I would change or move one to two boros charms to the sideboard and move two lightning strikes main. I know it doesn't help your infinite life combo but it is more relevant in creature matchups when you need to remove their blocker. Also for your sideboard you should only need 2 slaughter games. Also only two revoke existences I would go down to one whip of erebos because two main should be all that you need. Doom blades would be a good replacement for the whips when you do against red green monsterous or any other deck that runs multicolor creatures. I think you could go down by two ultimate prices and then take out the lightning strike in the sideboard and the 2 magma jets then you would be at 15 cards. Thought seize would be good for your deck but you don't have any right now but those could replace something later on.Also mutavaults would be good to replace two swamps if you could ever get ahold of them because they would get the bonus for being minotaurs .Also when you get the shock lands those would be good replacements for your swamps. Also you could change dreadbore for hero's downfall but they both do the same but at different costs.
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lero122086 says... #1
I would change or move one to two boros charms to the sideboard and move two lightning strikes main. I know it doesn't help your infinite life combo but it is more relevant in creature matchups when you need to remove their blocker. Also for your sideboard you should only need 2 slaughter games. Also only two revoke existences I would go down to one whip of erebos because two main should be all that you need. Doom blades would be a good replacement for the whips when you do against red green monsterous or any other deck that runs multicolor creatures. I think you could go down by two ultimate prices and then take out the lightning strike in the sideboard and the 2 magma jets then you would be at 15 cards. Thought seize would be good for your deck but you don't have any right now but those could replace something later on.Also mutavaults would be good to replace two swamps if you could ever get ahold of them because they would get the bonus for being minotaurs .Also when you get the shock lands those would be good replacements for your swamps. Also you could change dreadbore for hero's downfall but they both do the same but at different costs.
February 25, 2014 6:53 p.m.