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Mono-red weenie speed deck ($25 budget)

Casual Aggro Budget Competitive Mono-Red Weenie





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Since white weenie is a thing, I thought it would be fun to try the same concept in red. There are creatures with haste, making this idea quite appealing-- same-turn value. Moreover, there are very nice cards to draw a card and either give a creature haste (Expedite) or prevent a creature from blocking (Renegade Tactics), and a great card to attach to a weenie for just and get a 3/4 ( Skin Invasion   )!


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Bloodrage Brawler is just a good card. A 3/4 for only is pretty good, even if I have to discard. That's the main drawback in this deck-- having to discard from a hand that empties by the end of turn 4 anyway. Still, it's a good card and worth at least 2 in the deck.

Bomat Courier is a card aded in the pay testing of this deck. It has haste, it can allow card advantage, and it can be a turn 1 threat because of the haste. It has worked well in the deck.

Falkenrath Gorger is essentially a red version of Expedition Envoy in this deck-- a 2/1 for . Its ability doesn't do anything for the deck, and that's okay. It's a 2/1 for . There is a chance that Falkenrath Gorger 's ability could work for Bold Impaler when I play Bloodrage Brawler and discard. Outside of that, it's just a 2/1. I do NOT recommend waiting for that setup. If there's hesitation with this deck, it prolongs the game, and that's not a good idea with this deck.

Flameblade Adept is just good. A 1/2 for with menace? Yeah, I'll take that.

Hanweir Garrison is a nice 2/3 that generates a couple of 1/1 humans whenever it attacks. Making creatures just by attacking in an aggro deck? Yes, please! This is the second card that should be sideboarded out. It will speed the deck to get it out. It's a great card, but it can slow the deck.

Insolent Neonate has menace, which is particularly annoying to opponents, even from a 1/1. This (in part) replaces Thermo-Alchemist, and therefore replaces a 2 mana creature with a 1 mana creature. The menace is bonus, for certain.

Inventor's Apprentice is another 1/2 for , making it a good value. If I manage to get a Bomat Courier out, it gets +1/+1, so even better value!

Village Messenger   has haste, can transform into a 2/2, and only costs . That's all I have to say about that.

Brute Strength is a bit spendy at , but +3/+1 and trample seem to make this card worth it. I especially like the instant-speed trample. That could really catch an opponent off guard.

Built to Smash is a good card, but it lacks trample (unless Bomat Courier is the target). This card will require play testing to ensure it is a good fit.

Expedite gives a creature haste and allows me to draw a card-- with card draw being most important. Any way to draw a card is great in a deck like this.

Otherworldly Outburst , I can sneak in an extra point of damage (potentially killing the blocker) and generate a 3/2 creature. That's pretty solid.

Renegade Tactics is like Expedite in that it allows me to draw a card. If I'm against a creature that will kill my creature, it also allows me to take that creature out of combat for my turn.

Shock is great removal for . This card fits perfectly in this deck.

Consuming Fervor-- I don't know about this card. I think it could be pretty good, particularly in a speed deck. It allows one of my 1/2 creatures to be a 4/5 for a turn, and that's pretty good. Then it continues to have an effect each turn thereafter, albeit a diminishing effect. Still this could be good? We'll see...

Most people scoff at Skin Invasion   , but in a weenie deck it is genius! Aggro decks are meant to lose creatures with reckless abandon on the way to a win. Why not enchant a 1/1 and send it to it's death? If it dies, I get a 3/4! Opponents try to not kill this creature, but losing one life per enchanted creature per turn wears thin after a while, and they eventually must deal with it.

Hanweir Battlements is only here in the event that I have the mana to meld with Hanweir Garrison. it has happened a couple of times during creature stall against other weenie aggro decks. I've also used it to give a creature or two haste. It does its job without gumming up my hand or the battlefield. It's worth keeping a couple of copies in case I do actually get the Hanweir Garrison/Hanweir Battlements meld.

Blazing Volley in case I run into another weenie deck. It's terribly useful. Now that servos are a real thing and people want them to fuel the revolt trigger, this will clear the board nicely to prevent multiple turns of triggers. I have used this card very effectively against fabricate decks and against other weenie decks. I will bet I will use this against servo-based decks now that Aether Revolt is available.

Galvanic Bombardment works nicely against decks that curve to creatures (i.e., 1 or 2 CMC, to 3, to 4, etc...) because the toughness generally curves with the CMC. Galvanic Bombardment curves right along with them-- 2 damage for the first, 3 damage for the second, etc...

Harnessed Lightning, much like Galvanic Bombardment , can have variable power, except that I get a bit more control. If I don't need to use all three energy counters for a single creature, then I can save some up for a bigger creature the next time that I cast it.

Incendiary Flow does 3 damage to target creature OR player (!!), and exiles the creature if killed with it, all for . That's just fine by me.

Otherworldly Outburst is explained above under Instants and Sorceries.

Shock is described above. A fourth copy in case it is needed.

First and foremost, there must be at least one Mountain and one creature with a converted mana cost (CMC) of . If not, then mulligan. This deck has performed well all the way down to 5 cards, and I even won a single game with a 4 card start.

Ideally, two Mountains on the draw, and at least one Village Messenger   or Bomat Courier. That gets a haste creature out turn 1 and already swinging. Turn 2: two creatures, or Bloodrage Brawler. Turn 3: More creatures, and maybe Renegade Tactics or Expedite; Hanweir Garrison if you have it. Turn 4: The hand should be nearly empty or empty by the end of this turn. Just keep swinging and playing creatures.

Play Skin Invasion   as soon as possible. The idea is to get the opponent to have to pay attention to those sooner-rather-than-later. They'll get tired of losing life after a couple of turns and decide to try to deal with it. Fragmentize gets rid of this, and if you're playing against a deck with white in it, be aware that this is probably being sidebaorded in if Skin Invasion   made an appearance in the first game. If so, it's probably better to replace with Otherworldly Outburst or Blazing Volley , just to make their sideboard attempt a failure.

If this drags on at all past about turn 7, then the likelihood of winning greatly decreases, unless the Hanweir Battlements/Hanweir Garrison meld manages to happen.

This is text from that was removed from previous versions of the deck, so little relevance here (other than some history).

I keep this text as it helps me figure out what may (or may not) fit in subsequent builds, and because some of the creatures effects might be used again. Why rewrite when I can copy/paste?

You may ignore this section of text, if you want.

I got to looking at other creatures in Standard format that only cost and realized that Falkenrath Gorger fits perfectly. So I moved Dragonmaster Outcast to the maybeboard for now. Here's the text regarding Dragonmaster Outcast form the creature descriptions and from "How to play this deck," above:

From "Creatures" before moved here:

Dragonmaster Outcast is a great card. I don't anticipate getting to six mana to start generating 5/5 dragons, but it's also not impossible. Otherwise, it is a 1/1 for , and there's nothing wrong with that at all. This is the first card to sieboard out-- it's a "vanilla" 1/1, so no benefit to it other than a 1/1 body to throw at opponents. No menace or other cool features, so it goes first.

Thermo-Alchemist isn't much for offense, but it can ping my opponent for a point of damage each turn, it's pretty good for blocking, and whenever I cast Expedite or Renegade Tactics I can untap and ping my opponent again. A creature that can do damage without actually attacking is a great creature to have.

Lupine Prototype may seem odd, but these types of decks commonly leave me with no cards in hand by turn 5. Now I can play a 5/5 for ? Even if my hand isn't empty, it can crew the Smuggler's Copter. This is an awesome card in this deck.

The main weakness of this deck is the lack of fliers. Aethersphere Harvester costs one more mana than the now banned Smuggler's Copter but does the same damage (3), has better toughness (5), and has a couple of turns of lifelink-- all for a crew cost of 1. I know that everyone is big on Heart of Kiran, but not in this deck-- it costs too much to crew.

From "How to play this deck" before moved here

Play Dragonmaster Outcast with reckless abandon. It's not in this deck to generate dragons-- it's in the deck to be a 1/1 that is annoying and can be the target of Skin Invasion   and can crew the Smuggler's Copter. If you try to wait until you have 6 mana, you will likely lose. Just play the card like any other card. If it manages to still be around when you have six mana, so much the better, particularly if it has a skin invasion on it, because then your opponent has to pick their poison, a 5/5 dragon or a 3/4 insect horror. Most will choose the non-flying horror.

From Sideboard moved to here (about Thermo-Alchemist)

Most of the sideboard consists of instants and sorceries. If I face an opponent with a similar deck, or one who is hesitant to attack for whatever reason but has creatures strong enough to kill mine (making combat decidedly in their favor), then I want to be able to trigger Thermo-Alchemist more, and side it in with several of these instants/sorceries. With each instant or sorcery I cast, I can untap Thermo-Alchemist and then re-tap to ping my opponent passively for damage.


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Revision 19 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Distemper of the Blood maybe
-1 Invigorated Rampage maybe
+1 Watchers of the Dead maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

12 - 5 Uncommons

20 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.19
Tokens Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Energy Reserve, Human 1/1 R
Folders Budget Standard, Decks to Buy, Interesting Standard Decks, EMN, T2 Kaladesh, wiew, Deck Ideas, good decks4, Standard, Decks I like
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