Thanks! I ran Hornet Queen in the Simic deck I ended up turning this into, but I ended up running out of space. Might pull Xenagos, God of Revels for her, since I'm not sure he adds too much. Hour of Need is definitely worth considering too.
I'm not so sure on mainboarding Stubborn Denial , though, especially not four. I guess that really depends on the meta at my LGS.
October 21, 2014 10:42 a.m.
chord of calling into Hornet Nest is pretty awesome. I have it as a one of with another in the sideboard. I also run 1 Ashcloud Phoenix because it is pretty awesome especially with all the mana you will have! I run 3x Genesis Hydra instead of two, it's just way too good! Let me know what you think :)
November 4, 2014 2:17 p.m.
I'm trying to figure if I should pull Xenagos, God of Revels for a Hornet Queen in the main, or shuffle around the sideboard and make space for her there. I'm not so sure about Ashcloud Phoenix though. Is there anything in particular you think I should replace with it?
As for Genesis Hydra , I'm pretty happy running two along with the two Chord of Calling . Between those and two Temur Ascendancy along with Courser of Kruphix filtering lands I think I'm in a pretty good place as far as draw power.
November 4, 2014 7:44 p.m.
firestar157 says... #5
No Rattleclaw Mystic? You're the first Temur deck I've seen without it.
November 5, 2014 8:18 p.m.
I'm personally not a huge fan and much prefer Sylvan Caryatid. The morph honestly doesn't seem like it'd help that much, and Sylvan is much less vulnerable as a hexproof 0/3. I'd rather have my ramp stick around, and it can stall out early-game attackers too.
November 5, 2014 9:58 p.m.
Ashcloud Phoenix has just been awesome mainly with Prophet of Kruphix out. Its basically invincible except to exile! I haven't played with the temur ascendancy yet, but it seems good, that's what I would probbaly cut. I also run 1 surrak and 1 Arbor Colossus instead of two surraks, just seems more useful.
Rattleclaw Mystic is amazing for ramp and also awesome to dump into a Genesis Hydra! Im running 4 Sylvan Caryatid and 3 Rattleclaw Mystics
November 6, 2014 2:39 p.m.
Im still not sold on Rattleclaw Mystic. Especially considering the amount of ramp I already have. Ashcloud Phoenix seems like it definitely could have a place though.
Arbor Colossus could have a place at the very least in the sideboard. Although Polukranos, World Eater can hit fliers too with his monstrous.
November 8, 2014 6:15 p.m.
raysabucsfan says... #10
Its a good deck. Gave the +1. I have a temur deck I've had a lot of success with play testing and playing in tournaments. I've been mashing on people with it and you might get some ideas from it. Check it out. The "Real Deal" Holyfield!(temur).
November 9, 2014 10:43 p.m.
Looks good I play a very similar deck and love it. Key to this deck is to never start a game without a Savage Knuckleblade in your hand. Two is even better and I've done it way more than I thought I would. Keep those Anger of the Gods handy in your sideboard. Temur is unfortunately slow and that is a great way to clear the way for your heavy hitters.
I have been thinking about dropping Ashcloud Phoenix. It is a nice card but has not come in as handy as I thought it would. That morph cost is too much when I am usually putting Polukranos, World Eater or Stormbreath Dragon out at that time.
I put in some Heir of the Wilds and I have been very happy with them. 2 CMC to cast almost always 3/3 on the attack with the rest of your creatures being 4/4+. The deathtouch is always great too.
Elvish Mystic has not been as handy as I want it to be either. Because hopefully I'm putting out a Frontier Bivouac on T1. Which helps get out Savage Knuckleblade on T3.
My best games with my deck are T1 Frontier Bivouac T2 Heir of the Wilds T3 Savage Knuckleblade and then just keeping dropping heavies until they can't handle it anymore. If things go well they will run out of counters before you run out of creatures.
Playing Courser of Kruphix and Sylvan Caryatid early has just slowed me down to much with this deck. If you are needing them you are already dead.
January 17, 2015 11:20 p.m.
Glad you like it! I've been playing around with this some more and a lot of the changes you've suggested are ones I was planning on making anyways. Elvish Mystic is definitely gonna go, and same for Courser of Kruphix. I might keep a couple copies in the sideboard, though, a 2/4 body and lifegain could do some good against some of the more aggro-y decks. I keep going back and forth on Sylvan Caryatid, personally. 0/3 hexproof can do some good early game for blocking, and it helps a lot with mana fixing, but a playset of Heir of the Wilds is much more aggressive. I see what you mean about Ashcloud Phoenix too. I'll probably switch out one for another Stormbreath Dragon, it can still be useful with all the removal in standard right now. Decisions decisions.
Thanks for the comment!
January 18, 2015 12:08 a.m.
alexthegreat38 says... #14
In an aggressive deck like this, I'd recommend Rattleclaw Mystic over Sylvan Caryatid. In control matchups, it gets through for 2 damage more often than you'd think. Caryatid is not nearly aggressive enough for Temur, in my opinion.
January 20, 2015 1:28 a.m.
DukeSteele says... #15
I understand the arguments against Caryatid but honestly no other ramp is as durable. And since when is a 2 drop considered slow? The fact is if you miss your ramp your dead anyway, so why only rely on ramp that dies to 90% of the kill cards in the format?
Also Elvish Mystic is all about speed. People are saying Temur is slow but i guarantee you t1 Elvish Mystic and t2 Caryatid gets it done fast. You will have 5 mana for that Sarkhan or Stormbreath on turn 3.
Burn and cheap removal are just so plentiful in Standard i never leave home without my Caryatids. It gets you a proper foothold in the game. Yes Elvish Mystic is a pain in the ass to topdeck in the late game, however if you run cards like Bow of Nylea you can attack with it anyway lol :p
January 20, 2015 2:22 a.m.
I've found it really comes down to the turn one play for ramp. Ideally I want to play a tapland turn one so it doesn't slow me down later, then turn two play Sylvan Caryatid. With that play, a Rattleclaw Mystic wouldn't be able to unmorph until turn four. Rattleclaw needs Elvish Mystic for that turn two play, but its weakness to burn combined with my preference for playing a tapland turn one makes me lean towards Sylvan.
January 20, 2015 9:47 a.m.
DukeSteele says... #17
That makes perfect sense to me. I do enjoy a turn 1 scry land. I run Ranger's Guile and Stubborn Denial in decks that run Elvish Mystic and/or Rattleclaw Mystic.
What sucks is how heavily used Despise and Thoughtsieze are in my meta... SOBs always steal my ramp.
January 20, 2015 12:21 p.m.
alexthegreat38 says... #18
@kr142616 I never cast the Rattleclaw Mystic face-down unless I topdeck it awkwardly late or already have enough ramp.
January 20, 2015 12:47 p.m.
alexthegreat38 says... #19
I personally feel like this deck should just be attacking whenever it can, and against more controlling/midrangy decks, Rattleclaw Mystics often end up dealing some damage early. It's bad in some matchups, but I think it works better in the archetype. I can see why you're using Caryatids, though.
January 20, 2015 12:51 p.m.
Looks cool. Far for FRF than mine. I added an Atarka, World Render and that was that. I like this. How often is the Yasova Dragonclaw "steal" ability relevent? I was thinking about adding her to my build.
January 23, 2015 1:56 p.m.
Wesleykuhnke says... #21
Ysova is very relevant if you load her with 1/1 counters.
January 23, 2015 9:07 p.m.
I haven't played much with Yasova yet since FRF only just came out, but she took the spot of two Boon Satyrs. They've got the same body on them and the same CMC, and I found I really wasnt't playing Boon Satyr much. It's a neat combat trick late game, but I'd much rather have Yasova out. She can steal away a chump blocker easy, and Shaman of the Great Hunt's counter ability synergizes pretty well with her too.
January 26, 2015 5:14 p.m.
DukeSteele says... #23
Yasova Dragonclaw + Life's Legacy is a thing i like.
January 26, 2015 11:03 p.m.
shocktrooper97 says... #24
In my opinion, a Temur Sabertooth would be great in this deck! Gives you easy creature protection and can help combat Whisperwood Elementals effect.
January 27, 2015 10:23 a.m.
I would definitely take out your 2 Whisperwood Elementals for 2 more Stormbreath Dragons.
Arwin_Rand says... #1
I REALLY like this. It reminds me a bit of what I think Alex Sittner's Temur deck at the most recent GP would look like.
I'd consider trying to get the following cards into at least the maybe board for testing.
Hour of Need
Hornet Queen
I'd also consider trying to get 4 Stubborn Denial into the main.
October 21, 2014 1:29 a.m.