

Creature (1)

Sorcery (1)

Red/ Green control is a thing, now sit down and watch as I send your lands to the bin.

Playstyle: This deck plans to stall out the game with Land Destruction, Blood Moon, Anger of the Gods, and Lightning Bolt, until Life from the Loam and Seismic Assault are assembled.

Card Choices:

Blood Moon: With Tron, Eldrazi, and many decks with greedy mana bases running the show in modern, Blood Moon can win games by itself.

Ensnaring Bridge: This slot used to be filled by Anger of the Gods, but after facing down one too many Thought-Knot Seer's and Reality Smasher's Ensnaring bridge started feeling more appropriate, it also gives similar results vs. the matchups where Anger of the Gods is relevant.

Lightning Bolt: The one, the only, the still too damn powerful.

Seismic Assault: Straightforward Win-con and board control engine.

Life from the Loam: Green's answer to raw card advantage

Mulch: Diet Life from the Loam, can turn into "1G, deal 8 damage divided in pairs as you choose" with Seismic Assault

Boom/Bust: Boom Combos with Darksteel Citadel for turn 2 Land destruction, Bust is also always an option in the late game seeing as our Win-cons are cheap and for the most part re-playable from the grave.

Flame Jab: Seismic Assault's little brother, also, alternative higher slow Win-con, primarily handy for tokens and early creatures.

Molten Rain/ Stone Rain: No lands? No problem.

Ghost Quarter/ Darksteel Citadel: Darksteel Citadel Combos with both Boom/Bust and Ghost Quarter, also, Ghost Quarter is this deck's 0 cost Man-land and Eye of Ugin answer.

Always looking for sideboard suggestions and feedback.


Updates Add

Old Desc. is a few months old, updating for current meta (OGW)


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 7 Rares

16 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Worm 1/1 BG
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