Monogreen Stompy Standard - Budget

Standard SorcerersBone


barabarica says... #1

The one thing I see that I don't really like is the Evolving Wilds. Your CMC is 2, and your deck ends at 4. There's no reason you should need to play particularly slow. The only real benefit they could pose is if you run Courser of Kruphix and then you'll get the double "landfall" proc. No sense in slowing yourself down if you don't need to.

Other than that, I really like the synergy and simplicity. It's definitely an affordable deck and something that I would play.

April 20, 2015 7:38 p.m.

SorcerersBone says... #2

Good point barabarica. My thought process was if I could thin the amount of lands in the library, I'd have more chances to Collected Company a creature, and Inspiring Call would become a much more efficient draw card.

If I took Evolving Wilds out, should I replace them with more forests, or some other useful card?

April 21, 2015 9:45 a.m.

barabarica says... #3

Probably forests. Your mana cost isn't particularly intensive, but not having lands is always a horrible life.

I've definitely tried the same tactic, but chances are you'll only find one evolving wilds so 4/50 (because we've already drawn cards) isn't a much better chance than 4/49 to draw Collected Company. If you were splashing white it might be worth it.

April 21, 2015 3:44 p.m.

One_Myle says... #4

I've played with this kind of deck before and I think I can give you some advice.

Firstly, your sideboard has sixteen cards in it. Fifteen is the max.

Secondly, you don't have nearly enough creatures. For a devotion deck it's really lacking in devotion. Here's what I think you should do (I'll keep it budget):

Take out all four of Display of Dominance, Inspiring Call and Winds of Qal Sisma. These cards are either too expensive or do too little. Also, take out 1 Hardened Scales and 1 Solidarity of Heroes, Four ofs is a bit much. Lastly, the evolving wilds need to go - they're pointless. This will leave you with 18 empty spaces.

You should then add 2x Bow of Nylea, 4x Heir of the Wilds, 3x Arbor Colossus, 3x Boon Satyrs and 6 Forests. These cards will give you more devotion and a more stable late game.

Anyway, that's just what I think - take it with a grain of salt.

April 25, 2015 5:30 a.m.

SorcerersBone says... #5

Thanks for your input, but...:

  • Arbor Colossus is too big for collected company. Monstrous is tempting as well as reach, but I'm strictly running 3 mana creatures so I always have access to them, instead of having to pass them to the bottom. Not saying it's a bad card, just that it doesn't fit here.

  • Winds of Qal Sisma is at worst a fog, at best a boardwipe. And ferocious is too easy to achieve to not run this.

  • Inspiring Call. Have you seen this deck? The only creature without a counter on it is Elvish Mystic, so this puts in a HUGE amount of work.

  • Display of Dominance is an iffy card. it should be sideboarded depending on the meta, but it can destroy Ashiok, new Sarkhan, new Narset, Sorin, and Whip, and can prevent a blue/black player from even trying to touch my stuff with Exploit or Curse of Swine type things.

  • Bow of Nylea would be excellent, since I can deal trample damage. The life gain, counters, and recursion all could help since I normally have too much mana to use this deck efficiently. I really need a good mana sink, if only Helix Pinnacle was in standard, right?

  • Boon Satyr not bad at all, but without a counter on him, he's out of place here. Same with Heir of the Wilds. The only way i could reliably put a counter on either is with Grovedancer or Bow, but I can't rely on that.

Don't worry about sideboard. Hunters Ambush wasn't even considered during my matchups, so I'm taking it out. And evolving wilds is also being taken out and replaced with something. It actually costed me a game. I could've gone 3-0 because of that fuck up!

April 25, 2015 10:15 a.m.

Ashlibithia says... #6

May 5, 2015 9:11 p.m.

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