Monsters from the Abyss! (Temur Burn/Aggro!)
I would run Purphy mainboard as a 2of, drop to 3and3 of Magma Jet and Lightning Strike mainboard as well.
I would also run Spear of Heliod of the dictate as a 2of. I would drop the Seeker of the Way and run 4 Rabblemasters and 4 swiftspear's
Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker is not a bad choice here either.
November 1, 2014 5:49 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #4
Cool thanks. I am considering another Rabblemaster but currently with the money I have... I don't think I can afford them :( But the Spear always traced my mind. I thought about it. But should I really take out Seeker of the Way ? He is really good early and can be buffed instantly by spawning goblins with Hordeling Outburst . I'll test without him for now...
November 2, 2014 12:25 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #5
First of all, I really like this for several reasons, not the least of which is that it's Boros in a largely wedge-colored meta.
You've got the best cards out there for your colors in this format. I'm at a bit of a loss to make suggestions, but might an extra Goblin Rabblemaster in place of a Hordeling Outburst work just a smidge better?
Here's some sideboard tech for you to test. I don't know how your meta is, but I've found that a singleton Deflecting Palm ca be an important SB piece for certain grindy matchups like Temur that try to finish you with a burn. Also, Chandra, Pyromaster could do excellent things in grindy matchups by providing you with card advantage at no additional cost. Furthermore, she pings down enemy Planeswalkers while building her own loyalty. She also kills Elvish Mystic, which is by no means irrelevant. Perhaps try a singleton, because I'm not convinced you need that extra Elspeth on the side. I used to MB 2 Elspeth in my Mardu deck with the additional one on the side, but I never needed to put the extra one in. Your experience may be different, but it's food for thought anyhow.
November 7, 2014 11:04 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #6
Thanks! I am REALLY excited for testing this build first of all!
The Rabblemaster is a idea if I have enough to find or buy one. It could help out but with the current list out... I may take out Dictate or perhaps Sarkhan. My only real reason for Sarkhan was as a big beater and finish games. The big boy can take care of himself. I consider the extra Rabblemaster but until I have a chance to get one (Random $20 falling from the sky I need you!) 3 is sadly what I got.
Deflecting Palm could actually be great against heavy hitters (Master of the Feast! I'm coming for you!). Guys bigger than Stormbreath can be dealt that way or Elspeth. Her -3 is so GOOD! Helps me out with everything big! I did take out the Elspeth in the side because like you said was irrelevant. Chandra will replace Sarkhan because I believe she puts in more work in the toke field and can get annoying. Sarkhan is too much money and dies too easily: Cracking Doom Utter End and other fast removal. Yet he is TOO good!
What do you think xGhostx and JakeHarlow? Chandra or Sarkhan?
November 7, 2014 11:39 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #7
Sarkhan is relevant, keep him in. Chandra is a sideboard card but extremely effective. Of course, I could well be wrong. But Sarkhan keeps you a bit more aggressive and helps you go over the top in otherwise grindy games. Even if he draws removal, he has done his job. Chandra is incredible in certain matchups, while she is solid in just about everything. Anyhow, it's your call. I'd just advise testing so you can discern your true preference.
November 8, 2014 2:11 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #8
Yeah thanks! I am definitely using Chandra but for the matter right now I need some help with it's pre-build.
So I'm going to a tourney in a few weeks and don't have a lot of the expensive cards (Sarkhan Elspeth and 2 Roc's) so I'm making a pre-built version. I'm ordering the uncommons I need and I am making a shopping list tonight and tomorrow and order them soon. Here is the list so far:
1x Purphoros, God of the Forge
1x Wingmate Roc
Other Spells:
2x Magma Jet
What else should I run in the mainboard xGhostx and JakeHarlow?
November 14, 2014 10:56 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #9
xGhostx JakeHarlow and Jamesfurrow I need some advice... Was black a good option for the build?
November 21, 2014 8:04 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #10
My first instinct is to drop the black splash, but I need to think more. I'm a Boros guy, so keep this in mind!
November 22, 2014 3:56 a.m.
Jamesfurrow says... #11
Black's strong points are controlling the game. Your removal is fine but you could use Thoughtseize for hand disruption with Despise for creature heavy or walker heavy match ups. Side board could have room for lili so in control match ups you can disrup the hand continuously and tutor for win cons. Other removal spells to consider be Murderous Cut and Hero's Downfall to help when you sideboard out burn spells. Maybe a single copy of Empty the Pits to use when in a slower match to replenish the feild after a wrath. Otherwise trying to stay the token route I don't think I can do much more to this deck with out changing to style completey
November 22, 2014 8:51 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #12
Hey Jamesfurrow you did great. One Murderous Cut or two would benefit the sideboard but the disruption is not really necessary for the deck to disrupt. Thanks for all the suggestions and Empty the Pits will probably benefit me greatly. Although some of those suggestions are a bit out of the token field. I am using Craig Wescoe's (someone known for Weenies and Tokens) list as a overall view of the token deck. I am also using Mardu Midrange a now popular deck featuring many R/W cards and only splashing black for some stuff. My black cards in the mainboard are: Crackling Doom Utter End Sorin, Solemn Visitor and Butcher of the Horde. Those are some good black cards and I am meaning to only splash black. I will look at the removal cards you suggested. They could help with my removal package...I am using Stain the Mind to disrupt with my tokens...
November 22, 2014 12:52 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #13
Yeah, Jamesfurrow has it right if you wanna keep the black splash. Stain the Mind might prove to be a bit more of a SB piece against Jeskai combo decks. But grabbing somebody's set of Stoke the Flames or Siege Rhino might not be a bad call. :)
November 23, 2014 10 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #14
I think this list shows a lot of promise, and I'll mention that Mardu creature and token builds are pretty well-positioned in the metagame right now. I've got a few comments though.
Let's talk mana. I think 2 Nomad Outpost is plenty. With 4, that's a lot of taplands. I think you could cut 2, add a Battlefield Forge and a Bloodstained Mire. This list wants to be aggressive, so those swaps should speed your curve up a touch.
I like the removal package, but I think you need to cut one Murderous Cut for a Hero's Downfall. I think the deck is a touch more consistent with that. I would also cut the Magma Jet for Bile Blight. In the current meta, that spell is just stronger. I've been trying to make 'Jet work, and it doesn't do enough, even with the scry. I find that Magma Spray is more often what I want if I use the "2-damage removal" slot. But the Blight is so much stronger at the moment with all the Jeskai token decks destroying everyone.
Sideboard looks good. I say keep 2 Erase, get 1 Banishing Light for the extra versatility. I would cut one Bile Blight for another Banishing. That way you've got 3 Blights to compliment a pair of Banishings and an Utter End for your attention matchups. I'd keep 2 Fated Conflagration and get either one Hero's Downfall for walkers matchups, or a Read the Bones to bring in for attrition and control matchups. Your Hushwing is great for Abzan and Sidisi opponents. You might also try using Tormod's Crypt, since it kills both of those decks' graveyard-reliant cards, which are the ones that help them stabilize. I'm talking about the dreaded Whip of Erebos here. I use the crypt since it also stops control decks and Jeskai from Treasure Cruise'ing or Dig Through Time'ing, and outpacing me in attrition matches.
Thoughtseize is expensive, but Despise is the next best thing and is amazing in the early game against the format's strong midrange and aggro decks. It's more of a control strategy to disrupt the hand, but it's an option. Also, I'd finally ask you to look again at Mardu Charm. The card is good! I mean, it works better in a dedicated control shell like the one I run, but it does kill most things aside from Stormbreath Dragon, 2-for-1's anybody swinging on you with 1-toughness creatures (and let's you keep the tokens for subsequent turns), or is an instant-speed Duress, which is absolutely powerful against the right decks ( better in control, but still reasonablystrong in general). I think your utility board looks great as is, though. These are just tweak options for you to look at as you fine-tune and adjust to your particular meta. Hope my thoughts help! Good luck, and great build.
December 24, 2014 1:48 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #15
Thanks man for all the suggestions! I really needed that meta info. I am trying to look at the many Sultan/Abzan Reanimator decks for clues to beat it! It won the SCG Players Championship and has started to get firsts. I really do agree with the Bile Blight and I'll immediately get mine. They are worth it against the Jeskai and R/W Tokens/Aggro variants. I will put my banishes as well into the sideboard. The Hero's Downfall is a great utility to kill opposing walkers and creatures, win cons in general, but sadly I traded them when they were cheap. So I will take those suggestions in consideration Jake! Thanks again my man!
December 24, 2014 2:08 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #16
Absolutely brother. Hope the deck performs well, I think it looks strong!
December 24, 2014 3:17 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #17
Thanks and Merry X-Mas! Hopefully testing it and its looking good for a FNM tomorrow! Wish me luck and tel everyone Merry X-Mas!
December 25, 2014 8:58 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #18
JakeHarlow Is Mardu Whip a viable deck?
December 27, 2014 12:18 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #19
Well, in the strongest Whip decks, the creatures being reanimated are usually being abused for their "enters the battlefield" effects. This usually means Siege Rhino and Sidisi, Brood Tyrant.
The Whip is still strong by its own merits, though. First, you get haste creatures, and global lifelink. Your Goblin Rabblemaster might be able to get you an extra token, and swings for at least 4 total, if you count him and the token. So there is value there. Your Butcher of the Horde has everything but vigilance, which is irrelevant since he won't be around next turn to block anyhow. I think it's a solid choice. It especially shines against control decks. I'd say try running a pair and look at how it affects your matchups. Some people do run Mardu Whip, and it's solid. There isn't as much obvious synergy and rebounding value as with Sidisi or Abzan (those decks will just use the Whip better than anything else), but I say again that there is the inherent value there and your ability to hang with control decks. Try it.
December 27, 2014 2:44 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #20
Also, for that mono-red matchup, put in your Bile Blight and Lightning Strike copies. Mardu Charm and Arc Lightning are good, too. If you still have problems, Anger of the Gods or Drown in Sorrow are good choices.
Cut that Soul of Theros. It doesn't really have any relevant matchups. You are better-served with an aggro hate card, or some draw like Read the Bones or Sign in Blood.
Also, cut one Whip and your Soul of Innistrad. Too many Whips, and Soul doesn't fit your strategy or curve. Get the extra Rabble and Seeker. They are your main beaters.
December 27, 2014 2:50 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #21
First off thanks so much for this deck! You are the main drive my friend!
I do think both Souls were pretty useless and didn't serve their purpose in this kind of deck. I want to beat people while gain my life back. So I start out by playing my tapped lands and soaking damage. Also I could turn 1 Bloodsoaked Champion. Turn 2 and 3 is a Seeker of the Way into Master of the Feast. Master for turn 3 and Seeker for turn 2. Then turn 4 is a Whip. I gain 10 life that turn. Next turn is a Hordeling Outburst. And turn 6 is followed by a Butcher/Doom/Rabblemaster/Sarkhan/Roc. Anything that can immediately be mean. Doom is straight removal. Butcher is sac for haste and gain 5. Sarkhan is for getting rid of annoyances or hit for 4 and gain 4. Rabblemaster produces more dudes for more life. And Roc is to make another 3/4 birdie and following turn gain too much life to handle. Bloodsoaked Champion has great synergy with Butchers and re-animates itself and keep on hitting for 2 and gaining 2.
With all that in mind; What do you think? Any changes need to be made? Does it look good and viable?
December 27, 2014 4:06 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #22
This looks great! I love the Wingmates! They go great with the whip, too, if you need a permanent flying guy for some reason. That sideboard looks damned nice as well. You've got that metagame hate ready to go. I think this is looking to be a very strong and resilient Mardu Midrange list. This can take you places. It's up to you to make the right plays. Knowing when to use your removal is key. I like it! :)
December 28, 2014 12:57 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #23
Thanks so much!!! I am super excited to get this deck ready up and sleeved for the next tourney! Until then its playtesting time!
My older brother's deck is called Time for Knuckle Sandwiches! (Temur Aggro). Check it out if you like! Also any new standard or modern decks I can look at?
December 28, 2014 1:11 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #24
I've got an upcoming Temur deck I'm assembling that I'd like you to view. I'll share it with you when I've worked a few of the finer points out.
I'd be happy to look at your brother's deck. Since I'm building Temur too, it might help me with ideas! :)
December 29, 2014 4:47 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #25
Got it! Just tell me when its posted and I comment away man!
I have actually switched this deck to a Mono Red Aggro for now. Until I get my Whips Rocs and Masters I will be playing Mono Red! Heres the list: Fiery + Fury! (RDW)
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #1
Okay xGhostx Jamesfurrow and JakeHarlow; I need some help on this build. Ideas or suggestions for the R/W token build is needed! I have decided to go on the token route and looked at a prime time player- Craig Wescoe played a R/W token list at a TcgPlayer MaxPoint Championship and got 16th place. So kudos to him! Once again I am configuring the deck and getting this bad boy prepped up for a near fnm!
November 1, 2014 4 p.m.