Monsters from the Abyss! (Temur Burn/Aggro!)

Standard* JundGrixisNayaBantEsper


Yeah I know that of course. I made a R/B Aggro with RTR and got Top 4 even though I had 100$ deck (I loved that deck too by the way). People love to spend tons of money on a deck and don't know how to use it. I am now spending more money and testing a ton more so I can play well.

January 12, 2015 6:26 p.m.

Do you believe Brutal Hordechief replaces Roc?

January 14, 2015 5:39 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #3

I personally don't. The Wingmate is just too valuable. I think Hordechief demands too high a mana investment to make an immediate impact. Wingmate is an auto 2-for-1, if you simply attacked. Plus, your flying theme. :)

I also think Thoughtsieze needs to be a 3-of on the side. You need it for your control matchups. It also is great against Abzan and Jeskai Tokens.

This looks powerful. I think Butcher and Flamewake Phoenix make a great combo. Relentless pressure and useful value for several relevant situations! +1

January 15, 2015 4:36 p.m.

JakeHarlow and xGhostx: I have been experimenting with this list... Do you think it could be a good archetype?

February 1, 2015 5:50 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #5

Looks like a solid Jeskai burn list!

February 2, 2015 6:25 p.m.

Thanks! I have most of the cards too. All I need help with is sideboarding. When I played against my brother (0-2 with wrong sb cardsand 3-0 when sb-ed right cards). He plays Jund Mid-Aggro so I took out and put in:

Out: -1x Seeker -1x Jet -1x Strike -1x Cruise -1x Charm. I did these because I wasn't finishing him off with some burn so I had to look for more power and disabling options.

In: +2x Banishes +2x Strokes +1x Sarkhan. Sarkhan added extra damage and was very crucial. Banishes and Strokes are kind of easy to figure out why I put them in =)

Overall do you think you could help me sideboard better?

February 3, 2015 7:35 a.m.

rochdalekilla9 says... #7

Why is there not a single Soulfire Grand Master or Monastery Mentor or even a Mantis Rider in here?

February 3, 2015 10:09 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #8

Your deck is fairly solid and does a good job at presenting pressure but I feel it would rather have 2 cruise and 2 Dig Through Time when it comes to searching. That probaly help against those aggro midrange decks a lot more. Might also want to consider a Mindswipe main board because who doesn't love a counter burn spell? All in all very solid

February 3, 2015 3:21 p.m.

rochdalekilla9 says... #9

I always forget about Mindswipe. Thanks for that. And im still trying to decide how much draw power i need alongside the ascendancy. +1 to your deck btw. But why don't you have Any of those cards i mentioned included in here? I'm just curious

February 3, 2015 5:23 p.m.

Thanks for commenting and +1-ing!

@ Jamesfurrow; I would actually like to use Mindswipe. Dig Through Time is a card I will probably invest in right now due to being cheap and banned in Modern (WHY!?!?!? I need them for Grixis Delver!!!). Mindswipe is a Syncopate + Heat Ray to the face! But it's maybe needed for the side-board use to be sided in...

@ rochdalekilla9; This deck is mainly burn usage and limited creature supply to help hose burn onto the opponent. Swiftspear and Seeker keep up pressure with prowess triggers and Rabblemaster is overall beater. Mantis Rider is a maybe creature but I like Outburst way more due to Convoking with Stoke. Soulfire Grand Master is for mirror matching and other lists that I need lifelink to function. Grandmaster is also a little too much as is the 4th Rabblemaster.

February 3, 2015 9:30 p.m.

Btw, I just realized that I answered to Jamesfurrow as if it were you JundGrixisNayaBantEsper. Lol...whoops. Anyway, have you tried this deck out yet at a tournament? I am very interested to see how it works for you. Please provide an update whenever you can. Thanks!

February 4, 2015 9:32 a.m.

Also, if you didn't mind could you check out my version of this deck and provide feedback if you feel inclined? Thanks!

February 4, 2015 9:39 a.m.

xGhostx says... #13

Purphoros, God of the Forge and Monastery Mentor = Tokens and Burn for days!

I think this is the direction I am going to be going in with my build as well :)

February 4, 2015 12:07 p.m.

Thanks as always everyone! I will use Purphoros, God of the Forge to try it out since it combos with Hordeling Outburst my favorite card with Stoke the Flames. In my budgets perspective Monastery Mentor is good but way too pricey.

Besides that I need some help with sideboarding. Please help!!!!!

February 4, 2015 6:39 p.m.

xGhostx Jamesfurrow JakeHarlow and rochdalekilla9:

What do you all feel about Grixis Burn? It has some pros and cons but I need some advice. Jeskai vs. Grixis?

February 5, 2015 5:39 p.m.

Ohnoeszz says... #16

I really like this deck.

I'd take a look at Rakshasa's secret - it can be a mana-neutral card when you are playing delve because it costs three and puts three into the grave (while making your opponent toss 2).

That plus cruise can produce some lopsided card advantage (using a UB control deck around that and chasm skulker right now).

Thoughtseize deserves a 2 of if you can swing it.

Anger of the Gods probably fits better than Drown in Sorrow.

Taisigur worked great in my playtests here, though you may need a touch more blue mana for him - couple more shivan reefs or temples in place of mountains would work.

February 6, 2015 5:44 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #17

Grixis Burn...well, there are some real upsides there. It would definitely be a midrange deck, but I think it could be strong.

The mana base is really good right now. Between Polluted Delta and Bloodstained Mire, you've also got Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and your Temples. Plus Mana Confluence in a pinch and the Khans life lands. So fixing your colors shouldn't be a huge problem.

What is your plan? Solid control package with Planeswalker threats and perhaps a Stormbreath Dragon endgame? Heavy burn package accompanied by good control options like Thoughtseize, Bile Blight, Hero's Downfall, and Dig Through Time? Ashiok could be a nice sideboard piece, too (even main). I wouldn't depend on burn as a reliable win condition right now; too many of the top decks have reliable life gain. You're going to want creatures or walkers to close the games out. You do have an amazing matchup against aggro, since you've got access to the format's 3-drop sweepers.

Put together a list, JundGrixisNayaBantEsper. I'd love to see what you come up with and help you refine it into something you'll want to play at tournaments. :)

February 7, 2015 3:45 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #18

Ah, I see you've already got the list. Hmmm. Looks nice, but I think you ought to try a Chandra, Pyromaster in here. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is also an amazing SB tech vs control and monsters matches!

I think some Fated Conflagration could be cut for Hero's Downfall. And if you bumped to 24-25 lands, Stormbreath Dragon could be so good here. If not, Flamewake Phoenix could bring in some solid value too! Nice list, I think you're onto something special here! My hat is off to you just for thinking outside the box!

February 7, 2015 3:50 a.m.

Ha ha! Thanks JakeHarlow and Ohnoeszz! I was really thinking hard about this list and I believe we have 2 Stormbreath Dragons in our trade so I may test with him. I like Polluted Delta but Bloodstained Mire is overall what I need. Thoughtseize is a bit too pricey but Rakshasa's Secret could prove some value in the list! I will take out 2x Fated Conflagration for 2x Hero's Downfall. Thanks for commenting!

February 7, 2015 8:55 a.m.

Lifegain decks are a problem for Burn archetypes as is Monster decks if I don't burn their Mana-dorks (Chipotle's deck is the perfect reason!). They go off and it turns to be just not fair. So Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver looks like a nice option and Chandra, Pyromaster gives me breathing room when filled with Monsters and I get to go past blockers with Rabblemaster/Swiftspear. That's when I need some big men like Stormbreath Dragon and Tasigur, the Golden Fang to beat up guys and are overall beefy beaters. It's possible to t4 Tasigur as well!

February 7, 2015 9:12 a.m.

Okay everyone! I changed it up to more Prowess aggro to speed it up against other Midrange decks! Please see what's up and suggest anything!

February 8, 2015 12:54 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #22

I would up the Treasure Cruise count to 3 and drop the double strike instant. You rather have spells that wont ever be dead draws when running a tempo deck. Every card must be useful at all times. The temur battle rage is only good if damage is going through and requires a creature doing so. I would rather have another Lightning Strike in the place for it with the other cruise taking the other spot.

I also am intrested with shu yon being the monk you choose. When you could have been making a monk army with the white one. I get its a 30 dollar card but its because american decks in modern are running the (white token as well over brimaz)

February 9, 2015 12:01 a.m.

As much as I love Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest, after my last FNM I can tell you he's not right in this deck. I would say splurge and get a couple of Monastery Mentors and be done with it. He's a heck of a lot better and applies more pressure than Shu Yun. I also feel you'll be better off with a couple more creatures. I would take out both Temur Battle Rages and put in 2 more Seeker of the Ways. If you do get your hands on 3 Monastery Mentors, I would take out the Temur Battle Rages and Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest and add 3 Monastery Mentors and one additional Seeker of the Way,. putting them both at 3. I decided to try my hand at Jeskai but am not sure if I am an avid fan of it yet or not. I made huge changes to my Jeskai brew and am also currently putting together a U/B control deck that is both annoying and fun to play!

February 9, 2015 9:09 a.m.

Sweet, thanks rochdalekilla9 and Jamesfurrow! I too haven't truly found a deck that I love to play. This deck is based on a list that got 7th in a SCG premier IQ. So it did pretty well, so I am gonna test this soon and report back to tell whether or not Jeskai is going well. The other deck I really like is R/w Aggro. It's fun and powerful. Monastery Mentor won't be featuring either version of these decks, they are very powerful cards and can change the game very fast, but most of the time it was just dying or not getting damage through efficiently.

Anyway, I am posting my first draft of R/w Aggro now, so please check it out and give feedback for either list, Jeskai Aggro or R/w Aggro!

February 9, 2015 5:23 p.m.

arbalest says... #25

Very competetive deck,may i suggest "outpost siege" or "monastery siege" on your sideboards,

February 12, 2015 11:26 p.m.

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