Post rotation Junk Monsters list that is similar to Ari Lax's.
I believe that JUNK (especially monsters) is a relatively straight forward and 'easy' sort of deck to build but this is my first serious deck. Most, if not all, of the spells in here should be self-explanatory. That being said, I decided to break it down ANYWAY to offer reasoning on why I included what I did. Any help or insight for a better sideboard would be awesome. Thanks in advance guys!
Sylvan Caryatid - Great ramp, mana fixer, blocker, you name it. One of the reasons this deck gets going so fast is this sexy chica.
Courser of Kruphix - Another great way to get straight to the point of big monsters is by thinning out the land we don't want to top deck. Again, a great blocker for early game and solid body for 3 CMC.
Polukranos, World Eater - The definition of VALUE CITY; one of the baddassiest guys in the deck equipped to end a game in a heartbeat if he's not answered.
Siege Rhino- Another solid body for 4 CMC. The rhino I decided to include because of the automatic 6 life swing and trample but if
Hushwing Gryff
becomes a thing I might just go back to polukranos.
Arbor Colossus - Poluky's older bro (not really) at the top of the curve to make sure we don't disappoint in the BUFF BODY section.
Non-creature spells
Abzan Charm - IMO, one of the best charms of this set. Being able to get rid of big threats so we can save Hero's Downfall for walkers is HUGE. The instant speed draw effect and permanent mini-buff to creatures is really just icing on the cake.
Hero's Downfall - Premier removal spell that helps fend off those pesky walker decks that have been floating around as of late.
Banishing Light - Another great removal spell for just about ANYTHING that helps clear the way for our bad boys.
Utter End - A permanent, instant speed Banishing Light for 1 more mana and a splash of a color we're already in? Sign me up! This card looks really sweet on paper but will definitely be taken with a grain of salt seeing as how it will still always be a 1-for-1.
Wingmate Roc - I wanted to try this guy out the second I saw it spoiled since I flying is kind of a big deal and it evades most removal.
Garruk, Apex Predator - I decided to include this as a 1-of for the stalled games and a good decent top deck against the mirror.
Bile Blight - Peskai aggro is a thing
Drown in Sorrow - For those pesky aggro decks, this is our only real defense.
Reclamation Sage - For any control deck using Perilous Vault or for the mirror so we can 2-for-1 those coursers.
- Another weapon against those damn walker decks or against the mirror that doesn't cost us life.
Thoughtseize - One of our only real answers against UB control and just a great turn 1 play.
Genesis Hydra - Trying to see how this plays out against UB control since it can't efficiently be countered but we will see.