The goal of this deck is to ult as many planeswalkers as possible, and control the game with a series of emblems. Emblems are in a way better than most forms of permanents because they are nearly impossible to remove from a player, only by resetting the game can you remove emblems (such as with Karn Liberated or Shahrazad etc.) The central combo to do this is with Doubling Season and planeswalkers with ults that create emblems, such as Narset Transcendent ; first Doubling Season must be in play, and then cast the planeswalker for double loyalty. Note that Doubling Season does not double loyalty added from loyalty abilities because they are a cost, not an effect of the ability, so getting out Doubling Season early is important. However proliferates off Atraxa are doubled by doubling season. There are several tutors to help get and keep a Doubling Season, and there is even a "soft lock" in Narset Transcendent emblem + Humility , so now your opponents cannot play noncreature spells, and the creatures they can cast or already control are all 1/1's with no abilites, not even enter the battlefield abilities, so the odds of losing a game with the soft lock in play are very remote.

Atraxa EDH with lots of planeswalkers. Basically just for fun, not a competitive deck although there are combo mechanincs in it. Mostly intended for multiplayer, although you could duel with it for fun as well. Credit goes to Hayes of commander society for the concept, and Lost_Ascendant for beating me to the punch (his deck is great tho) A Spark Awakens This is more a work in progress than a final build, as I doubt highly that I will run revised dual lands in the deck, but please leave comments for suggestions/improvements! The basic idea is create a lot of walkers, my decisions for which to include mostly revolved around what would be good to doubling season and ult right away. There are some additional ways to get utility out of your walkers than just doubling season, obviously Atraxa helps but the oaths, the chain veil, gilder bairn and deepglow skate all interact with planeswalkers, as well as Teferi ult and Ajani unyielding ult. Omniscience is there to combo out in a single turn and hopefully end the game by playing and ulting many walkers at once, Ichor rats is there to get single poison counters on your opponents and proliferate them to death. Karn may seem like an unlikely choice given that his ultimate is ok, but not a great choice if you are already winning the game. However his card advantage engine and removal earn him a spot here over, say, Garruk apex predator, who also could be considered for the deck. Many of the planeswalker ults are aimed at ending the game quickly. The game plan goes like this: You're doing very little to disrupt your opponent at any stage of the game, except for wiping the board of creatures to protect your walkers. Early game you are deploying mana rocks and land acceleration, mid game you drop walkers hoping to get a little value before they explode. You can also drop Atraxa and enchantments to help you through the mid game. This is a time when your white walkers producing tokens to block and Gideon Jura can help your walkers to survive. When you've hopefully drawn some cards and accelerated pretty hard, you should be able to get a gilded lotus/mirari's wake/mana reflection or tutor for one of these cards to push you into omniscience mana. Once you reach this stage of the game you need doubling season (or another doubling effect, gilder bairn or deepglow skate are poor man's doubling season), turning your walkers into rather powerful plays, and hopefully your opponents are punished enough on boardwipes/walker control. A few ults for emblems should hopefully be enough juice to push you into a winning position. Because of the high number of mana rocks included, armageddon hopefully should be worse for your opponent than for you and probably should be saved until you have a few walkers on board. Edit: Cut the revised dual lands for budget reasons, running the Ravnica bounce lands and signets instead because they are better with mana reflection anyway. Added Paradox Engine. Edit 9/19/19: So I made a lot of changes, current iteration of the deck does lots of ramping into not much action, so I want to get some more draw cards in there, and it deals a ton of damage to itself while also making itself a target for multiplayer, so a lot of cuts need to be made for draw, lifegain and defensive cards to deal with many opponents at once. I got some new war of the spark cards in there which is nice, and I finally have a lot of the tutors I wanted though I still want a few more. If you have cuts or suggestions to make it run smoother please let me know!
These walkers were chosen mostly for their impactful emblems, with a few utility choices as well. Narset Transcendent : This is one of your main wincons; ult Narset and tutor for Humility . What's nice is both cards are independently good and synergize with the deck, so you're never unhappy to draw a combo piece alone. Venser, the Sojourner Teferi, Hero of Dominaria : Azorius planeswalkers at 5 cmc with impactful ult emblems. Venser is a bit harder to ult than Teferi, and their other abilities do different things. Venser can get you extra ETB effects such as from Deepglow Skate , while Teferi gets you card advantage and marginally makes instants better, although this is not an instant heavy deck so he doesn't synergize that much. Get one of these emblems out and you're in a pretty great position, your opponents might even concede on the spot. Tamiyo, Collector of Tales , Tamiyo, Field Researcher and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage : Field researcher and Moon Sage both have very impactful ult emblems, and while Collector of Tales does not, she gives you recursion which is a bit lacking in this deck; once your walkers are dead, they tend to stay there unfortunately. All of them have great card advantage. Teferi, Temporal Archmage : Big daddy T. While his emblem is great, I find that most often I'm using him as a mana rock/bounce land untapper, which he's great at. If I ever get his emblem off during a Doubling Season play I'm sure he's gonna make all my walkers ridiculous in a multiplayer match. Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , Sorin, Grim Nemesis , Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and Gideon Jura : The white walkers here are pretty defensive, they give you a board presence without committing cards to be board swept, Gideon discourages attackers, and the token producers and their emblems give you an eventual wincon (if you were missing one before). I like Sorin LOI better than solemn visitor, simply because he can emblem right away- no waiting around, just hit the field, immediate emblem. The Elspeths both have really nice emblems, and Grim Nemesis can win the game all by himself if your opponents are out of answers.
This deck has gone through many revisions and wound up with an extensive maybeboard, I have considered lots and lots of cards that were good but maybe didn't quite make the cut or do exactly what I wanted in that slot. To view the maybeboard I set up a separate list linked below More Emblems Please Maybeboard


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 0 Mythic Rares

55 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.65
Tokens Elf Druid 1/1 G, Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Emblem Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Emblem Venser, the Sojourner, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 2/2 C, Treasure, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink, Vampire Knight 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders EDH
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