: The only one drop creature in this deck, but it is a good one. It has a decent body early game and can be brought back from the dead later.
Gifted Aetherborn
: One of my favorite cards, and with good reason. It has an above-curve body from the start, and is backed with two very good abilities, deathtouch and lifelink. Both the abilities have saved me from death multiple times, lifelink against more aggro decks, and deathtouch against big attackers that would have killed me.
Pack Rat
: The other 2 drop creature here. This card is insane. It can grow into an army on its own, in only a few turns. This card can take over games, and becomes very strong later game when you have make a few copies. It has saved me in several games that I probably should not have won.
Vampire Nighthawk
: Read
Gifted Aetherborn
. This card is the same, just paying 1 more mana for flying, which is helpful in a variety of matchups. This is a very good card.
Spawn of Mayhem
: I used to play
Master of the Feast
in this slot, but this card is so much better. He can be cast for just 3 mana 80+% of the time, and comes down as a 4/4 Flying trample. Even just that is above curve. That, combined with the fact that he grows stronger when you’re getting low on life, and does damage to your opponent every turn (which we can easily get back with our lifelinkers) is extremely powerful, and well worth a spot in this deck.
Desecration Demon
: He’s bigger than
Spawn of Mayhem
, but also has a big drawback: decks with lots of creatures can sacrifice some to tap him down for a turn. Now, this really isn’t that big of a deal. It just taps him, and you can just use your other creatures for a turn. Plus, this demon’s drawback has upsides for you: they lose a creature, and your demon grows bigger. An extremely good deal for only .