Mostly Selesnya

Modern Goody


theonyc says... #1

sorry i wrote a lot but this should help

i would take out 2 card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and 3 Centaur Healer , for a Silverblade Paladin , Loxodon Smiter , Restoration Angel and 2 Rancor s. also, if you can get some, Sublime Archangel might be better then Restoration Angel .

for your lands: take out 2 Grove of the Guardian s 1 forest, and 1 plains for 4 Sunpetal Grove s, if you still want a land with an effect, use Gavony Township instead (still 4 sun petal groves though)

also you sideboard needs work, Sundering Growth , Oblivion Ring , and Rootborn Defenses (only play one Rootborn Defenses instead of 2) is fine, but everything else is terrible. i would run 3 Rest in Peace , 4 Nevermore and 4 Centaur Healer s. the rest in peace is for reanimator and control, the Nevermore s are for annoying stuff and the Centaur Healer s is for faster aggro another thought is to take out the growths (because you have 3 o-rings) and add in your trostani's

if you do as i suggested it should be a lot more effectiveother then that, looks good +1

December 15, 2012 1:26 a.m.

Goody says... #2

@theonyc You didn't write a lot. I wrote a lot.

Original version of this deck was a bit more token-heavy, which is why I have related cards (card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Eyes in the Skies , etc.) everywhere.

I really enjoy Trostani. It's rare that I play it and lose, unless I'm topdecking lands. Really it just swings games around if I have/get at least one token (4x Call of the Conclave , 4x Thragtusk , 3x Selesnya Charm , 2x Grove of the Guardian ), and even if I just get regular creatures I just have to play them and I'm gaining life.

Centaur Healer s are very good against aggro or burn (Rakdos/Izzet or even mirror match) but I would consider sideboarding them for more 3 drops. I wouldn't take them out for mostly higher drops, however, because my mana curve is amazing right now.

I would never include 4 Rancor s in here, or in almost any deck for that matter. It's already recursive by itself, so there's really no need and I'd be better off having more creatures to play them with than getting stuck with two or three in hand and dead creatures. I'll try to find a spot for a third mainboard though.

Sublime Archangel and Gavony Township are clearly meant for two different strategies, and really neither of those fit the deck. I'm rarely attacking with just one creature, but at the same time, I don't run enough weenies/tokens to justify gavony. I'd rather keep my flying Thragtusk blinkers and my vigilant 8/8s, they've won me several games already.

I don't own the Sunpetal Grove s but I'll add them to the mainboard since this deck isn't fully built anyways.

I played with Rest in Peace on my sideboard at a small tournament tonight and it did wonders for me, I'll definitely include them as a 2 or 3-of in there. Nevermore I'm not so sure about, I'd only use it for noncreature spells, and enchantments end up as dead weight in a creature-based deck; I'd maybe put it as a 2-of max in the sideboard.

I actually had Rootborn Defenses mainboard when it had more token generation but I found that as the deck gets closer to this version, they lose effectiveness. I'd consider replacing or running them with card:Faith's Shield or Sheltering Word , but indestructible is so valuable against cards like Supreme Verdict that I might do something like 2 of each on sideboard.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll update the deck now!

December 15, 2012 2:13 a.m.

Goody says... #3

So the Centaur Healer s are obvious sideboard against faster aggro, but I'm still not sure what to side out for them. Maybe Wolfir Silverheart , maybe Restoration Angel ? I could also side in card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice against aggro for the 5 toughness and lifegain.

Any archetypes that I miss a sideboard against?

January 20, 2013 5:51 p.m.

Chubbub says... #4

Ethereal Armor is a really good card, especially with Rancor . Check out my deck, deck:palisade-protection. +1

January 20, 2013 5:59 p.m.

Goody says... #5

I'm still debating if I should have Garruk, Primal Hunter and card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice mainboard. Not sure what I would take out for them.

February 3, 2013 2:27 p.m.

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