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Modern Budget Demons Discard Mono-Black Vampires



I’m trying out something here. Kind of a mono-black midrange/value monstrosity. Basically, the game plan is just to play small, efficient creatures, and back them with giant, flying, above the curve demons like Spawn of Mayhem and Desecration Demon . The discard and removal seem pretty obvious since this is a black deck. I’d like to keep this idea below $75, if at all possible, but feel free to suggest cards that are more expensive (or any other cards).

Out of all my decks, this one is one of my favorites to pilot. I don’t really like being that aggressive in my decks, and control isn’t really my thing. So, this is a midrange deck made up of some of my favorite black cards. Enjoy!

Gutterbones : The only one drop creature in this deck, but it is a good one. It has a decent body early game and can be brought back from the dead later.

Gifted Aetherborn : One of my favorite cards, and with good reason. It has an above-curve body from the start, and is backed with two very good abilities, deathtouch and lifelink. Both the abilities have saved me from death multiple times, lifelink against more aggro decks, and deathtouch against big attackers that would have killed me.

Pack Rat : The other 2 drop creature here. This card is insane. It can grow into an army on its own, in only a few turns. This card can take over games, and becomes very strong later game when you have make a few copies. It has saved me in several games that I probably should not have won.

Vampire Nighthawk : Read Gifted Aetherborn . This card is the same, just paying 1 more mana for flying, which is helpful in a variety of matchups. This is a very good card.

Spawn of Mayhem : I used to play Master of the Feast in this slot, but this card is so much better. He can be cast for just 3 mana 80+% of the time, and comes down as a 4/4 Flying trample. Even just that is above curve. That, combined with the fact that he grows stronger when you’re getting low on life, and does damage to your opponent every turn (which we can easily get back with our lifelinkers) is extremely powerful, and well worth a spot in this deck.

Desecration Demon : He’s bigger than Spawn of Mayhem , but also has a big drawback: decks with lots of creatures can sacrifice some to tap him down for a turn. Now, this really isn’t that big of a deal. It just taps him, and you can just use your other creatures for a turn. Plus, this demon’s drawback has upsides for you: they lose a creature, and your demon grows bigger. An extremely good deal for only .

Inquisition of Kozilek : One of the best budget discard spells in the game. This can hit most played cards in modern, and doesn’t make you lose life or anything. This is an excellent turn one/two play.

Victim of Night : Honestly, you’re a black mage. You should be able to kill that pesky creature. This card lets you kill 90% of modern’s creatures, and can be used at instant speed, for only .

Sign in Blood : This card gives us that much-needed card advantage, at the cost of a few life, but that’s not an issue since we can probably gain it back with Gifted Aetherborn and Vampire Nighthawk . And, if you’re feeling particularly sneaky, you can use it to do damage to your opponent to kill them, since it says “target player”.

Fatal Push : This card is only a 2-of, but this is a very good card. It can hit lots of important creatures in Modern, even if it isn’t revolted. I know I’m not playing the ideal fetchland manabase for this card, but it seem to work alright. And if you do get revolt, this can kill almost anything played in Modern.

Ifnir Deadlands : This is our only non- Swamp Land, but it is good, and it definitely can be useful. It does cost a bit of life to get black, but that’s a small price to pay, it is gives us utility, comes in untapped, and we can gain that lost life back with some of our creatures.

Swamp : The keystone of our deck. It gives us mana to cast our spells, which we need. I’ve found that 22 lands is the perfect number for this deck, as we never end up getting mana screwed, and if we do get flooded, it’s only by 1-2 lands, and we can just discard those to Pack Rat .

Currently, here’s my record with this deck, after a bit of testing on untap.in:

Games: 22-10

Matches: 16-6

I mostly play best of one matches, so my data is a bit different than it would be for best of three.

That’s my deck. I’m open to any suggestions, as this deck is still in the refinement process. Thanks for looking here!


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Competitive Naya Burn: 1-0

This matchup was incredibly close. I ended up hanging at 1 life for a while while he struggled to find another burn spell to finish me off. My Vampire Nighthawks saved me, by gaining me just enough life to survive and close out the game with my creatures.

U/W Vial Spirits: 1-0, 1-0

These were 2 different opponents, but both played vial spirits, so I’ll just group them together. This match was fairly easy, as I managed to fight through the control and overcome the opponent’s spirits to win.

Amulet Titan: 1-0

In the early game, he got an Amulet of Vigor out early, but couldn’t find a Primeval Titan. When he eventually did find one, I killed it with a Desecration Demon and overpowered the rest of his creatures after that, before he could find a Walking Ballista to close out the game.

GR Aggro: 2-1

The first game, I got mana screwed and he wrecked me with aggressive creatures and some BBEs. The second and third, I landed multiple Desecration Demons and Master of the Feasts, and he couldn’t recover. In the third game, he was at 14 and I was at 5. He would have killed me next turn, but I swung in with 2 Masters and finished him with 2 Sign in Bloods.

Some things I learned:

1) Vampire Nighthawk and Gifted Aetherborn are extremely good against Aggro and burn decks.

2) Fatal Push is a very good removal spell, even when it’s not revolted.

3) Master of the Feast, despite having a huge drawback, is very powerful, and a very good finisher.

4) Sign in Blood is a great card, both as a decent draw spell and a black “burn spell”. I particularly like that feeling when you kill someone with a draw spell.



93% Competitive

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #28 position overall 6 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern 5 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors WURG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.26
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders good things, Modern, Budget, Facinating decks, BLACK&DEATH, Black, Net built, Modern
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