire board after I've dealt with your Paragon. Other than that, If you increase your Lifegain, you could throw in Sunbond on Ajani's Pridemate and watch your opponent squirm.
February 16, 2015 6:15 p.m.
To juicytoot : 3/1 for 2 mana are great, but I already have a lot of 2 drops in my deck and I dont focus as much on aggro as a nontoken monowhite weenie deck would. Why ? Well, dumping a lot of creatures in play and swinging with them is nice, but it's really not that nice to get blown out by a Drown in Sorrow/Anger of the Gods/Crux of Fate/Doomwake Giant/whatever sweeper they may have and dont have enough fuel to keep aggroing... Oreskos Swiftclaw would be better then Wandering Champion, as it is a Warrior that synergizes with Mardu Woe-Reaper. Plus its a freaking cat !To leraanvistaan : As i explained in a previous comment, 25 lands isn't too much : The card that single-handedly makes my deck potent at FNM is Dictate of Heliod, it's a 5 mana spell and I run 4 of them. My deck wins by creating a huge total power and toughness advantage. For example, if a have a Seeker of the Way and 2 1/1 soldiers tokens created by Raise the Alarm, casting a Dictate of Heliod would give me 7 immediatly relevant power and toughness, trigger the lifelink of Seeker of the Way and I would be able to swing for 11 on turn 5 ! And i would gain back 5 life from Seeker. The strongest plays of this deck are all allowed by Spear of Heliod and Dictate of Heliod : I want to have a perfect land consistency and hit 5 lands on turn 5 at least 60-75 % of the time to always be able to cast it. And all that extra mana stays relevant during the late game ! Triplicate Spirits is a great threat, Launch the Fleet allows for huge blowouts, keeping mana up with Spear of Heliod makes attacking me a puzzle and having extra mana to cast Valorous Stance can win certain games.
February 16, 2015 9:46 p.m.
The problem with decks like these is that they lose ones your hand starts running dry. And care draw for mono white is almost none existent. perhaps a few copies of Defiant Strike or Pressure Point
February 24, 2015 4:35 a.m.
To Tempic : It's true that White lacks true card draw, however, cards like Pressure Point and ((defiant strike)) draw cards, but dont give any card advantage. My deck already has many ways to gain card advantage ! Citadel Siege is a good example, as it gives you a way to progress or stall the bosrd turn after turn by just using 1 card.
February 24, 2015 6:40 a.m.
it's undeniable that citadel siege does one hell of a job bunkering up or stopping an annoying attacker.
But lets take for example you are playing against a control deck (or any deck with a complete board wipe). you only have one card in hand and your complete board state gets annihalated. thats pretty much good-game there because without a possibility to fill up your hand again, you will probably never get the upperhand again.
if you would run for example Favored Hoplite in the onedrop slot and for example Fabled Hero in the three slot, which both have heroic, cards like Defiant Strike can get quite good, get a +1/+1 counter, give it +1/0 and get a card for 1 mana. Any heroic creature left unchecked (even the one drops) can get monstrous lategame.
Just some idea's here
February 25, 2015 5:22 a.m.
just realized this is a warriors themed deck.... both creatures mentioned by me above are not warriors ofcourse...
February 25, 2015 5:23 a.m.
You could always drop 1-2 Dictate of Heliod and get some Spirit Bonds in:)
February 25, 2015 7:37 a.m.
To Tempic : Thanks for your suggestions, but I wont incorporate them into my deck since I would need to drastically change the decklist in order to make theses cards work. My deck is Monowhite Tokens, not Monowhite Heroic and I really want to preserve my deck's unique identity. My deck isn't a ''easy win'' for a control deck. I have some unusual sideboard cards for thoses matchups : Ajani's Presence and most importantly Mastery of the Unseen ! I bring 2 of them in against midrangey-control decks like Abzan control or Mardu control and I bring the full 3 against U/B control. Mastery produces a 2/2 manifest for 4 mana at instant speed, which seems unimpressive at first glance, but the later the game goes and the less card I have in hand, the more relevant this card becomes, especially with cards like Dictate of Heliod on the board. Mastery of the Unseen has a cheap casting cost and it's a very, very powerful and underestimated card against any grindy deck.To 4nathema : Spirit Bonds is a very cool and powerful card (That I already brewed around, check out Jeskai Bounce ), but sadly, it doesn't fit in my deck : It doesn't triggers off creature tokens, I only have 14 creatures and too much 2 drops on my curve. You should brew around this card ! It would be nice to see a good Monowhite weenie deck with Spirit Bonds Still, thanks for your suggestion :-)
February 25, 2015 6:08 p.m.
BlackLotus13 says... #19
Love the deck. Definite plus one. What would you add if u didn't need to worry about budget?
February 25, 2015 6:18 p.m.
To BlackLotus13 I would definitely add 4 Monastery Mentor instead of 4 Mardu Hordechief. I already own one ( hehehe, got lucky in a draft) in my deck but I havent got to see his real power in a game yet. Also, 2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos and 1-2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion would fit in nicely in there. Originally, I thought about building a a B/W tokens deck to run Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Thoughtseize and Brutal Hordechief but the final decklist was too damn expensive ! I learned how to play Magic quite a while ago but I've been only playing and collecting cards more seriously since 8-9 months. I decided to go for a simpler and cheaper to build deck, in order to play Standard at my LGS and thus came the idea of Monowhite tokens.
February 25, 2015 6:49 p.m.
I like Mastery of the Unseen, nobody seems to realize that its complete nuts against BU control. Also good to note that the manifests sneak right under that ugin guy and his boardwipes. I just wonder here though, if Sandsteppe Outcast is better than the horde chief. The utility he has is good, and his token is non conditional.
February 25, 2015 8:10 p.m.
To juicytoot : You could swap Mardu Hordechief for Sandsteppe Outcast if you prefer it since they almost do the same thing. I prefer hordechief because the raid ability isnt hard to trigger and it gives a better 2/3 body plus a chump blocker against aggressive strategies.
February 25, 2015 9:47 p.m.
Crazedsteno88 says... #23
Love the deck +1 from me, just an idea would Dragonscale General have a place here.
February 25, 2015 10:04 p.m.
-Sylex-: Makes sense, those are quite some drastic changes to up the tempo a bit. However i do have one more suggestion, Looking at all the double white mana cards like Dictate of Heliod, Spear of Heliod, Citadel Siege etc... Why not incoperate a few Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx instead of the Radiant Fountain. This could potentially create a mana boost letting you double Mastery of the Unseen.
February 26, 2015 2 a.m.
I've been out of the game for a while and I just wanted to question the merits of having the Soldier of the Pantheon, I can see strengths but is he really that good?
TACOguy101 says... #1
If you are looking for budget, minotaurs work really well, and it only cost around $25
February 10, 2015 5:11 p.m.