Most underrated commander of all time

Commander / EDH griffstick

SCORE: 225 | 175 COMMENTS | 41025 VIEWS | IN 98 FOLDERS

Masamuro, First to Live deserves a spot in the 99.

September 29, 2015 8:28 p.m.

first off, not underrated. he sees a lot of play and is overall, FUCKING AWESOME.

second, I am flattered you linked me.

third: cards.

Abundance is perfect and awesome for green. Momentous Fall is pretty awesome too. why no Eternal Witness? Weird Harvest could be good for getting your biggies. Seedtime is something you MAY wanna consider, but more I just really love the card. Harmonize is a must in all green EDH decks.

that is all.

September 29, 2015 8:31 p.m.

-Logician says... #13

@Scott_Anderson Masumaro, First to Live is good in terms of power and toughness, but weak in terms of impact. I'm not sure I'd even recommend it for this deck.

September 29, 2015 8:33 p.m.

I don't like oneshot token producers in EDH unless they put out a giant number of tokens all at once. Miming Slime falls into the former category. For comparison, something like Waiting in the Weeds or One Dozen Eyes would be much more appropriate. You're trading off a fatty token (which good God, half your deck is fatties anyways, so you really don't need a flimsy token fatty along with it) for multiple smaller tokens that will be harder for your opponent to deal with.

September 29, 2015 9:01 p.m.

griffstick says... #15

I like all your suggestions a lot of then have a price tag that is 5 dollars or more so it will take me a while to acquire and make the changes. And side note I like Masumaro, First to Live cause its only 50 cents vs Mana Reflection which I may never buy at almost 20$. But I appreciate all the support. So keep it coming.

September 29, 2015 9:05 p.m.

-Logician says... #16

I think that canterlotguardian agrees with me on the general idea that there are just be too many fatties in this deck. There's so much room to cut generic big creatures for something better.

September 29, 2015 9:07 p.m.

griffstick says... #17

Woodland Bellower, and Nylea, God of the Hunt, ii really like. Also Weird Harvest is cool. Additionally it sounds like some of you are saying I should make good use of "landfall" type effects

September 29, 2015 9:22 p.m.

pipercraven says... #18

September 30, 2015 8 a.m.

griffstick says... #20


October 1, 2015 1:23 a.m.

seb9011 says... #21

I made a deck very similar to this a while ago, however mine is focused more on a group hug until I can draw about 30 cards in one turn. I do really like your version however and there is more green beat down. enter link description here

October 1, 2015 2:30 p.m.

Don't forget to take advantage of multiplayer card draw - Temple Bell, Rites of Flourishing, Otherworld Atlas. I see you have Howling Mine, but doubling or tripling the effect will work in your favor too much to be ignored. Not to mention it might steer early hate away from you, since you are benefiting the whole table.

You can also speed up hands that might get flooded with your high cost cards with cards like Early Harvest. Green decks also tend to have a need to be ahead of the curve, so adding more ramp spells (especially value ramp spells like Cultivate and Kodama's Reach), is a really good way to make sure you can put down your threats and win-cons before they can be answered.

October 1, 2015 2:30 p.m.

Teal_Fox says... #23

I'm finding the lack of Greater Good most disturbing, as the amount of card advantage it can net you is downright whack. And if you couple it with something like Concordant Crossroads, you have yourself a very threatening commander.

October 2, 2015 1:43 a.m.

griffstick says... #24

i didnt even think of that haste stuff thats a good card, Concordant Crossroads. so would Akroma's Memorial. but akroma's memorial adds evasion... As for greater good you are correct, but what 1 Howling Mine does in a four player game is the same as sacrificing a 7/7 creature to Greater Good. im not sure i like the idea of giving my opponents creatures haste too but if im giving them cards why not give them haste too lol. i think the ways to abuse him is putting cards in my opponents hands as well as my own, is the way to go. also evasion seeems to be the real deal for him to be threatening. like trample, flying, this guy Siege Behemoth and this guy Bellowing Tanglewurm. im working on making changes and im thinking about maybe 5-6 changes will be made shortly. i will post the changes in my update box

October 2, 2015 2:27 a.m.

FGKG123 says... #25

Greater Good is amazing in this deck.

October 2, 2015 5:29 p.m.

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