Mossflower's Infinite Wanderings
Commander / EDH
Wow this is, as kisloski said, scary. I would love to see this deck in action with multiple players and see their reaction once you get 1-3 of those off... +1 for creativity.
December 30, 2011 6:27 p.m.
mossflower says... #3
It's actually loads of fun. I always play with a friend of mine who has a a very aggressive control (board-wipes all over the place supported by creature bombs) black deck. He tends to draw all the hate, and after a good long game (like I said, never tutor the combos), my deck will randomly win. It's great.
December 31, 2011 1:40 a.m.
Kenny_Smith1234 says... #4
Everflowing Chalice ...derp. Infinite Mana. Add an Fauna Shaman , and an Elvish Piper .
Maybe some of the Shrines from New Phyrexia.
January 2, 2012 11:19 p.m.
mossflower says... #5
Infinite mana is the best. One can never have enough mana. =)
As for Fauna Shaman and Elvish Piper , I admit they would be good. However, I like showing off my foil Sylvan Ranger and Elvish Visionary (this is one of the few decks I've made that I actually own), and those are the only 2 cards that it would make sense to replace. I may trade the foil Sylvan Ranger for a normal Fauna Shaman , however. Maybe someone out there will make me that trade...
January 2, 2012 11:41 p.m.
Kenny_Smith1234 says... #6
Trade for a foil one ;)
Foil is always bett-wait, no. A foil Necrogen Scudder is still terrible.
January 2, 2012 11:44 p.m.
mossflower says... #8
Temple Bell certainly would give more control over the card draw, but I actually enjoy the shenanigans that Font of Mythos leads to.
January 5, 2012 3:03 p.m.
Consider Hunted Phantasm , Hunted Troll , or Collective Restraint .
January 18, 2012 10:51 p.m.
mossflower says... #10
No thanks to the hunted stuff, though Hunted Troll .. I'll admit that it is appealing based off the fact that it is a troll.... It's ok; I already have Mossbridge Troll , the biggest troll around.
As for Collective Restraint , I have no idea what I would take out at this point.
January 19, 2012 12:33 a.m.
You should seriously consider taking something out. No one will be able to attack you with that enchantment active, with gives you ample time to set up infinites.
January 19, 2012 3:15 a.m.
mossflower says... #13
I did eventually find a slot for Collective Restraint . Now I need to find one for Carpet of Flowers . Card has Mossbridge Troll written all over it. Speaking of which, I could have sworn I had a Mosswort Bridge ...
February 27, 2012 2:50 a.m.
mossflower says... #15
Admittedly, you do need a sac outlet to be able to re-cast Maelstrom Wanderer an infinite number of times (and therefore cast your entire deck onto the field), but I think having 9 different outlets provides a good chance of finding one when you want it. You can even use it to power Etherium-Horn Sorcerer , Sphinx of Magosi , or Clockwork Dragon (and, hey! They have haste, right?). I kind of also want to keep Comet Storm just to have answers to creatures (yeah, this deck focuses on being answered instead of running answers), but cascading into a Comet Storm is always an annoying experience.
July 7, 2012 10:47 p.m.
deedeedee401 says... #16
you should probably add X effect cards in order to get more out of your mana combos
July 7, 2012 11:57 p.m.
fideljongil says... #17
The Comprehensive Rules define a mana ability as either...
605.1a An activated ability without a target that could put mana into a players mana pool when it resolves is a mana ability.
605.1b A triggered ability without a target that triggers from activating a mana ability and could put mana into a players mana pool when it resolves is a mana ability.
Just saying that Rings of brighthearth can't copy your monolith
Otherwise though very nice deck. I would add some x cost cards though so that you plenty of other win conditions. I mean wouldn't you love to comet storm an edh game and kill every player with a single spell? Or genesis wave for that matter which will pull out your whole deck without having to cast your general over and over.
July 8, 2012 12:36 p.m.
mossflower says... #18
Hmmm.... I guess that combo doesn't work; thanks for the catch. I'll have to rethink that.
And I have thought about the X-cost spells. I did run Comet Storm and Genesis Wave at first, but I found a few issues with having them in the deck:
1) Cascading into them with Maelstrom Wanderer is frustrating. You can't pay their X cost, so they will always waste one of your cascades if you hit them.
2) They have to be in hand the turn that you get infinite mana to be effective. Unlike the sac outlets, you can't play them a few turns earlier and then get infinite mana to instantly win; this leaves them more vulnerable to counterspells and decks that are focused on making you discard. You also can't get infinite mana and then cascade into them (yes, this is that annoying).
With that said, I realize the potential benefits:
1) They work without requiring my general. If he gets tucked with Spell Crumple or Proteus Staff , they ensure I can still win. The fact is, though, I will always have my general. I can play the game so that I ensure I only play Maelstrom Wanderer after I have a sac outlet for him on the field. With the outlet, I can just sac Maelstrom Wanderer in response to whatever one of the 15 tucks (like Bant Charm ) targets him. The only tuck that works fast enough is Spell Crumple , to which I say always call elemental on Cavern of Souls .
2) They're still effective even without infinite mana. Admittedly, they do tend to do more without infinite mana than my sac outlets do, but not enough so that they outweigh the 2 down-sides. Especially since the sac outlets for the most part do accomplish things before you get the infinite mana: card:Ashnod's Altar/Phyrexian Altar /Spawning Pit help power infinite mana combos; Shivan Harvest and Goblin Bombardment give you ways to deal with things your opponent is doing; Claws of Gix is Trinket Mage able (this is important); Greater Good allows you through go through your deck faster to find combo pieces; Perilous Forays ramps (also important). These are helped by the fact that they can be done instant-speed at end of their turn or in response to kill spells/creature board wipes. Altar of Dementia is the only one I'm uncertain about, but I like the fact that it enables a mill win-con (after you cascaded your deck onto the field).
tl;dr: I love my general, he's the only win-con necessary.
July 8, 2012 3:35 p.m.
deedeedee401 says... #19
cards like sigarda shut your deck down completely then
July 9, 2012 5:13 a.m.
mossflower says... #21
You mean just Angel of Jubilation ? I don't think there is any other card similar to it? If someone happens to play it (or some unknown card that is similar), I should kill it: Chandra Nalaar , Triskelion , Contagion Engine . In fact, even Capsize deals with it long enough to get around its restriction. Then there's always the chance of getting Clockwork Dragon or Sphinx of Magosi and pumping the infinite mana into them/ keep swinging with my general (with its 7 power thats most likely hasting out on turn 5) at the opponent.
A bigger worry that I have is playing against a control player who methodically counters the best cards in my infinite mana combos.Cutting off the mana to cast my general more than once is a serious problem, and its actually likely to happen. Then there's the luck factor of not finding a combo in time (especially against something like a Kaalia of the Vast deck).
July 9, 2012 11:22 p.m.
why is there no Deadeye Navigator i can pull off an infinite turn combo using Deadeye Navigator , Peregrine Drake , Time Warp and Mnemonic Wall
July 12, 2012 10:28 p.m.
deedeedee401 says... #23
4 card combo that only works by itself and nothing else in the EDH deck...doesn't seem worth it. just using tamiyo and time warp is enough
July 13, 2012 2:06 a.m.
fideljongil says... #24
I made this same comment about rings to someone else and what he said is that rings is used with mana vault and basat monolith. you tap both for three, then pay three to untap basalt monolith, pay two to copy that ability and untap mana vault and then repeat.
July 13, 2012 9:54 a.m.
mossflower says... #25
Oh, so that turn one win does work. Awesome. I knew there was a way to get infinite mana with rings and basalt monolith. I had forgotten that you could use it to untap other artifacts.
I would totally run Deadeye Navigator if it triggered my general, but without that or more combos with him, he's not worth it.
I've also thought more about Comet Storm : It's a creature answer that my deck is missing. The versatility and responsiveness it provides makes it worth the occasional bad cascade, I think.
kisloski says... #1
this is pure evil, man! i don't really play EDH but this looks scary as hell! +1 for many infinite loops on dmg, life and turns :)
December 28, 2011 6:56 a.m.