Monsters from the Abyss! (Temur Burn/Aggro!)

Standard* JundGrixisNayaBantEsper


Also does the new 1W Mythic from Fate Reforged have a home in this deck once FRF comes out? It's effect is Instants and Sorceries have lifelink and for 2 R/U R/U I can put my next instant or sorcery back into my hand instead of the graveyard. It sounds like a really fun card and have you checked out the new spoilers? Its so far really cool!

December 31, 2014 1:37 a.m.

xGhostx says... #2

Butcher of the Horde and maybe Mardu Ascendancy and this bad boy is going places!


January 8, 2015 1:58 p.m.

xGhostx says... #3

Also, Monastery Swiftspear seems to fit here

January 8, 2015 1:59 p.m.

Through many playtesting and builds with this arch-type Monastery Swiftspear has not been very helpful. He was not powerful enough to pull his own weight. All the warriors here are all 2/1 bodies or have good abilities and are 1/1's. Then with Chief of the Edge they get even more powerful. Swiftspear doesn't have that many pumps for him and so he is pretty useless.

On the other hand Butcher of the Horde may seem useful. Great ability and powerful. What do you think I should take it out for?

January 8, 2015 6:35 p.m.

Feralforce says... #5

I also think Butcher of the Horde is a MUST! Also I think you are a bit overflooded by creatures. Yeah creatures are nice and you are aggro after all, but why not abuse the Mardu colors to get in some nice burn and the infamous Crackling Doom! My personal opinion is to switch out the Tormented Heroes, one or two Aleshas, the whip and some others and put it some burn and the new Mardu warrior.

January 8, 2015 7:53 p.m.

Feralforce and xGhostx; What do you guys think of the list now?

January 9, 2015 11:45 p.m.

xGhostx says... #7

Monastery Mentor is going do way more work here then Goblin Rabblemaster

January 10, 2015 8:27 a.m.

Really? How so? I just would like to hear why you would think that. I believe it is going to be Rabblemaster vs. Mentor because of their cmc and abilities. After you play a Mentor you start casting spells to start making a army. I like Rabblemaster more because he drops and is a immediate threat (Not that Mentor isn't one he just needs some burn on his side). He makes a token each turn and that doesn't waste time on me trying to cast more spells for Mentor when I can drop a Butcher into Wingmate and then 2x Flamewake Phoenix the following turns. The new phoenix is actually REALLY good as a sac for Butcher. Sac the Phoenix and hit for 5 but I can re-animate the Phoenix for a R and hit for more.

January 10, 2015 8:40 a.m.

xGhostx says... #9

Essentially, my comment was geared towards more of I think that you should take this deck and re-gear it to be a Mentor Prowess token build.

Goblin Rabblemaster is solid but he has his downfalls, Mainly, the fact that the goblins MUST attack every turn. He really only fits in a super aggro token build that in the current meta can be easily dealt with.

I think A Boros or Mardu build focusing on Monastery Mentor / Seeker of the Way / Monastery Swiftspear accented by lots of control / burn / buff instants will be a power house build.

Add maybe a few phoenix's and maybe a pair of Stormbreath Dragon's for mid-range air control and you have a very solid competitive standard deck.

I just think that Rabble Token builds are going to get out played in every area by Mentor Prowess Token builds.

January 10, 2015 9:03 a.m.

xGhostx says... #10

Monastery Mentor + Raise the Alarm + Launch the Fleet + Lightning Strike / Magma Jet is just so freaking over powered. Its hard to keep up with a board state like that on turn 3/4

January 10, 2015 9:09 a.m.

I do think that's true about Rabble Token builds. They are truly gone with the whole RTR block.

But this build focuses on more of a flier-type. I love the deck idea its just that this deck has one big use: It dodges everything else. Rabblemaster and Seeker are trying to hit on the ground and deal some damage but most of the damage is through the air where no one can hit them. Unless reachers come and ruin the party. But Butcher has a lot uses and so he's the main piece in this type of build. The Butcher also needs his co-pilots; Rabblemaster and the new Phoenix. They are the death fodders for this list.

I would love to make a list for Mentors but this list is what I've got and I am trying to use it!

January 10, 2015 9:13 a.m.

xGhostx says... #12

I hear you. I see what your doing here and its a solid concept.

January 10, 2015 9:19 a.m.

But do you think it's viable?

January 10, 2015 9:21 a.m.

xGhostx says... #14

I do think it is, but I think the deck needs more in terms of Burn and Control for the early game and Prowess Triggers, Maybe drop one of the Phoenix's for more burn, Also Maybe consider Stormbreath Dragon over Ashcloud. Or at least SB The dragon for heavy W match ups.

January 10, 2015 10:01 a.m.

How about Roc for Stormbreath? For Control and Burn stuff;

and maybe + 2x Sign in Blood? But for what?

January 10, 2015 10:16 a.m.

xGhostx says... #16

Drop 2x Erase from the SB add 2x Stormbreath Dragon to be sided in to replace Wingmate Roc in heavy White Match-ups.

Drop 1x Flamewake Phoenix and 2x Hordeling Outburst add 3x Lightning Strike / Magma Jet / Wild Strike

Maybe even go as far as to drop the 2x Murderous Cut and in replace of more direct Burn.

Also would considering going to 4x Crackling Doom as its arguably the best removal in standard at the moment.

Not a fan of Chained to the Rocks Dont like having to rely on a condition for the control to work, be it even if that condition is only having a Mountain. Still not a fan.

January 10, 2015 10:29 a.m.

xGhostx says... #17

Sorry, Wild Slash not Wild Strike

January 10, 2015 10:30 a.m.

Feralforce says... #18

I dont really like the ashclouds in this deck. Yeah its flying and yeah its 4 power but I think Stormbreaths are a way better choice. For everything else I think xGhostx got you covered here.

January 10, 2015 6:15 p.m.

Thanks xGhostx and Feralforce! Please tell me if I drop anything that is wrong :) :

I am going to drop Ashclouds for the Lightning Strike because they have more removal purposes; they essentially can kill more things. Ashclouds are harder to re-animate as well. Flamewake just needs a R but Ashcloud needs 4RR to animate and Shock. Thoughts? Flamewake or Ashcloud?

I will take out 1x Hordeling Outburst to complete my set of dooms.

Also JakeHarlow what do you think of this list? I would like your personal opinions as well!

January 10, 2015 6:19 p.m.

Feralforce says... #20

I playtested for a bit and I am really impressed by the deck(never drew to an ashcloud). It runs really well but I would still replace the Rocs with Stormbreaths. And you need another crackling doom.

January 10, 2015 7:09 p.m.

Are you sure my friend? I edited the list and took out Ashclouds for Strikes and added a Doom instead of a Outburst.

By the way was the testing smooth? How did it run? Any problems I need to fix?

January 10, 2015 7:14 p.m.

Feralforce says... #22

NVM I playtested the edited version. Also I think you need another Goblin Rabblemaster. Maybe drop the Murderous Cuts for a Gobling and a Sorin.

January 12, 2015 2:02 p.m.

I would love to have a set of Rabblemasters but they are out of my price rang as of now. Sorin is sadly under that criteria as well. I am only purchasing Phoenixes that are coming soon once the set has been released.

Other than that I will put of those suggestions in so I can test it and see if it comes in the mail!

January 12, 2015 4:59 p.m.

I would love to have a set of Rabblemasters but they are out of my price range as of now. Sorin is sadly under that criteria as well. I am only purchasing Phoenixes that are coming soon once the set has been released.

Other than that I will put of those suggestions in so I can test it and see if it comes in the mail!

January 12, 2015 4:59 p.m.

Feralforce says... #25

Yeah I understand. I currently running a low priced deck as well.(Not the one displeyed on my decks, I have built a new one). Although I did win my local Gran Prix Trials the other day. Just to let you know that playing well means you are more likely to win then having a 600$ deck.

January 12, 2015 5:57 p.m.

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